实体框架6 - DbFunction的扩展方法

时间:2015-07-23 21:49:36

标签: c# entity-framework entity-framework-6



from item in context.SomeTableOrView 
  let sub = from sub1 in context.SomeTableOrView where 
  sub1.DataTimeStamp > item.DataTimeStamp.AddMinutes(60) &&
  sub1.DataTimeStamp < item.DataTimeStamp.AddMinutes(300) 
select posSub1 where 
select item

当然,Entity Framework没有任何.AddMinutes(x)支持,您必须使用新的DbFunctions静态方法。我们无法破解代码,因此我们必须对其进行改造。想到的第一个解决方案就是替换包含.AddMinutes(x).AddSeconds(x)的任何内容的文本,或者我们在DateTime周围所做的任何事情,只需替换为新函数和完成它。这都是预编译的,因此从技术上讲是可行的。我只是吃正则表达式。如果有人知道我会怎么做,我很乐意接受这个答案。

但我想了解EntityFramework如何处理扩展方法。由于DateTime.AddMinutes(x)的返回会返回一个新的DateTime,我是否可以创建一个扩展方法来返回一个表达式,该表达式会相当于DbFunctions.AddMinutes(time, increment)或类似的创意? DbFunctions是静态的,所以我不能返回Func<DbFunctions>


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2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


实体框架6是愚蠢的。它只是尝试从方法中获取关联的[DbFunction]属性,并使用DbExpression 私有类将该方法替换为System.Data.Entity.Core.Objects.ELinq.ExpressionConverter.Translator。因此,无法从外部代码注册自定义转换器。此外,.NET不提供动态地将属性附加到语言结构的功能。


  • 在源代码中调用DbFunctions类的方法替换方法(ReSharper SSR对此有用);
  • 实现ExpressionVisitor(以及可能的IQueryProvider),它将使用DbFunctions类的方法替换方法调用。
  • 实施ExpressionVisitor(以及可能的IQueryProvider),它会将方法调用表达式转换为DbFunctionExpression

答案 1 :(得分:1)



    private static string Linq2SqlConvertToEntityFramework(string originalQuery)
        // Finds expressions with .Add____)
        const string dateTimeAdditationPattern = @"(@?[a-z_A-Z]\w*(?:\.@?[a-z_A-Z]\w*)*).Add\s*.+?(?=\))\)";
        // Finds all the matches
        var matchces = Regex.Matches(originalQuery, dateTimeAdditationPattern);

        // Enumerates all the matches, and creates a patch
        foreach (Match m in matchces)
            var inputValue = m.Value;

            string valuePassed = inputValue.Between("(", ")").Trim();
            string typeOfAddition = inputValue.Between(".Add", "(").Trim();
            string dateTimeExpression = inputValue.Before(".Add").Trim();

            // because DateTime.AddMinutes()  (or any other AddXXX(Y) accepts a double, and 
            // DbFunctions only accepts an int,
            // We must move this to milliseconds so we dont lose any expected behavior
            // The input value could be an int or a input variable (such as a sub query)
            var mutipler = 1;
            switch (typeOfAddition)
                case "Seconds":
                    mutipler = 1000;
                case "Minutes":
                    mutipler = 1000*60;
                case "Hours":
                    mutipler = 1000 * 60 * 60;
                case "Days":
                    mutipler = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;

            // new expression to work with Entity Framework
            var replacementString = string.Format("DbFunctions.AddMilliseconds({0},(int)({1} * {2}))", dateTimeExpression, valuePassed, mutipler);

            // Simple string replace for the input string
            originalQuery = originalQuery.Replace(inputValue, replacementString);

        return originalQuery;

    /// <summary>
    /// Get string value between [first] a and [last] b.
    /// Credit Source: http://www.dotnetperls.com/between-before-after
    /// </summary>
    public static string Between(this string value, string a, string b)
        int posA = value.IndexOf(a, StringComparison.InvariantCulture);
        int posB = value.LastIndexOf(b, StringComparison.InvariantCulture);
        if (posA == -1)
            return "";
        if (posB == -1)
            return "";
        int adjustedPosA = posA + a.Length;
        if (adjustedPosA >= posB)
            return "";
        return value.Substring(adjustedPosA, posB - adjustedPosA);

    /// <summary>
    /// Get string value after [first] a.
    /// Credit Source: http://www.dotnetperls.com/between-before-after
    /// </summary>
    public static string Before(this string value, string a)
        int posA = value.IndexOf(a, StringComparison.InvariantCulture);
        if (posA == -1)
            return "";
        return value.Substring(0, posA);

    /// <summary>
    /// Get string value after [last] a.
    /// Credit Source: http://www.dotnetperls.com/between-before-after
    /// </summary>
    public static string After(this string value, string a)
        int posA = value.LastIndexOf(a, StringComparison.InvariantCulture);
        if (posA == -1)
            return "";
        int adjustedPosA = posA + a.Length;
        if (adjustedPosA >= value.Length)
            return "";
        return value.Substring(adjustedPosA);