
时间:2010-06-29 22:35:20

标签: algorithm coldfusion mergesort


<cffunction name="mergeSort" hint="Sorts arrays of structs">
<cfargument name="arr" type="Array" required="yes">

<cfif Arraylen(arr) LTE 1>
   <cfreturn arr />

<cfset left_ = ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset right_ = ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset mid_ = Int(Arraylen(arr) / 2)>

<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#mid_#">
   <cfset arrayAppend(left_, arr[i])>

<cfloop index="j" from="#mid_+1#" to="#ArrayLen(arr)#">
   <cfset arrayAppend(right_, arr[j])>

<cfreturn merge( mergeSort(left_), mergeSort(right_) )>


<cffunction name="merge" hint="Merges two arrays">
<cfargument name="left_" required="yes" type="Array">
<cfargument name="right_" required="yes" type="Array">

<cfset result = ArrayNew(1)>

<cfloop condition="ArrayLen(left_) GT 0 AND ArrayLen(right_) GT 0">
   <cfif left_[1].attr3 LTE right_[1].attr3>
       <cfset arrayAppend(result, left_[1])>
       <cfset arrayDeleteAt(left_, 1)>
       <cfset arrayAppend(result, right_[1])>
       <cfset arrayDeleteAt(right_, 1)>

<cfif ArrayLen(left_) GT 0>
   <cfloop array="#left_#" index="v">
       <cfset ArrayAppend(result, v)>

<cfif ArrayLen(right_) GT 0>
   <cfloop array="#right_#" index="v">
       <cfset ArrayAppend(result, v)>

<cfreturn result />



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

你看过How to sort an array of structs in ColdFusion吗?


顺便说一下,您可以使用Java Join Two Arrays in ColdFusion


顺便说一下,你可以使用mid_ = Arraylen(arr) \ 2作为整数div