我没有在Snap中找到将元素转换为可放置目标的特定函数。我认为jQuery UI功能(拖放)可能有助于解决这个难题。
“未捕获的ReferenceError:$未定义(匿名函数)@ main_jquery_snap.js:1"
如果从jQuery命令$(document).ready(function() {}
运行,则svg对象不会显示。如果我在Snap window.onload = function(){}
// Manipulate Snap-object and its elements by jQuery
$("document").ready(function() {
// initialise Snap, pointing to the svg just created and assign it to a variable. In our case the variable is called "s"
// svg_1 re: 1.a task
var s_1 = Snap("#svg_1");
// Visible horizontal lines (starting from above the page)
var line1_tact1_vis_s1 = s_1.rect(20, 40, 180, 1);
var line2_tact1_vis_s1 = s_1.rect(20, 60, 180, 1);
var line3_tact1_vis_s1 = s_1.rect(20, 80, 180, 1);
var line4_tact1_vis_s1 = s_1.rect(20, 100, 180, 1);
var line5_tact1_vis_s1 = s_1.rect(20, 120, 180, 1);
var line1_tact2_vis_s1 = s_1.rect(200, 40, 140, 1);
var line2_tact2_vis_s1 = s_1.rect(200, 60, 140, 1);
var line3_tact2_vis_s1 = s_1.rect(200, 80, 140, 1);
var line4_tact2_vis_s1 = s_1.rect(200, 100, 140, 1);
var line5_tact2_vis_s1 = s_1.rect(200, 120, 140, 1);
var line1_tact3_vis_s1 = s_1.rect(340, 40, 140, 1);
var line2_tact3_vis_s1 = s_1.rect(340, 60, 140, 1);
var line3_tact3_vis_s1 = s_1.rect(340, 80, 140, 1);
var line4_tact3_vis_s1 = s_1.rect(340, 100, 140, 1);
var line5_tact3_vis_s1 = s_1.rect(340, 120, 140, 1);
var line1_tact4_vis_s1 = s_1.rect(480, 40, 140, 1);
var line2_tact4_vis_s1 = s_1.rect(480, 60, 140, 1);
var line3_tact4_vis_s1 = s_1.rect(480, 80, 140, 1);
var line4_tact4_vis_s1 = s_1.rect(480, 100, 140, 1);
var line5_tact4_vis_s1 = s_1.rect(480, 120, 140, 1);
var line1_tact5_vis_s1 = s_1.rect(620, 40, 150, 1);
var line2_tact5_vis_s1 = s_1.rect(620, 60, 150, 1);
var line3_tact5_vis_s1 = s_1.rect(620, 80, 150, 1);
var line4_tact5_vis_s1 = s_1.rect(620, 100, 150, 1);
var line5_tact5_vis_s1 = s_1.rect(620, 120, 150, 1);
// Invisible horizontal lines (starting from above the page)
var line0_tact1_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(20, 30, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;
var line0_tact2_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(170, 30, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;;
var line0_tact3_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(320, 30, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;;
var line0_tact4_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(470, 30, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;;
var line0_tact5_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(620, 30, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;;
var line_1_2_tact1_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(20, 50, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;;
var line_1_2_tact2_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(170, 50, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;;
var line_1_2_tact3_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(320, 50, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;;
var line_1_2_tact4_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(470, 50, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;;
var line_1_2_tact5_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(620, 50, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;;
var line_2_3_tact1_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(20, 70, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;;
var line_2_3_tact2_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(170, 70, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;;
var line_2_3_tact3_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(320, 70, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;;
var line_2_3_tact4_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(470, 70, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;;
var line_2_3_tact5_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(620, 70, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;;
var line_3_4_tact1_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(20, 90, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;;
var line_3_4_tact2_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(170, 90, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;;
var line_3_4_tact3_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(320, 90, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;;
var line_3_4_tact4_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(470, 90, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;;
var line_3_4_tact5_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(620, 90, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;;
