
时间:2015-07-10 17:04:05

标签: html scala playframework playframework-2.4

我已将我的项目从play-slick 0.8迁移到play-slick 1.0(https://github.com/playframework/play-slick)......这意味着将播放版本从2.3更改为2.4,将版本从2.1更改为3.0。



类型不匹配;     发现:play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable(扩展为)play.twirl.api.Html     required:String

这是我的模板' createForm.scala.html'。该错误引用了@main块中的第一行,无论它是什么(在这种情况下"添加消防员")。

@(bomberoForm: Form[Bombero], categorias: Seq[(String, String)])(implicit flash: play.api.mvc.Flash, messages: Messages)

@import helper._

@main {

    <h1>Add fireman</h1>

    @form(routes.BomberosController.save) {

这是我的&#39; main.html&#39;:

@(content: Html)

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Gestión de turnos</title>

        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="@routes.Assets.at("stylesheets/bootstrap.min.css")">

        <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="@routes.Assets.at("stylesheets/main.css")"/>


        <header class="topbar">
            <h1 class="fill">
                <a href="@routes.BomberosController.index()">
                    Gestión de turnos

        <section id="main">



class BomberosController @Inject() (val messagesApi: MessagesApi, bomberos: Bomberos)
  extends Controller with I18nSupport {

   * This result directly redirect to the bomberos management home.
  val Home = Redirect(routes.BomberosController.list(0, 1, ""))

   * Describe the bombero form (used in both edit and create screens).
  val bomberoForm: Form[Bombero] = Form(
      "matricula" -> number,
      "nombre" -> nonEmptyText,
      "apellidos" -> nonEmptyText,
      "categoria" -> number,
      "fechaDeIngreso" -> jodaLocalDate("dd/MM/yyyy"),
      "parque" -> nonEmptyText,
      "letra" -> nonEmptyText(1,1)
    )((m, n, a, c, f, p, letra) => Bombero(m, n, a, c, f, p, letra.head))
      ((b: Bombero) => Some(b.matricula, b.nombre, b.apellidos, b.categoria, b.fechaDeIngreso, b.parque, b.letra.toString))

  def index = Action { Home }

  def list(page: Int, orderBy: Int, filter: String) = Action.async { implicit request =>
    for {
      bomberosList <- bomberos.list(page = page, orderBy = orderBy, filter =("%"+filter+"%"))
    } yield
      Ok(views.html.bomberos.list(bomberosList, orderBy, filter))

  def create = Action.async { implicit request =>
    for (catOpts <- bomberos.categoriasOptions) yield
      Ok(views.html.bomberos.createForm(bomberoForm, catOpts))


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