
时间:2015-07-13 22:17:30

标签: vb.net reporting-services crystal-reports

我有一个运行各种Crystal Reports的VB 2012 Windows窗体应用程序。其中一份报告用于为推荐其他客户在组织内成为会员的客户打印优惠券。报告的布局使用报告集的详细信息A部分中的8位PNG图像,以在“专家”部分中的“底层跟随部分”。详细信息B部分包含打印客户名称的字段以及创建的每个优惠券的唯一条形码。我正在创建一个12x18文档的报告,报告设置为格式化多列,这样我就可以在1个页面中的2列中放入6张优惠券(每列3张优惠券)。



Private Sub ReferralCouponReport()

    'create data tables to hold both import files
    Dim membersTable As DataTable
    Dim ordersTable As DataTable
    'import files into the datatable objects
    Dim imp As New Fmca.Common.ImportHelper.ImportHelper
    membersTable = imp.importCSVtoDataTable(membersText.Text, True)
    ordersTable = imp.importCSVtoDataTable(ordersText.Text, True)
    'create table of MembershipNo and MembershipName values from membersTable for each record in ordersTable using NameID as a cross reference value
    Dim query = (From o In ordersTable
                 Select o.Field(Of String)("NameID")).ToList
    'need a new table to add values to
    Dim couponsTable As New DataTable
    With couponsTable.Columns
    End With
    'Need a value for CouponId
    Dim sqlParams() As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter
    ReDim sqlParams(2)

    sqlParams(0) = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter
    sqlParams(0).ParameterName = "@CouponType"
    sqlParams(0).DbType = DbType.String
    sqlParams(0).Value = My.Settings.CouponType

    sqlParams(1) = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter
    sqlParams(1).ParameterName = "@CouponType"
    sqlParams(1).DbType = DbType.Int32
    sqlParams(1).Value = My.Settings.CouponSeries

    sqlParams(2) = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter
    sqlParams(2).ParameterName = "@CouponSid"
    sqlParams(2).DbType = DbType.Int32
    sqlParams(2).Value = My.Settings.CouponSid

    Dim couponSid As Integer

    'Put the couponId assignment in Try block because the SQL could raise an error
        Dim couponId As DataSet = Fmca.Common.DBHelper.DBHelper.ExecuteDataset(Fmca.Common.DBEnum.DBEnum.DBServers.CONVERT, "sp_elan_GetCouponSid", sqlParams)
        couponSid = couponId.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item(2).ToString

        For Each value As String In query
            'Get data from membersTable where NameId equals the NameID from the record in ordersTable
            Dim coupon = (From m In membersTable
                          Where m.Field(Of String)("NameID") = value
                          Select m).ToList
            If coupon.Count > 0 Then
                Dim memNum = coupon.Item(0).Item(1).ToString
                Dim memName = coupon.Item(0).Item(2).ToString

                Dim row As DataRow
                row = couponsTable.NewRow
                With row
                    .Item(0) = memNum
                    .Item(1) = memName
                    .Item(2) = couponSid
                End With

            End If
            'Increment CouponSid
            couponSid += 1

    Catch ex As Exception
        MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error creating coupons", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
    End Try

    'Update Coupon in database for the next available CouponSid
    ReDim sqlParams(2)

    sqlParams(0) = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter
    sqlParams(0).ParameterName = "@CouponType"
    sqlParams(0).DbType = DbType.String
    sqlParams(0).Value = "MemberRecruitment_New"

    sqlParams(1) = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter
    sqlParams(1).ParameterName = "@CouponType"
    sqlParams(1).DbType = DbType.Int32
    sqlParams(1).Value = 99

    sqlParams(2) = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter
    sqlParams(2).ParameterName = "@CouponSid"
    sqlParams(2).DbType = DbType.Int32
    sqlParams(2).Value = couponSid + 1

    Fmca.Common.DBHelper.DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Fmca.Common.DBEnum.DBEnum.DBServers.CONVERT, "sp_elan_UpdateCouponSid", sqlParams)

    'Count number of coupons produced and send to Accounting to track as a liability on the GL
    Dim count As Integer = couponsTable.Rows.Count
    'Do nothing if the email sends successfully
    If SendEmailNotification(My.Settings.AccountingEmailAddress, count) = False Then
        Dim msg As String = ""
        msg += "The email notification could not be sent to " & My.Settings.AccountingEmailAddress & " at this time." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
        msg += "Please notify the Accounting Department of the number of coupons and total liability amount that are shown below." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
        msg += "Number of coupons:  " & count & vbCrLf
        msg += "Total liability:    $" & count * 10 & ".00"

        MessageBox.Show(msg, "Email Notification Failed!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning)
    End If

    Dim rptDoc As New CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument
    rptDoc = New RefCoupon

    ReportForm.CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rptDoc


    ReportForm.CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = Nothing

End Sub

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