
时间:2015-07-09 08:15:35

标签: javascript data-structures hash linked-list hashtable


function Node(element) {
    // store the node's data
    this.element = element;

    // store a link to the next node in the linked list
    this.next = null;

function LList() {
    this.head = new Node("head");
    this.find = find;
    this.insert = insert;
    this.display = display;
    this.findPrevious = findPrevious;
    this.remove = remove;

function find(item) {
    var currNode = this.head;
    while(currNode.element != item) {
        currNode = currNode.next;
    return currNode;

function insert(newElement) {
    var newNode = new Node(newElement);
    var current = this.find("head");

    newNode.next = current.next;
    current.next = newNode;

function display(list) {
    var currNode = this.head.next;
    while (currNode != null) {
        currNode = currNode.next;

function findPrevious(item) {
    var currNode = this.head;
    while((currNode.next != null) && (currNode.next.element != item)) {
        currNode = currNode.next;
    return currNode;


function remove(item) {
    var prevNode = this.findPrevious(item);
    if (prevNode.next != null) {
        prevNode.next = prevNode.next.next;

                    Hash Table

function HashTable() {
    this.table       = new Array(137);
    this.betterHash  = betterHash;
    this.showDistro  = showDistro;
    this.put         = put;
    this.get         = get;
    this.buildChains = buildChains;

function put(key) {
    var pos = this.betterHash(key);

function get(key) {
    var pos = this.betterHash(key);
    return this.table[pos].find(key).element;

function betterHash(key) {
    var constant = 37;
    var total = 0;

    for (var i = 0; i < key.length; i++) {
        total += constant * total + key.charCodeAt(i);
    total = total % this.table.length;

    if(total < 0) {
        total += this.table.length - 1;

    return parseInt(total, 10);

function showDistro() {
    for(var i = 0; i < this.table.length; i++) {
        var currNode = this.table[i].head.next;
        while (currNode != null) {
            currNode = currNode.next;

function buildChains() {
    for (var i = 0; i < this.table.length; i++) {
        this.table[i] = new LList();

var hTable = new HashTable();
var someNames = ["David", "Jennifer", "Donnie", "Raymond",
"Cynthia", "Mike", "Clayton", "Danny", "Jonathan"]; 

for(var i = 0; i < someNames.length; i++) {

hTable.get("David");                                    // "David"

我在javascript中使用链表和哈希表构建了一个单独的链接。我正在阅读这本书&#34; javascript&#34;中的数据结构和算法。但是这位作者犯了很多错误,我认为他并不真正了解javascript。我修改了他的代码很多。但由于JavaScript是我的第一个编程语言,这也是我第一次学习数据结构和算法,所以我不确定我是否正确构建它。


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