dd dsync结果非常慢。这是正常的吗?

时间:2015-07-22 16:05:04

标签: performance dd


 I am using : 

dd if = x.b1 of = x.b10 bs = 8192 oflag = 101MB文件的dsync

  to simulate how our database is writing to disk (the dsync flag was suggested by our database vendor), and while normal dd commands without the dsync option are showing 80-100 Mb/s, with the dsync command I am getting results in the 160Kb/s-200Kb/s range.    


dd if = / dev / zero of = / dev / sda bs = 8192 oflag = dsync

显示更多预期的80-100Mb / s速度,这似乎表明它在我们的自定义操作系统中正在减慢速度。我们在自定义SuseLinux以及OracleOS(32位和64位)下运行这些测试,我们继续看到这些非常低的数字。

你能告诉我一些关于问题所在的想法吗? 感谢

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