Java - XML Parser(DOM-Parser)

时间:2015-07-09 10:15:48

标签: java xml-parsing domparser xml-attribute child-nodes


<way id="50139553">
   <nd ref="637270182"/>
   <nd ref="637270196"/>
   <tag k="name" v="Amy"/>
   <tag k="bench" v="yes"/>
   <tag k="bin" v="yes"/>
   <tag k="public_transport" v="platform"/>
   <tag k="railway" v="platform"/>
   <tag k="shelter" v="yes"/>
   <tag k="tactile_paving" v="yes"/>
   <tag k="wheelchair" v="yes"/>

我只想选择一些 50139553 Amy 637270182 637270196 的值。

一般情况下,我会关注 id 标记k =&#34; name&#34; v =&#34; Amy&#34; nd ref =&#34; 637270182&#34;


Way _way = new Way();
    for (int zl = 0; zl < wayList.getLength(); zl++) {                

        Node way = wayList.item(zl);

        if (way.hasAttributes()) {
            String id = way.getAttributes().getNamedItem("id").getNodeValue();
   = id;

        for(int k = 0; k  < way.getChildNodes().getLength();++k) {

            Node childNode = way.getChildNodes().item(k);

            if (childNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {

                Element fin = (Element) childNode;                      

                if(fin.getAttribute("k").contains("name")) {
           = fin.getAttribute("v");

                if( == null) {             

                System.out.println("Way-Id: " + + " Way-Name: " + + " Way-Ref: " + _way.ref);

                _way.ref = fin.getAttribute("ref");



Way-Id: 50139553 Way-Name: null Way-Ref: null
Way-Id: 50139553 Way-Name: null Way-Ref: 637270182
Way-Id: 50139553 Way-Name: Amy Way-Ref: 637270196
Way-Id: 50139553 Way-Name: Amy Way-Ref: 
Way-Id: 50139553 Way-Name: Amy Way-Ref: 
Way-Id: 50139553 Way-Name: Amy Way-Ref: 
Way-Id: 50139553 Way-Name: Amy Way-Ref: 
Way-Id: 50139553 Way-Name: Amy Way-Ref: 
Way-Id: 50139553 Way-Name: Amy Way-Ref: 
Way-Id: 50139553 Way-Name: Amy Way-Ref: 


Way-Id: 50139553 Way-Name: Amy Way-Ref: 637270182
Way-Id: 50139553 Way-Name: Amy Way-Ref: 637270196


祝你好运, 纳扎尔

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


if ( != null && ! && (_way.ref != null && !_way.ref.trim().isEmpty()) {
   System.out.println("Way-Id: " + + " Way-Name: " + + " Way-Ref: " + _way.ref);


答案 1 :(得分:0)

搜索和遍历XML DOM文档的最佳方法是Xpath 以下是提取您所需要的所有代码。我尽可能多地添加评论

import javax.xml.parsers.*;
import org.w3c.dom.*;

String wayNodePattern = "//way";                // search all way tags in the document
String wayIdPattern = "./@id";                  // retrieve id attribute of current node
String wayNamePattern = "./tag[@k='name']/@v";  // retrieve v attribute of tag node under current node where k attribute is "name"
String wayRefPattern = "./nd/@ref";             // retrieve ref attribute of nd node under current node

XPath xPath =  XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
Document doc = ...
NodeList wayList = (NodeList)xPath.compile(wayNodePattern)
        .evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.NODESET);
for (int i = 0; i < wayList.getLength() ; i++) {
    Node way = wayList.item(i);
    String wayId = (String)xPath.compile(wayIdPattern).evaluate(way, XPathConstants.STRING);
    String wayName = (String)xPath.compile(wayNamePattern).evaluate(way, XPathConstants.STRING);
    NodeList wayRefList = (NodeList)xPath.compile(wayRefPattern).evaluate(way, XPathConstants.NODESET);
    System.out.print("Way-Id:" + wayId + " Way-Name:" + wayName);
    for (int j = 0; j < wayRefList.getLength() ; j++) {
        Node wayRef = wayRefList.item(j);
        System.out.print(" Way-Ref:" + wayRef.getNodeValue());


Way-Id:50139553 Way-Name:Amy Way-Ref:637270182 Way-Ref:637270196