111 def Worker(socket, lock):
122 "Workers follow this workflow"
123 while True:
124 #Accept connection
125 client, address = socket.accept()
126 logger.debug("{u} connected".format(u=address))
127 client.send("Connection established")
128 #Receive orders
129 orders = client.recv(1024)
130 if orders == "REQUEST WORK":
131 lock.acquire()
132 jobname = findjob()
133 lock.release()
134 print jobname
135 filenames = getjobfiles(jobname)
136 #Send job description
137 numfiles = len(filenames)
138 desc = "SENDING " + jobname + " " + str(numfiles) + " "
139 blank =''
140 jobdesc = desc.replace('\n', blank)
141 for i in filenames:
142 name = i.replace(Jobsdir, blank)
143 jobdesc += name
144 jobdesc += ' '
145 client.send(jobdesc)
146 ready = client.recv(1024)
147 while ready != "READY":
148 ready = client.recv(1024)
149 for i in filenames:
150 sendfile(client, i)
151 elif orders == 'RETURN DATA':
152 client.send('READY')
153 #Receive information about files to be sent
154 data = client.recv(1024)
155 #Interpret data
156 jobname, filenames = parse(data)
157 numfiles = len(filenames)
158 client.send('READY')
159 #Receive all of the files from client
160 for i in range(numfiles):
161 print 'RECEIVING ', filenames[i]
162 recvfile(client, jobname, filenames[i])
163 #Lock and remove job from jobs list
164 lock.acquire()
165 removejob(jobname)
166 lock.release()
167 empty = jobsempty()
168 if empty:
169 os.system('python Jobs/analyze.py')
171 sys.exit(0)
80 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
81 #Get local machine name
82 host = socket.gethostname()
83 port = 5007
84 while True:
85 #Connect to server
86 s.connect((host, port))
87 #Receive confirmation of connection
88 data = s.recv(1024)
89 #Request work
90 s.send('REQUEST WORK')
91 #Receive string containing file names
92 data = s.recv(1024)
93 if data == 'NO NEW WORK': break
94 #Get all files
95 jobname, filenames = parse(data)
96 os.mkdir(jobname)
97 numfiles = len(filenames)
98 print numfiles
99 s.send('READY')
100 for i in range(numfiles):
101 print i
102 print 'RECEIVING ', filenames[i]
103 recvfile(s, filenames[i])
105 #Close socket
106 s.shutdown()
107 #Do work
108 os.system('python %s/orders.py'%jobname)
109 #After completing work, initiate another connection to send back files
110 time.sleep(4)
111 s.connect((host, port))
112 #Receive confirmation of connection
113 data = s.recv(1024)
114 #Tell server to prepare for incoming data
115 s.send('RETURN DATA')
116 data = s.recv(1024)
117 while data != 'READY':
118 data = s.recv(1024)
119 #Tell server what is being sent back
120 newfilenames = getjobfiles(jobname)
121 newnumfiles = len(newfilenames)
122 desc = "SENDING " + jobname + " " + str(numfiles) + " "
123 blank = ''
124 jobdesc = desc.replace('\n', blank)
125 for i in filenames:
126 jobdesc += name
127 jobdesc += ' '
128 s.send(jobdesc)
129 #Wait for server to be ready
130 ready = s.recv(1024)
131 while ready != 'READY':
132 ready = s.recv(1024)
133 #Send files
134 for i in filenames:
135 sendfile(s, i)
136 s.recv(1024)
137 print 'ALL FILES SENT'