
时间:2015-07-17 09:19:49

标签: python sql sqlite



Type      Status    I1    I2    I3    I4    I5
 A          ON      3     4     2     10    2
 A         OFF      1     1     0     null  null
 B          ON      5     6     2     10    2
 B         OFF      2     1     2     null  null
 C          ON      8     7     5     10    2
 C         OFF      1     1     1     null  null
 A          ON      4     4     4     10    2
 A         OFF      2     2     1     null  null
 B          ON      5     4     5     10    2
 B         OFF      1     1     1     null  null


根据上表,来自I1的{​​{1}},I2I3值将变为OFF statusI6,{{1输出将是


要明确的是,它只会从每个I8的{​​{1}}中获取值Type I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 A 3 4 2 10 2 1 1 0 B 5 6 2 10 2 2 1 2 C 8 7 5 10 2 1 1 1 A 4 4 4 10 2 2 2 1 B 5 4 5 10 2 1 1 1 I1I2并放置它们与I3 OFF statustypeON status


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


select o1.*, o2.i1 as i6, o2.i2 as i7, o2.i3 as i8
from original o1 join
     original o2
     on o2.id = o1.id + 1 and
        o2.type = o1.type and
        o1.status = 'ON' and o2.status = 'OFF';


with o as (
      select o.*,
             (select count(*)
              from original o2
              where o2.type = o.type and o2.status = 'ON' and o2.id <= o.id
             ) as grp
      from original o
select o.type,
       max(case when type = 'ON' then i1 end) as i1,
       max(case when type = 'ON' then i2 end) as i2,
       max(case when type = 'ON' then i3 end) as i3,
       max(case when type = 'ON' then i4 end) as i4,
       max(case when type = 'ON' then i5 end) as i5,
       max(case when type = 'OFF' then i1 end) as i6,
       max(case when type = 'OFF' then i2 end) as i7,
       max(case when type = 'OFF' then i3 end) as i8
from o
group by grp, type ;

答案 1 :(得分:0)


SELECT Type, SUM(I1) AS I1, SUM(I2) AS I2, SUM(I3) AS I3, SUM(I4) AS I4, SUM(I5) AS I5, SUM(I6) AS I6, SUM(I7) AS I7, SUM(I8) AS I8
    SELECT Type, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, 0 As I6, 0 As I7, 0 As I8
    FROM YourTable
    WHERE Status = 'ON'
    SELECT Type, 0 , 0, 0, 0, 0, I1 As I6, I2 As I7, I3 As I8
    FROM YourTable
    WHERE Status = 'OFF') DT