2015-07-13 16:45:17.529 paintApp [4628:168318] - [UIView collectionView:numberOfItemsInSection:]:无法识别的选择器发送到实例0x7f8a12651c60 2015-07-13 16:45:17.539 paintApp [4628:168318] *由于未捕获的异常'NSInvalidArgumentException'终止应用程序,原因:' - [UIView collectionView:numberOfItemsInSection:]:无法识别的选择器发送到实例0x7f8a12651c60' * 第一次抛出调用堆栈: ( 0 CoreFoundation 0x0000000107f67b75 exceptionPreprocess + 165 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x0000000109cf7bb7 objc_exception_throw + 45 2 CoreFoundation 0x0000000107f6ec8d - [NSObject(NSObject)doesNotRecognizeSelector:] + 205 3 CoreFoundation 0x0000000107ec66fc ___ forwarding _ + 988 4 CoreFoundation 0x0000000107ec6298 _CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 120 5 UIKit 0x00000001090a5286 - [UICollectionViewData _updateItemCounts] + 296 6 UIKit 0x00000001090a7469 - [UICollectionViewData numberOfSections] + 22 7 UIKit 0x000000010909158e - [UICollectionViewFlowLayout _getSizingInfos] + 348 8 UIKit 0x0000000109092689 - [UICollectionViewFlowLayout _fetchItemsInfoForRect:] + 526 9 UIKit 0x000000010908deff - [UICollectionViewFlowLayout prepareLayout] + 257 10 UIKit 0x00000001090a53f0 - [UICollectionViewData _prepareToLoadData] + 67 11 UIKit 0x00000001090a5ac9 - [UICollectionViewData validateLayoutInRect:] + 54 12 UIKit 0x000000010906e198 - [UICollectionView layoutSubviews] + 170 13 UIKit 0x0000000108ab3303 - [UIView(CALayerDelegate)layoutSublayersOfLayer:] + 521 14 QuartzCore 0x000000010d463de8 - [CALayer layoutSublayers] + 150 15 QuartzCore 0x000000010d458a0e _ZN2CA5Layer16layout_if_neededEPNS_11TransactionE + 380 16 QuartzCore 0x000000010d45887e _ZN2CA5Layer28layout_and_display_if_neededEPNS_11TransactionE + 24 17 QuartzCore 0x000000010d3c663e _ZN2CA7Context18commit_transactionEPNS_11TransactionE + 242 18 QuartzCore 0x000000010d3c774a _ZN2CA11Transaction6commitEv + 390 19 UIKit 0x0000000108a3795d - [UIApplication _reportMainSceneUpdateFinished:] + 44 20 UIKit 0x0000000108a3866a - [UIApplication _runWithMainScene:transitionContext:completion:] + 2684 21 UIKit 0x0000000108a37005 - [UIApplication workspaceDidEndTransaction:] + 179 22 FrontBoardServices 0x000000010c58d253 31- [FBSSerialQueue performAsync:] _ block_invoke + 16 23 CoreFoundation 0x0000000107e9c9bc __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_BLOCK + 12 24 CoreFoundation 0x0000000107e92705 __CFRunLoopDoBlocks + 341 25 CoreFoundation 0x0000000107e924c5 __CFRunLoopRun + 2389 26 CoreFoundation 0x0000000107e91906 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 470 27 UIKit 0x0000000108a36a72 - [UIApplication _run] + 413 28 UIKit 0x0000000108a39870 UIApplicationMain + 1282 29 paintApp 0x0000000107d7272e top_level_code + 78 30 paintApp 0x0000000107d7276a main + 42 31 libdyld.dylib 0x000000010a4d3145 start + 1 32 ??? 0x0000000000000001 0x0 + 1 ) libc ++ abi.dylib:以NSException类型的未捕获异常终止 (lldb)
import UIKit
class ViewControllerGallery: UIViewController, UICollectionViewDataSource, UICollectionViewDelegate {
var tableData: [String] = ["img1" , "img2"]
var tableImages: [String] = ["file1.png", "file2.png"]
var collectionView: UICollectionView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
collectionView = UICollectionView(frame: self.view.frame)
collectionView.dataSource = self
collectionView.delegate = self
collectionView.registerClass(UICollectionViewCell.self, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: "Cell")
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return tableData.count
func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
let cell : ColViewCell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier("Cell", forIndexPath : indexPath) as ColViewCell
cell.labelCell.text = tableData[indexPath.row]
cell.imgCell.image = UIImage(named : tableImages[indexPath.row])
return cell //UICollectionViewCell()
func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, didSelectItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
println("Cell \(indexPath.row) selcted")
import UIKit
class ColViewCell: UICollectionViewCell {
@IBOutlet var imgCell: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet var labelCell: UILabel!
答案 0 :(得分:4)
的地方有错误来源 - 而不是实施UICollectionViewDataSource
这样的东西override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
collectionView.dataSource = self;