WSO2 P.PaaS安装失败:检测到无效分区

时间:2015-07-17 08:12:09

标签: amazon-web-services amazon-ec2 wso2 paas


Management Console : https://something.private.paas:9443/console
************************************************************** WSO2 Private PaaS installation completed successfully!


注意,在运行boot.sh时,我得到一个提示为Enter EC2 credentials :我认为是AWS密钥(因为,要输入的字段是密码字段)。但是,文档here指的是输入两个访问密钥和密钥。这可能是个原因吗?

Deploying partition at /home/ubuntu/private-paas/resources/json/ec2/partition.json
{"Error":{ "errorCode": " 400", "errorMessage": " Invalid Partition Detected : P1. Cause: POST HTTP/1.1 -> HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"}}Deploying autoscale policy at /home/ubuntu/private-paas/resources/json/ec2/autoscale-policy.json
{"stratosAdminResponse":{"message":"Successfully deployed autoscaling policy definition with id economy"}}Deploying deployment policy at /home/ubuntu/private-paas/resources/json/ec2/deployment-policy.json
{"Error":{ "errorCode": " 400", "errorMessage": " Deployment policy is invalid: [id] deployp"}}Deploying deployment policy at /home/ubuntu/private-paas/resources/json/ec2/deployment-flat.json
{"Error":{ "errorCode": " 400", "errorMessage": " Deployment policy is invalid: [id] deployf"}}Deploying LB cartridge at /home/ubuntu/private-paas/resources/json/ec2/lb-cart.json
{"Error":{ "errorCode": " 400", "errorMessage": " Unable to build the jclouds object for iaas of type: ec2"}}Deploying Aplication Server (AS) Manager cartridge at /home/ubuntu/private-paas/resources/json/ec2/appserver-cart-mgt.json
{"Error":{ "errorCode": " 400", "errorMessage": " Unable to build the jclouds object for iaas of type: ec2"}}Deploying Application Service Manager service
{"Error":{ "errorCode": " 400", "errorMessage": " Failed to deploy the Service [Cartridge type] appservermgt [alias] f579b9c2-7315-4c2b-ab04-9f6cc4c101a3 . Cause: appservermgt is not a valid cartridgeSubscription type. Please try again with a valid cartridgeSubscription type."}}Deploying Aplication Server (AS) Worker cartridge at /home/ubuntu/private-paas/resources/json/ec2/appserver-cart-worker.json
{"Error":{ "errorCode": " 400", "errorMessage": " Unable to build the jclouds object for iaas of type: ec2"}}Deploying Application Service Worker service
{"Error":{ "errorCode": " 400", "errorMessage": " Failed to deploy the Service [Cartridge type] appserverworker [alias] 42174455-c01f-4b2a-a9ae-d40694768697 . Cause: appserverworker is not a valid cartridgeSubscription type. Please try again with a valid cartridgeSubscription type."}}Deploying API Manager (AM) - Gateway cartridge at /home/ubuntu/private-paas/resources/json/ec2/gateway.json
{"Error":{ "errorCode": " 400", "errorMessage": " Unable to build the jclouds object for iaas of type: ec2"}}Deploying API Manager - Gateway service
{"Error":{ "errorCode": " 400", "errorMessage": " Failed to deploy the Service [Cartridge type] gateway [alias] f55ef728-405e-44de-8dac-6990fe65983c . Cause: gateway is not a valid cartridgeSubscription type. Please try again with a valid cartridgeSubscription type."}}Deploying API Manager (AM) - Gateway manager cartridge at /home/ubuntu/private-paas/resources/json/ec2/gatewaymgt.json
{"Error":{ "errorCode": " 400", "errorMessage": " Unable to build the jclouds object for iaas of type: ec2"}}Deploying API Manager - Gateway manager service
{"Error":{ "errorCode": " 400", "errorMessage": " Failed to deploy the Service [Cartridge type] gatewaymgt [alias] 08381456-b720-4280-8904-1a8fa294901b . Cause: gatewaymgt is not a valid cartridgeSubscription type. Please try again with a valid cartridgeSubscription type."}}Deploying API Manager (AM) - Keymanager cartridge at /home/ubuntu/private-paas/resources/json/ec2/keymanager.json
{"Error":{ "errorCode": " 400", "errorMessage": " Unable to build the jclouds object for iaas of type: ec2"}}Deploying API Manager (AM) - Keymanager service
{"Error":{ "errorCode": " 400", "errorMessage": " Failed to deploy the Service [Cartridge type] keymanager [alias] 93e67ddb-86f2-416b-8feb-b1a4e4bc6d82 . Cause: keymanager is not a valid cartridgeSubscription type. Please try again with a valid cartridgeSubscription type."}}Deploying API Manager (AM) - Publisher cartridge at /home/ubuntu/private-paas/resources/json/ec2/publisher.json
