STACK_OF( X509_EXTENSION ) *ext_list;
X509_EXTENSION *ext;
INT crit;
INT i;
INT n;
// Certificate Extension
cert_inf = xcert -> cert_info;
ext_list = cert_inf -> extensions;
n= sk_X509_EXTENSION_num ( ext_list );
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
ext = sk_X509_EXTENSION_value ( ext_list, i );
// Makes a copy of obj, frees the object subfield of ex if it is
// setand stuffs it with the new copy of obj instead.
ret= X509_EXTENSION_set_object ( ext, obj );
if ( 0 == ret )
printf ( "\tERROR in X509_EXTENSION_set_object\n" );
hResult = GetLastError ( );
}// if
// Sets the critical subfield of ex if crit is nonxero, or clears
// it if crit is zero.
ret= X509_EXTENSION_set_critical( ext, crit );
if ( 0 == ret )
printf ( "\tERROR in X509_EXTENSION_set_critical\n" );
hResult = GetLastError ( );
}// if
// Sets the value subfield of ex to the ASN1_OCTET_STRING pointed
// to by data.
ret= X509_EXTENSION_set_data( ext, data );
if ( 0 == ret )
printf ( "\tERROR in X509_EXTENSION_set_data\n" );
hResult = GetLastError ( );
}// if
}// for