var line_4_5_tact1_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(20, 110, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;;
var line_4_5_tact2_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(170, 110, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;;
var line_4_5_tact3_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(320, 110, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;;
var line_4_5_tact4_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(470, 110, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;;
var line_4_5_tact5_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(620, 110, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;;
var line_5_6_tact1_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(20, 130, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;;
var line_5_6_tact2_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(170, 130, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;;
var line_5_6_tact3_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(320, 130, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;;
var line_5_6_tact4_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(470, 130, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;;
var line_5_6_tact5_invis_s1 = s_1.rect(620, 130, 150, 1).attr('fill', 'none'); //This is the elements area to fill;;
// Visible vertical lines
var line2_tact1_vert_s1 = s_1.rect(200, 40, 1, 80);
var line3_tact2_vert_s1 = s_1.rect(340, 40, 1, 80);
var line4_tact3_vert_s1 = s_1.rect(480, 40, 1, 80);
var line5_tact4_vert_s1 = s_1.rect(620, 40, 1, 80);
var line6_tact5_vert_s1 = s_1.rect(760, 40, 1, 80);
var line6_tact5_end_vert_s1 = s_1.rect(770, 40, 3, 80);
//Insert svg drawing
var g = s_1.g();
var image = g.image("image_library/treble_clef.svg", -50,-60, 200,290);
// create groups of lines to be held in each measure
var measure1 = s_1.group (line1_tact1_vis_s1, line2_tact1_vis_s1,
line3_tact1_vis_s1, line4_tact1_vis_s1, line5_tact1_vis_s1);
measure1.attr ({
// fill: "#ff0000",
var measure2 = s_1.group (line1_tact2_vis_s1, line2_tact2_vis_s1,
line3_tact2_vis_s1, line4_tact2_vis_s1, line5_tact2_vis_s1);
measure2.attr ({
// fill: "#ff0000",
var measure3 = s_1.group (line1_tact3_vis_s1, line2_tact3_vis_s1,
line3_tact3_vis_s1, line4_tact3_vis_s1, line5_tact3_vis_s1);
measure3.attr ({
// fill: "#ff0000",
var measure4 = s_1.group (line1_tact4_vis_s1, line2_tact4_vis_s1,
line3_tact4_vis_s1, line4_tact4_vis_s1, line5_tact4_vis_s1);
measure4.attr ({
// fill: "#ff0000",
var measure5 = s_1.group (line1_tact5_vis_s1, line2_tact5_vis_s1,
line3_tact5_vis_s1, line4_tact5_vis_s1, line5_tact5_vis_s1);
measure5.attr ({
// fill: "#ff0000",
// jQuery manipulation
var $line1_tact1_vis_s1 = $(line1_tact1_vis_s1);
var measure1 = $(measure1);
// make li elements draggable
containment: measure1,
cursor: 'move',
snap: measure1,
// make li elements droppable
$(line1_tact1_vis_s1).droppable({accept: '#m_1_l_1',
drop: function(event, ui) {
$( this )
.addClass( "ui-state-highlight" )
.html( "Dropped!" );
img {
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display: inline;
font-size: 1.5em;
padding-right: 100px;
padding-left: 50px;
#q_1_a_note_2 {
text-decoration: none;
display: inline;
font-size: 1.5em;
padding-right: 100px;
#q_1_a_note_3 {
text-decoration: none;
display: inline;
font-size: 1.5em;
padding-right: 110px;
#q_1_a_note_4 {
text-decoration: none;
display: inline;
font-size: 1.5em;
padding-right: 140px;
#q_1_a_note_5 {
text-decoration: none;
display: inline;
font-size: 1.5em;
padding-right: 150px;
h2 {
font-style: italic;
padding-top: 20px;
margin-top: 20px;
padding-bottom: 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
#choose_note_1_b_measure_1 {
padding-top: -280px;
margin-top: -280px;
padding-bottom: 10px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
#note_1 {
font-size: 1.5em;
display: inline;
margin-left: 60px;
#note_2 {
font-size: 1.5em;
display: inline;
margin-left: 60px;
#note_3 {
font-size: 1.5em;
display: inline;
margin-left: 50px;
#note_4 {
font-size: 1.5em;
display: inline;
margin-left: 40px;
#note_5 {
font-size: 1.5em;
display: inline;
margin-left: 30px;
.additional_instructions {
color: darkblue;
font-size: 1.5em;
font-style: italic;
#navcontainer_1a ul li {
float: left;
padding: 10px;
.button_small {
font-size: 1.5em;
display: inline;
#button_list {
list-style: none;
.measure_1 {
margin : 5px;
#measure_1_note {
margin-left: 40px;
#measure_1_flat {
margin-right: 30px;
.measure_2 {
margin: 5px;
#measure_2_note {
margin-left: 10px;
#measure_2_flat {
