jQuery keyup和输入事件触发两次

时间:2015-07-22 06:38:29

标签: javascript jquery

我遇到类似问题,library("dplyr") bind_rows(lapply(seq(refs), function(i) data.frame(GI = names(refs)[i], as.data.frame(refs[[i]][lengths(refs[[i]]) > 0])))) 事件被触发两次。我通过添加​using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Serialization; namespace ConsoleApplication1 { class Program { const string FILENAME = @"c:\temp\test.xml"; static void Main(string[] args) { AnimalDescriptions animalDescriptions = new AnimalDescriptions(); animalDescriptions.Start(); animalDescriptions.Serialize(FILENAME); AnimalDescriptions newAnimalDescriptions = animalDescriptions.DeSerialize(FILENAME); } } [XmlRoot("animalDescriptions")] public class AnimalDescriptions { [XmlElement("animalDescription")] public List<AnimalDescription> animalDescriptions { get; set; } public void Start() { animalDescriptions = new List<AnimalDescription>() { new AnimalDescription() { name = "Of the Bear-Ape ARCTOPITHECUS.", description = "There is in America a very deformed beast which the inhabitants call Haut or Hauti, and the Frenchmen, Guenon, " + "as big as a great African Munkey. His belly hangeth very low, his head and face like unto a childs, as may be seen by " + "this lively picture, and being taken it will fight like a young child. His skin is of an ash-colour, and hairy like a Bear; " + "he hath but three claws on a foot, as long as four fingers, and like the thornes of Privet, where-by he climeth up into the " + "highest trees, and for the most part liveth of the leaves of a certain tree being of an exceeding height, which the Americans " + "call Amahut, and thereof this beast is called Haut. Their tail is about three fingers long, having very little hair there-on; " + "I observed, that although it often rained, yet was that beast never wet.", screenshotPrefix = "ARCTOPITHECUS_" }, new AnimalDescription() { name = "Of the SIMIVULPA, or Apifb-Fox.", description = "…they have seen a four-footed beast, the forepart like a Fox, and in the hinder part like an Ape, except that it had a mans " + "feet, and ears like a Bat, and underneath the common belly, there was a skin like a bag or scrip, where-in she keepeth, lodgeth, " + "and carryeth her young ones, until they are able to provide for themselves, without the help of their dam; neither do they come " + "forth of that receptacle, except it be to suck milk, or sport themselves, so that the same under-belly is her best remedy against " + "the furious Hunters, and other ravening beasts, to preserve her young ones, for she is incredibly swift, running with that carriage " + "as if she has no burden. It hath a tail like a Munkey…", screenshotPrefix = "SIMIVULPA_" }, new AnimalDescription() { name = "The SCYTHIAN WOLF.", description = "…they have seen a four-footed beast, the forepart like a Fox, and in the hinder part like an Ape, except that it had a mans " + "feet, and ears like a Bat, and underneath the common belly, there was a skin like a bag or scrip, where-in she keepeth, lodgeth, " + "and carryeth her young ones, until they are able to provide for themselves, without the help of their dam; neither do they come " + "forth of that receptacle, except it be to suck milk, or sport themselves, so that the same under-belly is her best remedy against " + "the furious Hunters, and other ravening beasts, to preserve her young ones, for she is incredibly swift, running with that carriage " + "as if she has no burden. It hath a tail like a Munkey…", screenshotPrefix = "SCYTHIAN_WOLF_" }, new AnimalDescription() { name = "Of the TATUS, or Guinean Beast.", description = "This is a four-footed strange Beast, it is naturally covered with a hard shell, divided and interlined like the fins of fishes, " + "outwardly seeming buckled to the back like Coat-armor, within which the beast draweth up his body, as a Hedge-hog doth within his " + "prickled skin; and therefore I take it to be a Brasilian Hedge-hog. It is not much greater than a little Pig, and by the snout, ears, " + "legs, and feet thereof, it seemeth to be of that kind, saving that the snout is a little broader, and shorter than a Pigs, and the " + "tail very long like a Lizards or Rats, and one of these being brought into France, did live upon the eating of seeds, and fruits of " + "the Gardens, but it appeareth by that picture, or