
时间:2015-07-14 07:51:53

标签: vba logging vbscript backup


cscript D:\new.vbs > output.log


Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host version 5.8
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.



' Backup folder using 7-Zip
' Written by Steve Allison 2014 - steve@allison.im

Dim fso, rs, shell

' File System Object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' RecordSet
Set rs = CreateObject("Ador.Recordset")
' Shell
Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Const adVarChar = 200
Const adDate = 7

zipEXE="C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"

' Number of files to keep
iNum = 5

' Get the date in the correct order. Why does vbscript suck so hard at date formatting?
Function getDateString()
    d = ZeroPad(Day(Now()), 2)
    m = ZeroPad(Month(Now()), 2)    
    y = Year(Now())
    getDateString = y & m & d
End Function

' No printf() in VBScript it seems
Function ZeroPad(int, length)
 If Len(int) < length Then
 ZeroPad = Right(String(length, "0") & int, length)
 End If
End Function

' Sanity checking
If Not fso.FolderExists(srcFolder) Then
 Wscript.Echo "Aborted. Source folder does not exist: " & srcFolder
End If
If Not fso.FolderExists(dstFolder) Then
 Wscript.Echo "Aborted. Destination folder does not exist: " & dstFolder
End If
If Not fso.FileExists(zipEXE) Then
 Wscript.Echo "Aborted. 7-Zip program does not exist: " & zipEXE
End If

' Create suffix of date-time
backupFileDate = getDateString() & "-" & replace(FormatDateTime(now,4),":","")

' File extension
backupFileExt = ".7z"

' Backup path without extension
backupFilePre = dstFolder & "/" & backupName & "_" & backupFileDate

' Full backup path
backupFile = backupFilePre & backupFileExt

' More sanity checking
n = 1
Do While fso.FileExists(backupFile)
 ' Add integeer to file, loop until it doesn't already exist
 backupFile = backupFilePre & "_" & ZeroPad(n, 2) & backupFileExt
 n = n + 1

'''' Zip Source Folder
' Create shell command
shCommand = """" & zipEXE & """ a -r """ & backupFile & """"
' Change to source directory
shell.CurrentDirectory = srcFolder & "/"
' Run 7-Zip in shell
shVal = shell.Run(shCommand,4,true)

' Check 7-Zip exit code
If shVal > 1 Then
 Wscript.Echo "7-Zip failed with error code: " & shVal
End If

'''' Remove old backup files
' Add required fields to recordset
With rs.Fields
 .append "filepath", adVarChar, 255
 .append "datelastmodified", adDate
End With

' Get folder object
set rsFolder=fso.getfolder(dstFolder)

' List folder contents to RecordSet
With rs
    For Each rsFile in rsFolder.files
        .addnew array("filepath","datelastmodified"), array(rsFile.path,rsFile.datelastmodified)
End With

' Loop through folder listing recordset
If Not (rs.EOF and rs.BOF) then
 ' Sort by last modified, newest first
 rs.Sort = "datelastmodified desc"
 ' Move recordset pointer to first record
 ' Loop through recordset
 Do While Not rs.EOF
 ' get path from recordset
 dFile = fso.GetFile(rs.Fields("filepath"))
 ' get filename from path
 dFileName = fso.GetFileName(dFile)
 ' Check if backupName is in the filename
 if InStr(1, dFileName, backupName, 1) Then
 ' wait until >iNum matches
 if i > iNum Then
 ' Delete file, ignore errors
 On Error Resume Next
 fso.DeleteFile rs.Fields("filepath"), true
 On Error Goto 0
 End If
 End If
End If

Wscript.Echo "Backup complete at " & backupFile


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

  1. 假设:您查看的output.log不是您的命令写入的output.log。检查时间戳,在当前目录中查找output.log,删除它并查看是否重新创建,在>后使用完整的文件规范。
  2. 假设:您的脚本的最后一行未到达。将Wscript.Echo "Backup started放在脚本的顶部。
  3. 假设:出了别的问题。使用cscript //X ...调试脚本。