
时间:2015-07-15 08:04:02

标签: regex perl



{message:“每次鼠标在画布中移动时,它的作用是什么   区域,它将mouseX和mouseY设置为   鼠标。“,},{消息:”然后,当每个球都更新时,它会计算出来   离鼠标有多远,并朝着它加速   它。“,},{消息:”加速度是距离的平方根,   所以当它真的很远的时候会拉得更厉害。想象一下所有的球   通过小橡皮筋或弹簧连接到鼠标。它的   有点像。“,},{message:”试着让球更小!和   添加更多!我喜欢它,大约有40个小球在追逐着   鼠标。“,},{message:”干得好!就像你学到的一样?是吗   有趣吗?“,代码:”“,hiddenCode:”var c =   的document.getElementById( '窗格')的getContext( '2D'); \ nfunction   rgba(r,g,b,a){return'rgba('+ [r,g,b,a] .join(',')+')';} \ n \ nfunction   rgb(r,g,b,a){return   'RGB(' + [R,G,B]。加入( ' ')+')';} \ n \ n “个,lessonSection道:”   结束“,},{消息:”哇,你做了一切!恭喜,干得好!   其中很多都很难。我给你留下了深刻的印象!我希望   你喜欢它!“,代码:'var pane =   document.getElementById(\'pane \'); \ nvar s = 3; \ n \ npane.onmousemove =   function(evt){\ n c.fillStyle = randomRGBA(); \ n var x =   evt.clientX; \ n var y = evt.clientY; \ n c.fillRect(x - s / 2,y - s /   2,s,s);}; \ n \ n函数randomRGBA(){\ n var r = randInt(255); \ n var   g = randInt(255); \ n var b = randInt(255); \ n var a = Math.random(); \ n   var rgba = [r,g,b,a] .join(“,”); \ n返回“rgba(”+ rgba +   “)”; \ n} \ n \ n函数randInt(limit){\ n var x =





use strict;
use warnings;

my $filename = 'test.txt';
my $row = '';

if (open(my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $filename)) {
  while ($row = <$fh>) {
    if ($row =~/message:(.*)/)
        print $1 . "\n";
else {
  warn "Could not open file '$filename' $!";

它基本上将整个文件的结果作为输出。 我尝试了\W+\s+,它只给了我第一个字。


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

my $data = do {
    local $/;

say "$1: $2" while $data =~ /[{,](\w+):"([^"]*)/g;

{message:"What this does is, every time the mouse moves in the canvas area, it sets mouseX and mouseY to the location of the mouse.",},{message:"Then, when each ball is updated, it figures out how far away from the mouse it is, and accelerates toward it.",},{message:"The acceleration is the square root of the distance, so it pulls harder when it is really far away. Imagine all the balls being connected to the mouse by little rubber bands or springs. It's a little like that.",},{message:"Try making the balls smaller! And add more of them! I like it with about 40 small balls chasing the mouse.",},{message:"Great job! Like what you learned? Was it fun?",code:"",hiddenCode:"var c = document.getElementById('pane').getContext('2d');\nfunction rgba(r,g,b,a) {return 'rgba('+[r,g,b,a].join(',')+')';}\nfunction rgb(r,g,b,a) {return 'rgb('+[r,g,b].join(',')+')';}\n\n",lessonSection:"The End",},{message:"Wow, you did everything! Congratulations, nice work! A lot of these are really hard. I'm impressed you finished! I hope you enjoyed it!",code:'var pane = document.getElementById(\'pane\');\nvar s = 3;\n\npane.onmousemove = function(evt) {\n c.fillStyle = randomRGBA();\n var x = evt.clientX;\n var y = evt.clientY;\n c.fillRect(x - s / 2, y - s / 2, s, s);};\n\nfunction randomRGBA() {\n var r = randInt(255);\n var g = randInt(255);\n var b = randInt(255);\n var a = Math.random();\n var rgba = [r,g,b,a].join(",");\n return "rgba(" + rgba + ")";\n}\nfunction randInt(limit) {\n var x =


message: What this does is, every time the mouse moves in the canvas area, it sets mouseX and mouseY to the location of the mouse.
message: Then, when each ball is updated, it figures out how far away from the mouse it is, and accelerates toward it.
message: The acceleration is the square root of the distance, so it pulls harder when it is really far away. Imagine all the balls being connected to the mouse by little rubber bands or springs. It's a little like that.
message: Try making the balls smaller! And add more of them! I like it with about 40 small balls chasing the mouse.
message: Great job! Like what you learned? Was it fun?
hiddenCode: var c = document.getElementById('pane').getContext('2d');\nfunction rgba(r,g,b,a) {return 'rgba('+[r,g,b,a].join(',')+')';}\nfunction rgb(r,g,b,a) {return 'rgb('+[r,g,b].join(',')+')';}\n\n
lessonSection: The End
message: Wow, you did everything! Congratulations, nice work! A lot of these are really hard. I'm impressed you finished! I hope you enjoyed it!


答案 1 :(得分:0)


#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use Path::Class;
use JavaScript::Beautifier qw/js_beautify/;

my $js = file('combined.min.js')->slurp('<:encoding(UTF-8)');

my $pretty_js = js_beautify($js);

my @messages = ($pretty_js =~ /message: (.+?)\n/g);

print "$_\n" for @messages;

答案 2 :(得分:-1)

您已经有一些perl答案,但您可能也对此感兴趣 xgettext 工具,专门用于提取国际化字符串。像这样运行:

xgettext -a --from-code UTF-8 combined.min.js -o - 


#: combined.min.js:36
msgid ""
"Here is a ball that sticks to the mouse.  Every time the mouse moves, the "
"ball redraws on top of the mouse."
msgstr ""

它位于gnu gettext 包中。看gnu gettext