
时间:2015-07-20 18:20:59

标签: c# xml input save


public void setArma2PathToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Initialise Open File Dialogue
        OpenFileDialog a2Path = new OpenFileDialog();
        //Allow all files (although user will select .exe)
        a2Path.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*";

        //if the path is legit
        if (a2Path.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
            //get the directory and store it to a2Directory, same with a2OA and a3
            a2DirectoryPath = a2Path.FileName;
            a2DirectoryPathModFriendly = Path.GetDirectoryName(a2Path.FileName);

            //and tell the user it's been set
            string a2DirectoryPathString = string.Format("Arma 2 Path set to: {0}", a2DirectoryPath);
            MessageBox.Show(a2DirectoryPathString, "Arma 2 Path", MessageBoxButtons.OK);



public void launchArma2EpochChernarus_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string modsA2 = "@DayZ_Epoch";
        string ipA2 = "";
        int portA2 = ;

        ProcessStartInfo startA2 = new ProcessStartInfo();
        startA2.Arguments = string.Format("0 0 -skipintro -mod={0} -noSplash -noFilePatching -world=empty -connect={1} -port={2} \"-mod={3};expansion;\"", modsA2, ipA2, portA2, a2DirectoryPathModFriendly);
        startA2.FileName = a2OADirectoryPath;

        // Do you want to show a console window?
        startA2.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
        startA2.CreateNoWindow = false;
        int exitCode;

        // Run the external process & wait for it to finish
        using (Process proc = Process.Start(startA2))

            // Retrieve the app's exit code
            exitCode = proc.ExitCode;

所有目录都在程序中作为strings进一步声明。因此,在选择文件后,它们有4个选项,其中一个使用arma 2,如此处所示,需要访问Arma 2 exe才能启动问题是,它一直在重置时擦除,那么有没有办法存储该位置供以后使用?

谢谢你的阅读 -   BorderlineHypeR

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