Java - 错误:构造函数"构造函数名称"在班级"班级名称"无法应用于给定类型;

时间:2015-07-14 22:36:30

标签: java arrays constructor



你要设计一个类“”,它代表一个在多层建筑中丢失的小狗 每层楼的房间数量相同。在实例化(或创建)此类对象的过程中, 每层楼的每个房间都会被初始化为空(你实际上会使用空格''字符 目的)并且将选择一个随机的房间,在那里小狗失踪。为此,字符“P”将 被放置在这个随机位置。有关构造函数的更多详细信息如下所示。

这个类的一个对象被用作两个玩家的游戏轮流搜索小狗,一个房间在一个 时间,直到发现不幸的小犬。将执行此对象的实例化和搜索 通过提供给您的“驱动程序”程序,您只需专注于开发 类(驱动程序在文件“”中)


  • 名为myHidingPlaces的字符(char)数组。这表示行是地板的建筑物 每个楼层的柱子都是房间(这栋楼有一个不寻常的编号系统;楼层和楼层 房间都从零开始。

  • 两个整数将占据失去小狗的地板和房间,名为myFloorLocation和 myRoomLocation。

  • 一个名为myWinner的char,当玩家找到小狗时,该角色将被分配给玩家的角色 (司机程序使用数字'1'和'2'来更清楚地区分玩家和小狗。)

  • 名为myFound的布尔值,在找到小狗时设置为true。


  • 接收两个整数参数作为用户对建筑物楼层数和房间数的输入 小狗失踪了。

  • 构造函数将2D数组“myHidingPlaces”实例化为带有第一个参数的字符数组 对于行(theFloors)和第二个参数作为列(theRooms)。

  • 初始化myHidingPlaces的单元格,每个单元格都包含一个空格''(用单引号完成)

  • 使用第一个参数
  • 随机设置myFloorLocation(楼层小狗已启用)
  • 使用第二个参数
  • 随机设置myRoomLocation(房间小狗在)
  • 将myHidingPlaces [myFloorLocation] [myRoomLocation]设置为char'P'
  • 将myWinner设置为单个空格
  • 将myFound设为false


  • roomSearched已经收到要搜索的楼层和房间,如果房间有,则返回true 已被搜查,否则为假。

  • puppyLocation接收要搜索的楼层和房间,如果楼层和房间都是,则返回true 小狗丢失的地方,否则就是假的。此方法不应更改任何字段。

  • indicesOK接收要搜索的楼层和房间,如果楼层和房间值是,则返回true 在数组索引范围内,否则为false(用于检查这些索引不会导致错误) 应用于数组时。)

  • numberOfFloors返回建筑物中的楼层数(第一层从零开始)。

  • numberOfRooms返回建筑物每层楼的房间数量(第一个房间开始于 零和所有楼层都有相同数量的房间。)

  • searchRoom接收要搜索的楼层和房间以及当前播放器(作为字符类型) 如果找到小狗则返回true,否则返回false。如果没有找到小狗searchRoom也 将收到的楼层和房间位置的myHidingPlaces数组设置为收到的播放器值('1' 或者'2')OR,当找到时,将myWinner字段设置为当前播放器并将myFound设置为true。

  • toString显示当前的hidePlaces数组及其内容除了小狗的位置 在他/她被发现之前,它将保持隐藏状态.string将被调用(由驱动程序)和两者 找到小狗的玩家和'P'将显示在同一个单元格中......

  • 现在,也许是toString输出的尴尬部分。通常,在显示2D数组时, [0] [0]单元格与矩阵一样显示在左上角。但是,因为小狗 决定迷失在建筑物而不是矩阵中,一楼的视觉感觉会更加明显 (第0行)显示在它上面的底部,第二层......最后是顶层,好......顶部!至 保存单词,仔细查看下一页提供的示例运行。你的输出应该看起来像 与样本运行中下一页的内容相同。


import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;

 * This program is used as a driver program to play the game from the
 * class LostPuppy.  Not to be used for grading!
 * A puppy is lost in a multi-floor building represented in the class 
 * LostPuppy.class.  Two players will take turns searching the building
 * by selecting a floor and a room where the puppy might be.
 * @author David Schuessler
 * @version Spring 2015

public class PuppyPlay
   * Driver program to play LostPuppy.
   * @param theArgs may contain file names in an array of type String
  public static void main(String[] theArgs)
    Scanner s = new Scanner(;
    LostPuppy game; 
    int totalFloors;
    int totalRooms;
    int floor;
    int room;
    char[] players = {'1', '2'};
    int playerIndex;
    boolean found = false;
    Random rand = new Random();

