var fileList = Directory.GetFiles(imageLocation, "*.jpg");
//Array that will store all the time information obtained from image property
double[] imgTimeInfo = new double[fileList.Length];
int imgTimeCounter =0;
foreach (var fileName in fileList)
string fileNameShort = fileName.Substring(fileName.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1);
richTextBox1.AppendText("Getting time information from image " + x + " of " + fileList.Length + " : " + fileNameShort + Environment.NewLine);
using (var fs = File.OpenRead(fileName))
//create an instance of a bitmap image
var image = new Bitmap(fs);
//get the date/time image property of the image
PropertyItem property = image.GetPropertyItem(36867);
System.Text.Encoding encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
string valueFrmProperty = encoding.GetString(property.Value);
//Format the value obtained to convert it into unix equivalent for comparison
string valueCorrected = valueFrmProperty.Split(' ')[0].Replace(":", "/") + " " + valueFrmProperty.Split(' ')[1];
var unixTime = ConvertToUnixTimeStamp(DateTime.Parse(valueCorrected));
imgTimeInfo[imgTimeCounter] = unixTime;
//It is very important to dispose the image resource before trying to read the property of another image. image.dispose frees the resources or else we get
MessageBox.Show("Images done.");
richTextBox1.AppendText("Fetching time information from log files..."+Environment.NewLine);
int counter4Time = contentBathy.Length / 6;
//assign counter for lat,long and time
int timeCounter = 3;
for (int i = 0; i < counter4Time; i++)
richTextBox1.AppendText("Searching time match with image files..." + Environment.NewLine);
double timeValue = Int32.Parse(contentBathy[timeCounter]);
//Looks for values that is +- 3 seconds different in the image file.
if (Array.Exists(imgTimeInfo, a => a == timeValue || a == timeValue + 1 || a == timeValue + 2|| a == timeValue+3
||a == timeValue-1|| a== timeValue-2||a == timeValue-3))
File.AppendAllText(@"c:\temp\matched.txt", "Lat : " + contentBathy[timeCounter - 3] + " Log : " + contentBathy[timeCounter - 2] + Environment.NewLine);
richTextBox1.AppendText("Image with same time information found. Looking for another match."+ Environment.NewLine);
//richTextBox1.AppendText("Time did not match...Writing GPX cordinates..." + Environment.NewLine);
File.AppendAllText(gpxLocation, "Lat : " + contentBathy[timeCounter - 3] + " Log : " + contentBathy[timeCounter - 2] + Environment.NewLine);
if(timeCounter < contentBathy.Length-3)
timeCounter += 6;