margin-right: 30px;
.measure_3 {
margin: 5px;
.measure_4 {
margin: 5px;
#measure_4_flat {
margin-right: 50px;
.measure_5 {
margin: 5px;
/* overlay svg_1
#m_1_l_1 {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
top: 310px;
left: 150px;
z-index: 1;
#m_1_l_5 {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
top: 120px;
z-index: 1;
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/main_css.css">
<script src="js/snap.svg.js"></script>
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<div id = "narrative_1">
<h1>Music exam</h1>
<h2>Exam task # 1.a.</h2>
<p>Write the following notes in the treble clef.Use whole notes.</p>
<!-- <div id="canvas_1">-->
<svg id="svg_1" style="width: 1500px;height: 180px"><svg viewBox="0 0 1000 1000"></svg>
<!-- create drop target zone -->
<!--<div id="tDrop_All"> -->
<div id="m_1_l_1" class= "g_sharp measure_1_grand_staff" style="width:10px;height:5px;">
<!-- <p>I'm disabled, you can't drop here!</p> -->
<div id="m_1_l_2" class= "other measure_1_grand_staff" style="width:10px;height:5px;"></div>
<div id="m_1_l_3" class= "other measure_1_grand_staff" style="width:10px;height:5px;"></div>
<div id="m_1_l_4" class= "other measure_1_grand_staff" style="width:10px;height:5px;"></div>
<div id="m_1_l_5" class= "g_sharp measure_1_grand_staff style="width:10px;height:5px;"></div>
<!-- </div>-->
<!--<div id="tDrop_Measure_2"> -->
<!--<div id="m_2_l_1" style="width:140px;height:5px;"></div>-->
<div id="m_2_l_2" class= "E" style="width:140px;height:5px;"></div>
<div id="m_2_l_3" style="width:140px;height:5px;"></div>
<div id="m_2_l_4" style="width:140px;height:5px;"></div>
<div id="m_2_l_5" class = "E" style="width:140px;height:5px;"></div>
<!-- </div>-->
<!--<div id="tDrop_Measure_3"> -->
<div id="m_3_l_1" style="width:140px;height:5px;"></div>
<div id="m_3_l_2" style="width:140px;height:5px;"></div>
<div id="m_3_l_3" style="width:140px;height:5px;"></div>
<div id="m_3_l_4" class = "A flat" style="width:140px;height:5px;"></div>
<!--<div id="m_3_l_5" style="width:140px;height:5px;"></div> -->
<!-- </div>-->
<!--<div id="tDrop_Measure_4"> -->
<div id="m_4_l_1" class = "F" style="width:140px;height:5px;"></div>
<div id="m_4_l_2" style="width:140px;height:5px;"></div>
<div id="m_4_l_3" style="width:140px;height:5px;"></div>
<div id="m_4_l_4" style="width:140px;height:5px;"></div>
<div id="m_4_l_5" class = "F" style="width:140px;height:5px;"></div>
<!-- </div>-->
<!--<div id="tDrop_Measure_5"> -->
<div id="m_5_l_1" style="width:140px;height:5px;"></div>
<div id="m_5_l_2" style="width:140px;height:5px;"></div>
<div id="m_5_l_3" class = "B" style="width:140px;height:5px;"></div>
<div id="m_5_l_4" style="width:140px;height:5px;"></div>
<div id="m_5_l_5" style="width:140px;height:5px;"></div>
<!-- </div>-->
<div id = "question_1_a_notes">
<ul class="note_1_a_inline">
<li id = "q_1_a_note_1">G sharp</li>
<li id = "q_1_a_note_2">E</li>
<li id = "q_1_a_note_3">A flat</li>
<li id = "q_1_a_note_4">F</li>
<li id = "q_1_a_note_5">B</li>
<div class = "additional_instructions" id = "task_1_a">Click a note and accidental (if needed) and
drag-and-drop it to an appropriate place on the staff.
<div id="navcontainer_1a">
<ul id = "button_list">
<!--// buttons for 1st measure -->
<li class = "measure_1 button_small" id = "measure_1_note">O</li>
<li class = "measure_1 button_small" id = "measure_1_sharp">♯ O</li>
<li class = "measure_1 button_small" id = "measure_1_flat O">♭ O</li>
<!--// buttons for 2nd measure-->
<li class = "measure_2 button_small" id = "measure_2_note">O</li>
<li class = "measure_2 button_small" id = "measure_2_sharp">♯ O</li>
<li class = "measure_2 button_small" id = "measure_2_flat">♭ O</li>
<!--// buttons for 3rd measure-->
<li class = "measure_3 button_small" id = "measure_3_note">O</li>
<li class = "measure_3 button_small" id = "measure_3_sharp">♯ O</li>
<li class = "measure_3 button_small" id = "measure_1_flat">♭ O</li>
<!--// buttons for 4th measure-->
<li class = "measure_4 button_small" id = "measure_4_note">O</li>
<li class = "measure_4 button_small" id = "measure_4_sharp">♯ O</li>
<li class = "measure_4 button_small" id = "measure_4_flat">♭ O</li>
<!--// buttons for 5th measure-->
<li class = "measure_5 button_small" id = "measure_5_note">O</li>
<li class = "measure_5 button_small" id = "measure_5_sharp">♯ O</li>
<li class = "measure_5 button_small" id = "measure_5_flat">♭ O</li>
<!-- Task 1_b has been taken out as it as no issues. -->
<!--// refer to jQuery UI source files -->
<script src="js/jquery-ui.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/ui.js"></script>