gnuplot - 点图中的条件颜色

时间:2015-07-24 02:44:28

标签: colors conditional gnuplot points


ClockIndex       Max AvgStd  Avg      Num    Threshold
"ck1 (1.54 GHz)" 35  +16.30   11    11583    X
"ck2 (1.54 GHz)" 28  +16.66   12    10669    -
"ck3 (1.54 GHz)" 29  +14.47    9     8036    -
"ck4 (1.54 GHz)" 35  +18.99   12     5685    -
"ck5 (1.54 GHz)" 9   +6.04     3       11    -



set xtics rotate
set xlabel ""
set ylabel "Levels"
set title "Levels - foo"
set key autotitle columnhead
set term png medium size 1200,600
set grid
set output "foo.png"
plot "foo.rpt" using 2:xticlabels(1) with points pt 13 ps 2 lt rgb "blue",\
"" using 3:xticlabels(1) with points pt 13 ps 2 lt rgb "red",\
"" using 4:xticlabels(1) with points pt 13 ps 2 lt rgb "black



plot "< awk '{if($6 == \"X\") print }' foo.rpt" using 2:xticlabels(1) with points pt 13 ps 2 lt rgb "blue",\
"" using 3:xticlabels(1) with points pt 13 ps 2 lt rgb "red",\
"" using 4:xticlabels(1) with points pt 13 ps 2 lt rgb "black"
"< awk '{if($6 == \"-\") print }' foo.rpt" using 2:xticlabels(1) with points pt 13 ps 2 lt rgb "green",\
"" using 3:xticlabels(1) with points pt 13 ps 2 lt rgb "red",\
"" using 4:xticlabels(1) with points pt 13 ps 2 lt rgb "black"


"foo_gnuplot", line 11: warning: Skipping data file with no valid points

任何帮助将不胜感激!非常感谢您一起来看看! :)

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


plot "foo.rpt" using 2:xticlabels(1) with points pt 13 ps 2 lt rgb "blue",\
"" using 3:xticlabels(1) with points pt 13 ps 2 lt rgb "red",\
"" using 4:xticlabels(1) with points pt 13 ps 2 lt rgb "black",\
"" using (strcol(6) eq "X" )?($2):(1/0):xticlabels(1) with points pt 13 ps 2 lt rgb "green"


使用该代码,原始点用绿色点叠印。 (如果要完全删除原始(现在隐藏)蓝点,可以在绘图命令的第一行中使用相同的技术。)

答案 1 :(得分:0)


plot "foo.rpt" using 3:xticlabels(1) with points pt 13 ps 2 lt rgb "red",\
"" using 4:xticlabels(1) with points pt 13 ps 2 lt rgb "black",\
"" using (strcol(6) eq "X" )?($2):(1/0):xticlabels(1) with points pt 13 ps 2 lt rgb "green"
"" using (strcol(6) eq "-" )?($2):(1/0):xticlabels(1) with points pt 13 ps 2 lt rgb "blue"
