
时间:2015-07-10 11:57:20

标签: vba excel-vba excel


以下代码是对股票排名模型中使用的zscores的计算。计算非常简单,只计算zscores,其中Public factor() As Single Sub zscores() Dim StartTime As Double, EndTime As Double Dim sheetNames() As String Dim r As Integer, i As Integer Dim antalAktier As Integer, perioder As Integer Dim zscore As Single StartTime = Timer Worksheets("ZScores").Range("B2:AAA1000").ClearContents 'perioder and antalAktier is just variables to determine number of stocks and periods perioder = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheets("returns").Range("A2:A1500")) antalAktier = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheets("returns").Range("B1:AAA1")) 'Makes an array of sheetnames r = 1 i = 0 ReDim sheetNames(0) Do Until Worksheets("BloomdataFLDS").Cells(r, 1).Value = "" sheetNames(i) = Worksheets("BloomdataFLDS").Cells(r, 1).Value i = i + 1 ReDim Preserve sheetNames(i) r = r + 1 Loop 'factor() is an array of values from textboxes in a userform 'Code uses the sheetnames array to jump between sheets and making a weighted average of the cell values and factor array values k = 2 For k = 2 To antalAktier + 1 r = 2 For r = 2 To perioder + 1 zscore = 0 For i = 0 To (UBound(factor) - 18) zscore = zscore + (factor(i) * Worksheets(sheetNames(i)).Cells(r, k).Value) Next i 'truncates the value to be max/min +/- 3 If Worksheets("binær").Cells(k, r).Value = 1 And Worksheets("returns").Cells(r, k).Value <> "#N/A N/A" Then If zscore < 3 And zscore > -3 Then Worksheets("ZScores").Cells(r, k).Value = zscore ElseIf zscore < -3 Then Worksheets("ZScores").Cells(r, k).Value = -3 ElseIf zscore > 3 Then Worksheets("ZScores").Cells(r, k).Value = 3 End If Else: Worksheets("ZScores").Cells(r, k).Value = "" End If Next r Next k EndTime = Timer MsgBox "Execution time in seconds: " + Format$(EndTime - StartTime) End Sub 位于不同的工作表中,权重包含在数组中。该代码有效,但有500个库存和103个周期需要大约30秒才能完成。我正在寻找建议,以加快我的代码/使其更好“正确”,就像良好的编程实践。



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


Application.ScreenUpdating = False


Application.ScreenUpdating = True


我猜想使用VBAs Count函数至少会比Excel的CountA具有更好的性能。 而不是

perioder = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheets("returns").Range("A2:A1500"))


perioder = Worksheets("returns").Range(Range("A2"),Range("A2").end(xlDown)).Count

(我假设当单元格为空时,考虑到你的Do Loop结束应该没有间隙。)


ReDim Preserve sheetNames(i)
来自你的Do Loop&amp;变化

ReDim sheetNames(0)

ReDim sheetNames(perioder)


If zscore < 3 And zscore > -3 Then
    Worksheets("ZScores").Cells(r, k).Value = zscore
ElseIf zscore < -3 Then
    Worksheets("ZScores").Cells(r, k).Value = -3
ElseIf zscore > 3 Then
    Worksheets("ZScores").Cells(r, k).Value = 3
End If


With Worksheets("ZScores").Cells(r, k)
   If zscore < 3 And zscore > -3 Then
       .Value = zscore
   ElseIf zscore < -3 Then
       .Value = -3
   ElseIf zscore > 3 Then
       .Value = 3
   End If
End With


答案 1 :(得分:1)


Excel.Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Excel.Application.Calculation = Excel.xlCalculationManual
Excel.Application.EnableEvents = False


Excel.Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Excel.Application.Calculation = Excel.xlAutomatic
Excel.Application.EnableEvents = True

另请注意,ReDim Preserve sheetNames(i)也需要花费很多时间。您可以使用集合而不是数组。

答案 2 :(得分:0)

我不确定它会节省多少时间,但使用PromusageReDim可能会浪费大量内存(我不确定你制作了多少次迭代,这会影响使用ReDim Preserve)的效率。

每次执行ReDim Preserve时,都会获取并复制数组,并使用调整大小的维度创建自身的新实例。您可以在不使用ReDim Preserve的情况下执行代码部分,如下所示:

ReDim Preserve

除非有任何理由特别为什么你不希望拥有变体2d阵列?从工作表中分配数组时,即使您只有1维数据,也会生成2d数组。当您遍历数组时,您只需指定第二维始终是&#39; 1&#39;。

正如我写的那样@ jbmb2000已经提到了第二循环的效率,所以我不会继续。希望这会有所帮助。