再一次Durandal问题^^我想制作一个子导航菜单。 每个网址调用子网页
<a class="btn btn-primary" data-bind="attr: { href: '#customer/'+ id }">Open</a>
shell.js将此路由到您在此处可以看到的 customers / shell2.js (子路由器):
define(['plugins/router', 'knockout', 'utility', 'logger', 'datacontext'], function (router, ko, utility, logger, datacontext) {
var displayName = 'Customer';
var cId = ko.observable(0);
var childRouter = router.createChildRouter()
.makeRelative({ moduleId: 'viewmodels/customers' , route: 'customer/:id/'});
return {
router: childRouter,
cId: cId,
displayName: displayName,
activate: activate
function activate() {
route: ['', 'overview'],
moduleId: 'overview',
name: 'Overview',
hash: '#customer/' + cId() + '/overview',
nav: false,
settings: {}
route: 'sessions',
moduleId: 'sessions',
name: 'Sitzungen',
hash: '#customer/' + cId() + '/sessions',
nav: false,
settings: {}
简而言之:我希望链接类似于#customer / 17 / overview,其中17是调用子导航的路由参数。
当我调用url#customer / 17时,会显示路线的内容,但不显示子导航。此外,网址#customer / 17 / overview和#customer / 17 / session不能正常工作...... 有人是一个工作示例,其中subnav使用参数构建?
编辑: 的 shell.js
define(['plugins/router', 'knockout' ,'session', 'toastr','logger', 'durandal/app']
, function (router, ko, session, toastr, logger, app) {
var routes= [
{ route: '',
moduleId: 'login',
name: 'Login',
hash: '',
nav: false,
settings: {}
{ route: 'dashboard',
moduleId: 'dashboard/dashboard',
name: 'Dashboard',
hash: '#dashboard',
nav: true,
settings: {}
{ route: 'customers',
moduleId: 'customers/customers',
name: 'Customers',
hash: '#customers',
nav: true,
settings: {}
{ route: 'customer/:id',
moduleId: 'customers/shell2',
name: 'customer',
hash: '',
nav: false,
settings: {}
{ route: 'logout',
moduleId: 'logout',
name: 'Logout',
hash: '',
nav: true,
settings: {}
return {
activate: activate,
router: router,
session: session,
app: app
function activate() {
.buildNavigationModel() // Finds all nav routes and makes them ready
.mapUnknownRoutes('notfound', 'notfound');
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我猜问题确实存在于父 shell.js 中。我用这种方式改变了到子shell的路径:
// add *details for splat route, even when there is nothing named 'details'
route: 'customer/:id*details',
moduleId: 'customer/shell2',
name: 'Customer',
nav: true
childrouter shell2.js 如下所示:
define(['plugins/router', 'knockout'], function (router, ko) {
var displayName = 'Customer';
var customerId = ko.observable(0);
var childRouter = router.createChildRouter();
return {
router: childRouter,
customerId: customerId,
displayName: displayName,
activate: activate
function activate(newCustomerId) {
// resetting, otherwise every activation adds elements
// individual mapping on each activation, so the id is updated in the hashes
childRouter.makeRelative({ moduleId: 'viewmodels/customers' , route: 'customer/:id/'})
route: '',
moduleId: 'overview',
name: 'overview',
hash: '#customer/'+ v6Id(),
nav: true,
route: 'sessions',
moduleId: 'sessions',
name: 'Sessions',
hash: '#customer/'+ v6Id() + '/sessions',
nav: true,
P.S。:别忘了设置&#39; nav&#39;事实上,这就是为什么我的导航没有显示出来的原因。