midje - 如何期望两个相同函数调用的不同结果(包括抛出异常)

时间:2015-07-20 21:50:26

标签: clojure midje

我已经实现了更新功能的重试策略(与数据库交谈) - 如果更新抛出异常,我会重试10次。我正在用midje嘲笑更新功能。我想模拟它第一次失败,第二次成功。我试过这个:

(fact "update is retried when failed"
  (ud/ensure-data {:username ..username.. :data :h}) => ..result..
    (ud/get-raw-user-data ..username..) => example-user-data-raw
    (ud/update-user-data {:username ..username..
                          :version 1
                          :userdata {:data {:h {}}}}) =throws=> (Exception.)
    (ud/update-user-data {:username ..username..
                          :version 1
                          :userdata {:data {:h {}}}}) => ..result..))


These calls were not made the right number of times:
(ud/update-user-data {:username ..username.., :version 1, :userdata {:homebases {:h {:sensors []}}}}) [expected at least once, actually never called]


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


(defn fn0 [] -1) ;; function we want to mock

;; fn1 retries fn0 if there is an exception
(defn fn1 [] (try 
               (catch Exception e 
                         (prn "Exception Caught, try again...")

(def call-count (atom -1))     ;; counts how many times fn0 is called

;; stub fn0 by returning different result
(defn make-stub [& result-seqs]
  (fn [& _]
    (swap! call-count inc)
    (let [result (nth result-seqs @call-count)]
      (if (instance? Throwable result)
        (throw result)

(fact "fn1 ignores first exception and returns second call to fn0"
  (with-redefs [fn0 (make-stub (Exception. "stubbed error") 100)]
    (fn1) => 100))