Google电子表格 - > Google日历[错误,&代码帮助]

时间:2015-07-09 00:17:12

标签: google-apps-script google-sheets google-calendar-api


我得到的一个错误是"找不到方法createAllDayEvent(string,number,object)。 (第39行,文件"")",这当然没有多大意义,因为这是一种已知的有效方法。


谢谢, 斯特林

function SpreadsheetToCalendar() 
 // This function should be executed from the spreadsheet you want to export to the calendar
 var mySpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();

 // These 2 methods do the same thing. Using the 2nd one, as 1st is deprecated
 // var myCalendar = CalendarApp.openByName("Autodesk Renewals");
 var myCalendar = CalendarApp.getCalendarById("");

  // optional - delete existing events
  var events = myCalendar.getEvents(new Date("January 1, 2013 PST"), 
      new Date("December 31, 2016 PST"));
  for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) 
     Utilities.sleep(300); // pause in the loop for 300 milliseconds

  var dataRange = mySpreadsheet.getRange("A2:H300");
  var data = dataRange.getValues();

  // process the data
  for (i in data) 
      var row = data[i];
      // assume that each row contains a date entry and a text entry
    var theContract = row[0] ;
    var theDate  = row[2] ;
    var theCustomer = row[3] ;
    var theAssign = row[5] ;
    var theStatus = row[6] ; 
    var theNotes = row[7] ;

    //var theTitle = (theCustomer + " | " + theContract + " | " + theAssign + " | " + theStatus);
    var theTitle = ("| " + theCustomer + " | " + theContract + " | " + theAssign + " | " + theStatus + " |");

    //myCalendar.createAllDayEvent(theTitle, theDate);
    // myCalendar.createAllDayEvent(theTitle, new Date(date));
    myCalendar.createAllDayEvent(theTitle, theDate, {description:theNotes});
    Utilities.sleep(300); // pause in the loop for 300 milliseconds


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


你也在一个糟糕的数组上做一个 ..(google it .tldr你也会在“count”属性上循环。)