rather the stuffed, which Adriausus Mercellus the Apothecary…that the feet thereof " + "are not cloven into two parts like Swine, but rather into many like Dogs, for upon the hinderfeet there are five toes, and upon the " + "fore feet four, whereof two are so small that they are scarce visible. The breadth of that same skin was about seven fingers, and the " + "length of it two spans, the shell or crust upon the back of it did not reach down unto the rump or tail, but broke off as it were upon " + "the hips, some four fingers from the tail.", screenshotPrefix = "TATUS_" }, new AnimalDescription() { name = "Of the GULON", description = "This Beast was not known by the Ancients, but hath been since discovered in the Northern parts of the World, and because of the " + "voracity thereof, it is called (Gula)…is thought to be engendered by a Hyena and a Lioness, for the quality it resembleth a Hiena, " + "and it is the same which is called (Crocuta;) it is a devouring and an unprofitable creature, having sharper teeth than other creatures. " + "Some think it is derived of a Wolf and a Dog, for it is about the bigness of a Dog; it hath the face of Cat, the body and tail of a Fox; " + "being black of colour; his feet and nails be most sharp, his skin rusty, the hair very sharp, and it feedeth upon dead carkases. When it " + "hath found a dead carcass he eateth thereof so violently, that his belly standeth out like a bell; then he seeketh for some narrow passage " + "betwixt two trees, and there draweth through his body, by pressing whereof, he driveth out the meat which he had eaten; and being so emptied " + "returneth and devoureth as much as he did before, and goeth again and emptieth himself as in former manner; and so continueth eating and " + "emptying till all be eaten.", screenshotPrefix = "GULON_" }, new AnimalDescription() { name = "Of the SUCCORATH", description = "…it is of a very deformed shape, and monstrous presence, a great ravener and untamable wilde Beast. When the Hunters that desire her " + "skin set upon her, she flyeth very swift, carrying her young ones upon her back, and covering them with her broad tail: Hunters dig " + "several pits or great holes in the earth, which they cover with boughs, sticks, and earth, so weakly that if the Beast chance at any " + "time to come upon it, she and her young ones fall down into the pit and are taken. This cruel, untamable, impatient, violent, ravening, " + "and bloudy beast, perceiving that her natural strength cannot deliver her from the wit and policy of men her hunters, (for being inclosed " + "she can never get out again.)…she destroyeth them all with her own teeth; for there was never any of them taken alive…And this is all I " + "finde recorded of this most savage Beast.", screenshotPrefix = "SUCCORATH_" } }; RandomizeAnimals(); } public void Serialize(string filename) { XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(AnimalDescriptions)); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filename); serializer.Serialize(writer, this); writer.Flush(); writer.Close(); writer.Dispose(); } public AnimalDescriptions DeSerialize(string filename) { XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(AnimalDescriptions)); XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(filename); AnimalDescriptions animalDescriptions = (AnimalDescriptions)xs.Deserialize(reader); animalDescriptions.RandomizeAnimals(); return animalDescriptions; } void RandomizeAnimals() { System.Random rand = new System.Random(); foreach (AnimalDescription animalDescription in animalDescriptions) { animalDescription.randomNumber = rand.Next(); } animalDescriptions.Sort((firstObj, secondObj) => { return firstObj.randomNumber.CompareTo(secondObj.randomNumber); }); //or //animalDescriptions = animalDescriptions.OrderBy(x => x.randomNumber).ToList(); } } [XmlRoot("animalDescription")] public class AnimalDescription { [XmlAttribute("name")] public string name { get; set; } [XmlAttribute("description")] public string description { get; set; } [XmlAttribute("screenshotPrefix")] public string screenshotPrefix { get; set; } [XmlIgnore] public int randomNumber; } } touchstart click解决了这个问题,如下所示:



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是的,您可以尝试使用.stop() jquery函数。




$('.upload-area').on('touchstart click', function(e) {