我需要知道ADODB SQL Server连接返回的Visual Basic 6错误代码列表。我还想知道每个SQL ADODB错误代码的Err.Nativeerror。
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带有简要说明的ADODB错误代码表位于ADO Programmer's Reference > ADO API Reference > ADO Enumerated Constants。
OLE DB错误可能会传递给您的ADO应用程序。通常,这些 可以通过Windows设施代码4来识别。例如, 0x8004。
十六进制 - 完整错误号的十六进制表示。 Windows工具代码位于第四位。设施代码 对于ADO错误号是A.例如:0x800A0E7B。
另请参阅Microsoft的[MS-ERREF]: Windows Error Codes,其中包含指向Microsoft文档的pdf的链接,其中包含相当全面的代码列表及其说明。有一个RSS订阅源可以订阅更新通知。
请参阅Symantech的Error Codes list for Microsoft technologies非常全面的列表。
请参阅此Wikipedia topic HRESULT,其中描述了Microsoft用于HRESULT错误代码的错误代码格式。从主题的角度来看,比特的使用方式是:
S - Severity - indicates success/fail
0 - Success
1 - Failure
R - Reserved portion of the facility code, corresponds to NT's second severity bit.
1 - Severe Failure
C - Customer. This bit specifies if the value is customer-defined or Microsoft-defined.
0 - Microsoft-defined
1 - Customer-defined
N - Reserved portion of the facility code. Used to indicate a mapped NT status value.
X - Reserved portion of the facility code. Reserved for internal use. Used to indicate HRESULT values that are not status values, but are instead message ids for display strings.
Facility - indicates the system service that is responsible for the error. Example facility codes are shown below (for the full list see [1]).
1 - RPC
2 - Dispatch (COM dispatch)
3 - Storage (OLE storage)
4 - ITF (COM/OLE Interface management)
7 - Win32 (raw Win32 error codes)
8 - Windows
9 - SSPI
10 - Control
11 - CERT (Client or server certificate)
Code - is the facility's status code
The ITF facility code has subsequently been recycled as the range in which COM components can define their own component-specific error code.
adErrItemNotFound - -2146825023 or 0x800A0CC1 - Item cannot be found in the collection that corresponds to the requested name or ordinal.
adErrNoCurrentRecord - -2146825267 or 0x800A0BCD - Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.
adErrObjectNotSet - -2146824868 or 0x800A0D5C - Object is no longer valid.
时导致HRESULT为0x800A0CC1,这是因为我没有正确设置SAFEARRAY。请参阅usage differences between _variant_t, COleVariant, CComVariant, and VARIANT and using SAFEARRAY variations。