      System.out.print("To find the puppy, we need to know:\n"
                       + "\tHow many floors are in the building\n"
                       + "\tHow many rooms are on the floors\n\n"
                       + "             Please enter the number of floors: ");
      totalFloors = s.nextInt();
      System.out.print("Please enter the number of rooms on the floors: ");
      totalRooms = s.nextInt();
      s.nextLine();    // Consume previous newline character    

      // Start the game: Create a LostPuppy object:
      game = new LostPuppy(totalFloors, totalRooms);

      // Pick starting player
      playerIndex = rand.nextInt(2);

      System.out.println("\nFloor and room numbers start at zero '0'");


          System.out.println("\nPlayer " + players[playerIndex]
                             + ", enter floor and room to search separated by a space: ");
          floor = s.nextInt();
          room = s.nextInt();

          //for testing, use random generation of floor and room
          //floor = rand.nextInt(totalFloors);
          //room = rand.nextInt(totalRooms);
        } while (!game.indicesOK(floor, room) 
                 || game.roomSearchedAlready(floor, room));

        found = game.searchRoom(floor, room, players[playerIndex]);
        playerIndex = (playerIndex + 1) % 2;
        System.out.println("\n[" + floor + "], [" + room + "]");
      } while (!found);

      playerIndex = (playerIndex + 1) % 2;
      System.out.println("Great job player " + players[playerIndex] +"!");
      System.out.println("Would you like to find another puppy [Y/N]? ");
    while (s.nextLine().equalsIgnoreCase("Y"));


import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class LostPuppy

   char[][] myHidingPlaces;
   int myFloorLocation;
   int myRoomLocation;
   char myWinner;
   boolean myFound;
   Random random = new Random();

   public void LostPuppy(int theFloors, int theRooms)
   {// this ^ void is the issue and is now removed from my code(answered 7/14/2015 on stack overflow)
      char[][] myHidingPlaces = new char[theFloors][theRooms];

      for (int i = 0; i < theFloors; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < theRooms; j++)
            myHidingPlaces[i][j] = ' ';

      myFloorLocation = random.nextInt(theFloors);
      myRoomLocation = random.nextInt(theRooms);
      myHidingPlaces[myFloorLocation][myRoomLocation] = 'P';
      myWinner = ' ';
      myFound = false;  
   public boolean roomSearchedAlready(int floor, int room)
      if (myHidingPlaces[floor][room] == '1' || 
          myHidingPlaces[floor][room] == '2')
            return true;
         return false;

   public boolean puppyLocation(int floor, int room)
      if (myHidingPlaces[floor][room] == 'P')
         return true;
         return false;

   public boolean indicesOK(int floor, int room)
      if (floor <= myHidingPlaces.length || room <= myHidingPlaces[0].length)
         return true;
         return false;

   public int numberOfFloors()
      return myHidingPlaces.length - 1;
   public int numberOfRooms()
      return myHidingPlaces[0].length - 1;

   public boolean searchRoom(int floor, int room, char player)
      if (myFound = true)
         myWinner = player;
         myFound = true;
         return true;
         myHidingPlaces[floor][room] = player;
         return false;

   public String toString()
      return "this is a test";



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


我不希望在任何回复中对我的作业有任何具体的解决方案   到这篇文章。那些问题让我想出来。我想要的是   解释为什么我的测试代码不会编译/运行。


game = new LostPuppy(totalFloors, totalRooms);



public LostPuppy(int totalFloors, int totalRooms)
    //Do something here with paremeters..


while (!game.indicesOK(floor, room) 



public boolean indicesOK(int floot, int room)
    //return some conditions

答案 1 :(得分:2)


public LostPuppy(int theFloors, int theRooms)
  myHidingPlaces = new char[theFloors][theRooms]; //this line

  for (int i = 0; i < theFloors; i++)
     for (int j = 0; j < theRooms; j++)
        myHidingPlaces[i][j] = ' ';

  myFloorLocation = random.nextInt(theFloors);
  myRoomLocation = random.nextInt(theRooms);
  myHidingPlaces[myFloorLocation][myRoomLocation] = 'P';
  myWinner = ' ';
  myFound = false;  
