
时间:2015-07-11 05:46:08

标签: c# unity3d drag-and-drop draggable drag


Vector3 partsPanelScale;
public Vector3 buildPanelScale;

public Transform placeholderParent = null;
public Transform parentToReturnTo = null;

GameObject placeholder = null;

public GameObject animalPart;

public GameObject trashCan; 
public GameObject partsPanel;
public GameObject partsWindow;
GameObject buildBoard;
GameObject dragLayer;

private float _mX; // holds current eventData.position.x
private float _mY; // holds current eventData.position.y
private float _pmX;// holds previous eventData.position.x
private float _pmY;// holds previous eventData.position.y

void Start ()
    dragLayer = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("DragLayer");
    buildBoard = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Board");
    partsPanel = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Parts");
    partsWindow = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("PartsWindow");
    trashCan = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Trash");

#region IPointerClickHandler implementation

public void OnPointerClick (PointerEventData eventData)
    if(transform.parent.gameObject == buildBoard)


#region IBeginDragHandler implementation

public void OnBeginDrag (PointerEventData eventData)
    // each frame updates the current position of the mouse.
    _mX = eventData.position.x;
    _mY = eventData.position.y;

    // create placeholder gap and hold correct position in layout
    placeholder = new GameObject();

    if(transform.parent.gameObject == partsPanel)
        partsPanelScale = transform.localScale;

    parentToReturnTo = transform.parent;                                    // store current parent location
    placeholderParent = parentToReturnTo;                                   // set placeholder gameobject transform

    GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().blocksRaycasts = false;                     // turn off image raycasting when dragging image in order to see what's behind the image            


#region IDragHandler implementation

float distance = 0;

public void OnDrag (PointerEventData eventData)

    // Divided the difference by 6 to reduce the speed of dragging.
    transform.position = new Vector3
            (_pmX - _mX)/6 + transform.position.x,
            (_pmY - _mY)/6 + transform.position.y,

    // Vector3 mousePosition = new Vector3(eventData.position.x, eventData.position.y, distance);
    // Vector3 objPosition = Camera.main.ViewportToScreenPoint(mousePosition);
    // transform.position = mousePosition;                                  // set object coordinates to mouse coordinates

    if(transform.parent.gameObject == partsPanel)
        transform.SetParent(dragLayer.transform);                           // pop object to draglayer to move object out of partsPnael

    if(transform.parent.gameObject == buildBoard)
        // Constrain drag to boundaries of buildBoard Code


#region IEndDragHandler implementation

public void OnEndDrag (PointerEventData eventData)
    // end of the drag. set the previous position.
    _pmX = _mX;
    _pmY = _mY;

    transform.SetParent(parentToReturnTo);                                  // Snaps object back to orginal parent if dropped outside of a dropzone
    transform.SetSiblingIndex(placeholder.transform.GetSiblingIndex());     // Returns card back to placeholder location

    GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().blocksRaycasts = true;                      // turn Raycast back on
    Destroy(placeholder);                                                   // kill the placeholder if object hits a drop zone or returns to parts panel

    if(transform.parent.gameObject == buildBoard)
        // Debug.Log ("Your sprite is now on the " + transform.parent.name);

        transform.localScale = buildPanelScale;
        transform.SetAsLastSibling();                                       // always place last piece on top

    if(transform.parent.gameObject == partsPanel)
        transform.localScale = partsPanelScale;


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您必须通过获取先前和当前位置(x2 - x1y2 - y1)的差异来转换图像转换。然后将最终转换设置为图像转换。

您还需要MouseOver个事件来更新职位。 (或MouseMove

private double _mX; // holds current eventData.position.x
private double _mY; // holds current eventData.position.y
private double _pmX;// holds previous eventData.position.x
private double _pmY;// holds previous eventData.position.y

// each frame updates the current position of the mouse.
private void MouseOver(PointerEventData eventData)
    _mX = eventData.position.x;
    _mY = eventData.position.y;

public void OnDrag (PointerEventData eventData)
    transform.position = new Vector3D((_pmX - _mX)/6 + transform.position.x,
                                      (_pmY - _mY)/6 + transform.position.y, distance);
    // Divided the difference by 6 to reduce the speed of dragging.


    // end of the drag. set the previous position.
    _pmX = _mX;
    _pmY = _mY;


如果您从右向左拖动但图片从左向右移动,则将_pmX - mX替换为_mX - _pmX

如果您从上到下拖动但图片从下往上拖动,请将_pmY - mY替换为_mY - _pmY