{"Error":{ "errorCode": " 400", "errorMessage": " Unable to build the jclouds object for iaas of type: ec2"}}Deploying API Manager (AM) - Publisher service
{"Error":{ "errorCode": " 400", "errorMessage": " Failed to deploy the Service [Cartridge type] publisher [alias] 95de5e64-7169-49d1-a4d8-c582980c0d38 . Cause: publisher is not a valid cartridgeSubscription type. Please try again with a valid cartridgeSubscription type."}}Deploying API Manager (AM) - Store cartridge at /home/ubuntu/private-paas/resources/json/ec2/store.json
{"Error":{ "errorCode": " 400", "errorMessage": " Unable to build the jclouds object for iaas of type: ec2"}}Deploying API Manager (AM) - Store service
{"Error":{ "errorCode": " 400", "errorMessage": " Failed to deploy the Service [Cartridge type] apistore [alias] 2a46279f-8ffa-4ab0-88df-28591053e9f6 . Cause: apistore is not a valid cartridgeSubscription type. Please try again with a valid cartridgeSubscription type."}}Deploying Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) Manager cartridge at /home/ubuntu/private-paas/resources/json/ec2/esb-cart-mgt.json
{"Error":{ "errorCode": " 400", "errorMessage": " Unable to build the jclouds object for iaas of type: ec2"}}Deploying Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) Manager service
{"Error":{ "errorCode": " 400", "errorMessage": " Failed to deploy the Service [Cartridge type] esbmgt [alias] 63e7e8c0-04f5-4486-af48-b171f1e52688 . Cause: esbmgt is not a valid cartridgeSubscription type. Please try again with a valid cartridgeSubscription type."}}Deploying Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) Worker cartridge at /home/ubuntu/private-paas/resources/json/ec2/esb-cart-worker.json
{"Error":{ "errorCode": " 400", "errorMessage": " Unable to build the jclouds object for iaas of type: ec2"}}Deploying Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) Worker service
{"Error":{ "errorCode": " 400", "errorMessage": " Failed to deploy the Service [Cartridge type] esbworker [alias] d940f54c-98fc-4c21-aafa-b31488b9616d . Cause: esbworker is not a valid cartridgeSubscription type. Please try again with a valid cartridgeSubscription type."}}Deploying Business Process Server (BPS) Manager cartridge at /home/ubuntu/private-paas/resources/json/ec2/bps-cart-mgt.json
{"Error":{ "errorCode": " 400", "errorMessage": " Unable to build the jclouds object for iaas of type: ec2"}}Deploying Business Process Server (BPS) Manager service
{"Error":{ "errorCode": " 400", "errorMessage": " Failed to deploy the Service [Cartridge type] bpsmgt [alias] 779291a8-a4f2-4ef7-9815-43675749a881 . Cause: bpsmgt is not a valid cartridgeSubscription type. Please try again with a valid cartridgeSubscription type."}}Deploying Business Process Server (BPS) Worker cartridge at /home/ubuntu/private-paas/resources/json/ec2/bps-cart-worker.json
{"Error":{ "errorCode": " 400", "errorMessage": " Unable to build the jclouds object for iaas of type: ec2"}}Deploying Business Process Server (BPS) Worker service
{"Error":{ "errorCode": " 400", "errorMessage": " Failed to deploy the Service [Cartridge type] bpsworker [alias] 4aa5efa2-5b63-49aa-ada5-765bbf409a9d . Cause: bpsworker is not a valid cartridgeSubscription type. Please try again with a valid cartridgeSubscription type."}}

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 33, in getLBIp
IndexError: list index out of range

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

WSO2 P.PaaS安装期间的一些事情。

您在安装期间使用的用户标识应具有完全管理权限,因为它将调用某些AWS EC2 CLI命令。见here


export iaas="ec2"
export region="ap-southeast-1"
export cartridge_base_img_id="ami-e6bd9eb4"


export ec2_vpc="this-was-y-for-me"
export ec2_identity="AWS ACCESS KEY"  
export ec2_credentials="AWS SECRET KEY" 
export ec2_owner_id="num-owner-id" 
export ec2_keypair_name="as-applicable-to-you"
export ec2_security_groups="as-applicable-to-you"
export ec2_availability_zone="ap-southeast-1a"
export ec2_security_group_ids="as-applicable-to-you"
export ec2_subnet_id="as-applicable-to-you"
export ec2_associate_public_ip_address="as-applicable-to-you"

上面列出的那些&#34;适用于你&#34;可以通过在命令行aws ec2 describe-instances上运行它来获取。请参阅here以了解如何安装和使用AWS EC2 CLI。

ec2_availability_zone设置为ap-southeast-1a,因为基本图片位于亚太地区。这与region部分中的IaaS设置同步。有关P.PaaS的EC2 AMI,请参阅here