
时间:2015-07-16 20:40:06

标签: java linked-list priority-queue

我正在尝试从一些无序的原始数据(String1 ... Priority10,String2 ... IntPriority2等)创建链接列表,并且难以概念化我如何排序编写优先级排队的好方法。我需要让方法按顺序排列每个对象,而不使用最终链表上的排序算法,或使用任何LinkedList或PriorityQueue本身。


    public class ObjectQueue{
Object front = null;           //points to first element of the queue
Object prev = null;            //points to last element of the queue 
 * Creates an object of Object and adds to the class queue
 * @param name of object
 * @param rank of priority sort
public void enQueue(String name, int rank)
    Object current = new Object(name, rank);  //uses current entry String as name, int as rank

    if(isEmpty())               //if empty, add element to front
        front = current;
    else                        //if elements exist, go to end and create new element
        prev.next = current;
    prev = current;


 * Adds each object and rank on a ascending rank basis
 * @param filename name of data file
 * @throws exc in case of missing file
public void addPriority(String filename) throws IOException
    File inFile = new File(filename);           //inst. file import
    Scanner read = new Scanner(inFile);         //inst. scanner object

    String name1 = read.next();              //scanner reads next string, primes at front
    int rank1 = read.nextInt();              //reads next int, assigns to rank

    while (read.hasNext())                      //reads until end of text
        String name2 = read.next();              //next string of next Object to be tested
        int rank2 = read.nextInt();              //rank to test rank1 against

        if (rank1 > rank2)                      //if current is higher priority than test
            enQueue(name1, rank1);              //enqueue the current object
            name1 = name2;                      //move test name down to current
            rank1 = rank2;                      //move test rank down to current
            enQueue(name2, rank2);              //enqueue the current object
    read.close();                               //ends read when empty

    catch(Exception exec)
        System.out.println("Error: file not found.");


我需要使用这一个方法来预先对对象进行排序,而不是将它们发送到列表,或者正确地对它们进行排序,一次,在运行中,我的想法已经用完了。 / p>

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


这就是概念。对于我们来说,您可能需要提供有关优先级队列应该如何工作的更多详细信息。对于以下注释,我将假设: - 首先检索最高优先级 - 应按插入顺序检索相同的优先级




class PriorityItem {
    private final Item item;
    private final int priority;

Collection<PriorityItem> queue;

void insert(Item item, int priority) {
    PriorityItem element = new PriorityItem(item, priority); 
    if queue is not empty {
        step through queue {
            if current.priority < priority {
                insert element here
    add element to end queue

