使用ZSH时,无法在OS X终端输入任何特殊字符

时间:2015-07-16 17:56:51

标签: macos character-encoding osx-yosemite zsh oh-my-zsh

当我使用ZSH shell(带有oh-my-zsh插件)时,我无法在OS X终端中输入任何特殊字符(例如,äöå)。如果尝试输入其中一个字符,我只会获得默认的mac error sound alert并且没有可见的字符。但是,如果我切换到bash,一切正常。


 $ vagrant up -h
 Usage: vagrant up [options] [name]


         --[no-]provision             Enable or disable provisioning
         --provision-with x,y,z       Enable only certain provisioners, by type.
         --[no-]destroy-on-error      Destroy machine if any fatal error happens (default to true)
         --[no-]parallel              Enable or disable parallelism if provider supports it
         --provider PROVIDER          Back the machine with a specific provider
     -h, --help                       Print this help
 Usage: vagrant [options]
     -v, --version VERSION            Box version to load (not used currently)
     -k, --keyfile KEYFILE            Your Github authentication keyfile
     -b, --boxfile BOXTYPE            Type of virtual appliance to load 

我正在使用OS X Yosemite,我的语言设置为芬兰语。

export LANG=fi_FI.UTF-8
export LANG="fi_FI.UTF-8"
export LC_COLLATE="fi_FI.UTF-8"
export LC_CTYPE="fi_FI.UTF-8"


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