__asm {
encryptX: push ecx //push to manipulate
xchg eax, ecx //exchange values in eax and ecx / eax holds old ecx
neg al //divide least bit of eax by negative 1 (old ecx)
ror al, 1 //rotate right least most bit by 1 of eax
xor al, byte ptr[ecx] //exlcusive or least most bit against ecx value being pointed at
push edx //push edx onto stack for manipulatio
mov edx, eax //move eax into edx
xchg eax, ecx //swap values of ecx and eax
rol byte ptr[eax], 3 //rotate left the byte being pointed at 3 times
xor dl, byte ptr[eax] //xor the least bit by pointed value in eax
rol dl, 2 //rotate left the least bit in edx by 2
mov eax, edx //move edx value into eax
pop edx //pop values out
pop ecx //pop values out
ret //return
例如xor al, byte ptr[ecx]
我理解它将xor eax寄存器中最少的一部分,但我不明白什么? byte ptr [ecx]是我感到困惑的地方。