
时间:2015-07-21 02:12:03

标签: python mongodb





import bottle
import pymongo
import guestbookDAO

#This is the default route, our index page.  Here we need to read the documents from MongoDB.
def guestbook_index():
    mynames_list = guestbook.find_names()
    return bottle.template('index', dict(mynames = mynames_list))

#We will post new entries to this route so we can insert them into MongoDB
@bottle.route('/newguest', method='POST')
def insert_newguest():
    name = bottle.request.forms.get("name")
    email = bottle.request.forms.get("email")

#This is to setup the connection

#First, setup a connection string. My server is running on this computer so localhost is OK
connection_string = "mongodb://localhost"
#Next, let PyMongo know about the MongoDB connection we want to use.  PyMongo will manage the connection pool
connection = pymongo.MongoClient(connection_string)
#Now we want to set a context to the names database we created using the mongo interactive shell
database = connection.names
#Finally, let out data access object class we built which acts as our data layer know about this
guestbook = guestbookDAO.GuestbookDAO(database)

bottle.debug(True)'localhost', port=8082) 


import string

class GuestbookDAO(object):

#Initialize our DAO class with the database and set the MongoDB collection we want to use
    def __init__(self, database):
        self.db = database
        self.mynames = database.mynames

#This function will handle the finding of names
    def find_names(self):
        l = []
        for each_name in self.mynames.find():
            l.append({'name':each_name['name'], 'email':each_name['email']})

        return l

#This function will handle the insertion of names
    def insert_name(self,newname,newemail):
        newname = {'name':newname,'email':newemail}

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