
时间:2015-07-10 00:43:20

标签: parsing cucumber gherkin



Feature: Create an account
    In order to become a member
    As a new user
    I can create an account

Scenario Outline: View the account creation page
    Given I am at the "<page>" page
    And I have selected "<lang>" language
    When I see the Sign Up link in my language
    And I click the "<size>" Sign Up link in my chosen language
    Then I see the User Account page in my chosen language
    And the Create New Account tab in my chosen language

        |page           |lang       |size   |
        |landing        |English    |large  |
        |landing        |English    |small  |
        |FAQ            |English    |large  |
        |Forums         |English    |small  |
        |landing        |Francais   |large  |
        |landing        |Espanol    |small  |

我跑的时候     黄瓜 - 干涸 我收到以下错误:

Missing Examples section for Scenario Outline at [filename].feature:8

最初我的尖括号中的变量没有引号,并且在建议here之后添加了引号但是唉,它对我的​​情况没有帮助。 有什么想法我的错误是什么? 谢谢!

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