My question is similar to this但它有点复杂,而且太过于无法改变那里提供的方法。
2 people
User Details:
Firstname Lastname
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus elementum ultricies pellentesque. Sed ullamcorper orci urna, et sagittis orci rhoncus quis.
Donec laoreet neque lectus, nec congue felis cursus non. Sed ac pulvinar nunc, vel cursus nulla. Curabitur at nisl ipsum. Etiam efficitur quam tortor, id malesuada lacus laoreet ac. Cras varius felis sem, id interdum enim accumsan et.
var people = 2
var name = firstname + lastname
var phone = 123456789
var email =
var fbook =
var extras = Service1, Service2
var price = $1500
var comments = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus elementum ultricies pellentesque. Sed ullamcorper orci urna, et sagittis orci rhoncus quis.
Donec laoreet neque lectus, nec congue felis cursus non. Sed ac pulvinar nunc, vel cursus nulla. Curabitur at nisl ipsum. Etiam efficitur quam tortor, id malesuada lacus laoreet ac. Cras varius felis sem, id interdum enim accumsan et."
请记住,在某些情况下可能缺少变量。例如,用户没有放置电子邮件和/或facebook URL,因此这些行可能是空的,甚至缺少空行。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
var input = "Booking:\n2 people\n\nUser Details:\nFirstname Lastname\n123456789\n\\n\nExtras:\nService1\nService2\n\nPricing:\n$1500/-\n\nComments:\nLorem ipsum\n\ndolor sit amet";
// the input string is split into seperate lines and stored in array "lines":
var lines = input.split("\n");
// lines[0]="Booking:", lines[1]="2 people", lines[2]="", lines[3]="User Details" ...
// The lines are split per section, and stored in 2D-array "result":
// With expect=0 we look for sections[0], which is "Bookings".
// If the line "Bookings:" is found, "expect" is incremented to 1, so that
// we're now looking for sections[1], which is "User Details", and so on...
// If a line is found that is not the expected section title, and it's not empty,
// we add the line to the current section with push().
var sections = ["Booking", "User Details", "Extras", "Pricing", "Comments"];
var expect = 0, result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
if (lines[i] == sections[expect] + ":") result[expect++] = []
else if (result.length && lines[i] != "") result[result.length - 1].push(lines[i]);
// result[0][0]="2 people" (first line under "Booking")
// result[1][0]="Firstname Lastname" (first line under "User Details")
// result[1][1]="123456789" (second line under "User Details")
// result[1][2]="" (second line under "User Details")
// ...
// result[4][0]="Lorem ipsum" (first line under "Comments")
// result[4][1]="dolor sit amet" (third line under "Comments", empty line is skipped)
// If all 5 sections have been found, we extract the variables:
var people, name, phone = "", email = "", fbook = "", extras = "", price, comments = "";
if (result.length == 5)
// people = the integer number at the beginning of the 1st line of the 1st section:
people = parseInt(result[0].shift());
// name = the 1st line of the 2nd section:
name = result[1].shift();
// The rest of the 2nd section is searched for the phone number, email and facebook.
// Because some of these lines may be missing, we cannot simply use the
// 1st line for phone, the 2nd line for email and the 3rd for facebook.
while (result[1].length) {
var temp = result[1].shift();
if ("") == 0) fbook = temp
else if ("@") > -1) email = temp
else phone = temp;
// All the lines in the 3rd section are added to string "extras".
// If the string is not empty, we put a comma between the parts:
while (result[2].length) {
if (extras.length) extras += ", ";
extras += result[2].shift();
// price = the floating-point number at the start of the 1st line of the 4th section:
price = parseFloat(result[3][0].substring(1));
// All the lines in the 5th section are added to string "comments".
// If the string is not empty, we put a newline between the parts:
while (result[4].length) {
if (comments.length) comments += "\n";
comments += result[4].shift();
alert("people: " + people + "\nname: " + name + "\nphone: " + phone + "\nemail: " + email + "\nfbook: " + fbook + "\nextras: " + extras + "\nprice: " + price + "\ncomments: " + comments);
答案 1 :(得分:1)
var input = "Booking:\n2 people\n\nUser Details:\nFirstname Lastname\n+32 (0)9 123.456.789\\\n\nExtras:\nService1\nService2\n\nPricing:\n$1500/-\n\nComments:\nLorem ipsum\n\ndolor sit amet";
var people, name, phone, email, fbook, extras, price, comments, temp;
// split input into 2 parts: data and comments (because the comments could contain any
// text, including names of sections and other things which may complicate the regex).
var parts = input.match(/^((?:.|\n)*?)\n\s*\n\s*Comments\s*:\s*\n((?:.|\n)*)/i);
if (parts && parts.length > 1)
temp = parts[1].match(/\s*Booking\s*:\s*\n\s*(\d+)\s*(?:person|people)/i);
if (temp && temp.length == 2) people = temp[1];
temp = parts[1].match(/\s*User\s*Details\s*:\s*\n\s*(.*?)\n/i);
if (temp && temp.length == 2) name = temp[1];
temp = parts[1].match(/\s*User\s*Details\s*:\s*\n(?:.*\n){0,1}\s*([\s\d./()+-]+?)\s*\n/i);
if (temp && temp.length == 2) phone = temp[1];
temp = parts[1].match(/\s*User\s*Details\s*:\s*\n(?:.*\n){0,2}\s*(.+?@.+?)\s*\n/i);
if (temp && temp.length == 2) email = temp[1];
temp = parts[1].match(/\s*User\s*Details\s*:\s*\n(?:.*\n){0,3}\s*(\/.+?)\s*\n/i);
if (temp && temp.length == 2) fbook = temp[1];
temp = parts[1].match(/\s*Extras\s*:\s*\n((?:.*\n?)*?)\n\s*Pricing:\s*\n/i);
if (temp && temp.length == 2) extras = temp[1].replace(/\n+/, ", ").replace(/\n+$/, "");
temp = parts[1].match(/\s*Pricing\s*:\s*\n\s*([$\d,.]+)/i);
if (temp && temp.length == 2) price = temp[1];
if (parts.length > 2) comments = parts[2];
alert("people: " + people + "\nname: " + name + "\nphone: " + phone + "\nemail: " + email + "\nfbook: " + fbook + "\nextras: " + extras + "\nprice: " + price + "\ncomments: " + comments);