使用PyGTK开始我的第一个Python宠物项目。虽然它是一个非常强大的GUI工具包,看起来很棒,但我有一些小小的烦恼。所以我考虑过渡到别的东西,因为它还不是太广泛。看了SO和python documentation,但没有得到很好的概述。
TreeView :因为这是主界面元素,所以它最让人分心。基本上我的应用程序构建了一个要显示的字典列表name = column + row => value。要使用GTK显示它,需要手动转换过程,订购,类型转换。这似乎是很多开销,我希望在这里有一些更面向对象的东西。 PyGtk在gtk +之上有许多抽象,但仍然看起来相当低级。我更喜欢按原样传递我的字典,并以某种方式预定义列。 (GtkBuilder可以预定义TreeView列,但这不能解决数据表示开销。)
当我在TreeView列表上看到mousclick时,我还必须将所有内容转换回我的应用程序数据结构。而且,如果从非主线程运行,PyGTK不会使用gobject.idle本身包装gtk +调用也很令人讨厌。现在有很多GUI代码我认为不应该是必要的,或者可以合理化。
?那么,PyGTK上是否还有其他包装器。或者哪个其他工具包支持更简单的界面来显示Grid / TreeView。我已经阅读了很多关于wxPython是每个人最喜欢的东西,但它在Linux上不太成熟。并且 PyQT 似乎与PyGTK大致相同的抽象级别。没有使用 TkInter ,所以不知道它是否有更简单的接口,但它无论如何看起来没有吸引力。和 PyFLTK 一样。睡衣听起来很迷人,但已经太过分了(桌面应用程序)。
所以,带有dict的GUI工具包 - >网格显示。你会选哪个?
#-- fill a treeview
# Adds treeviewcolumns/cellrenderers and liststore from a data dictionary.
# Its datamap and the table contents can be supplied in one or two steps.
# When new data gets applied, the columns aren't recreated.
# The columns are created according to the datamap, which describes cell
# mapping and layout. Columns can have multiple cellrenderers, but usually
# there is a direct mapping to a data source key from entries.
# datamap = [ # title width dict-key type, renderer, attrs
# ["Name", 150, ["titlerow", str, "text", {} ] ],
# [False, 0, ["interndat", int, None, {} ] ],
# ["Desc", 200, ["descriptn", str, "text", {} ], ["icon",str,"pixbuf",{}] ],
# An according entries list then would contain a dictionary for each row:
# entries = [ {"titlerow":"first", "interndat":123}, {"titlerow":"..."}, ]
# Keys not mentioned in the datamap get ignored, and defaults are applied
# for missing cols. All values must already be in the correct type however.
def columns(widget, datamap=[], entries=[], pix_entry=False):
# create treeviewcolumns?
if (not widget.get_column(0)):
# loop through titles
datapos = 0
for n_col,desc in enumerate(datamap):
# check for title
if (type(desc[0]) != str):
datapos += 1 # if there is none, this is just an undisplayed data column
# new tvcolumn
col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(desc[0]) # title
# width
if (desc[1] > 0):
# loop through cells
for var in xrange(2, len(desc)):
cell = desc[var]
# cell renderer
if (cell[2] == "pixbuf"):
rend = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() # img cell
if (cell[1] == str):
cell[3]["stock_id"] = datapos # for stock icons
expand = False
pix_entry = datapos
cell[3]["pixbuf"] = datapos
rend = gtk.CellRendererText() # text cell
cell[3]["text"] = datapos
col.set_sort_column_id(datapos) # only on textual cells
# attach cell to column
col.pack_end(rend, expand=cell[3].get("expand",True))
# apply attributes
for attr,val in cell[3].iteritems():
col.add_attribute(rend, attr, val)
# next
datapos += 1
# add column to treeview
# finalize widget
widget.set_search_column(2) #??
# add data?
if (entries):
#- expand datamap
vartypes = [] #(str, str, bool, str, int, int, gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, str, int)
rowmap = [] #["title", "desc", "bookmarked", "name", "count", "max", "img", ...]
if (not rowmap):
for desc in datamap:
for var in xrange(2, len(desc)):
vartypes.append(desc[var][3]) # content types
rowmap.append(desc[var][0]) # dict{} column keys in entries[] list
# create gtk array storage
ls = gtk.ListStore(*vartypes) # could be a TreeStore, too
# prepare for missing values, and special variable types
defaults = {
str: "",
unicode: u"",
bool: False,
int: 0,
gtk.gdk.Pixbuf: gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_data("\0\0\0\0",gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB,True,8,1,1,4)
if gtk.gdk.Pixbuf in vartypes:
pix_entry = vartypes.index(gtk.gdk.Pixbuf)
# sort data into gtk liststore array
for row in entries:
# generate ordered list from dictionary, using rowmap association
row = [ row.get( skey , defaults[vartypes[i]] ) for i,skey in enumerate(rowmap) ]
# autotransform string -> gtk image object
if (pix_entry and type(row[pix_entry]) == str):
row[pix_entry] = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(row[pix_entry])
# add
ls.append(row) # had to be adapted for real TreeStore (would require additional input for grouping/level/parents)
# apply array to widget
return ls
答案 0 :(得分:5)
答案 1 :(得分:4)
我之前没有遇到过新西兰人。谢谢,Johannes Sasongko。
答案 2 :(得分:3)
答案 3 :(得分:1)
I would suggest taking a look at wxPython。虽然我不得不承认我自己没有对Treeviews做过很多事情,但我发现它很容易上手并且非常强大。
[编辑] wxDataViewTreeCtrl实际上可能更适用于您的情况。