原始性测试谓词是Prolog中的Preme / 1

时间:2015-07-08 19:14:29

标签: prolog primes




n 是素数 n > 1和1< m < 名词的    n / m 具有非零余数。


isPrime(X) :- help(X,X).

help(X,Y) :-
   Y > 2,
   LOW is Y-1,
   Z is X mod LOW,
   Z > 0,


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


let Y = X initially
1. Check to see if the number (Y) is greater than 2.
2. Assign a new variable (LOW) one-less than the starting number (Y-1)
3. If X mod LOW is greater than zero, then recurse with LOW as the new Y

重复此操作,直到X mod LOW大于零且你的mod为1(Y = 2),然后如果我正确读取(并记住公式),你应该把X作为素数。< / p>

If at some point X mod LOW equals zero, then X is a non-prime.
Example:  X=6 (non-prime)
Y=6, LOW=5, Z = 6 mod 5 = 1 --> help(6,5)
Y=5, LOW=4, Z = 6 mod 4 = 2 --> help(6,4)
Y=4, LOW=3  Z = 6 mod 3 = 0  --> non prime because it's divisible by 3 in this case

Example: X=5 (prime)
Y=5, LOW=4, Z= 5 mod 4 = 1  --> help(5,4)
Y=4, LOW=3, Z= 5 mod 3 = 2  --> help(5,3)
Y=3, LOW=2  Z= 5 mod 2 = 3  --> help(5,2)
Y=2, --> once you get to this point, X is prime, because LOW=1, 
and any number mod 1 is greater than zero, and you can't "X mod 0".

有意义吗?它有效地迭代小于X的数字,看它是否平均分配(mod = 0)。

答案 1 :(得分:0)



如果满足以下条件,则整数 n 为素数:

  • N大于1,
  • N只能被自己整除1。



要使数字 n 成为素数,必须满足以下约束:

  • n 必须大于1,
  • 域1中必须存在 m &gt; m &lt; n n 可被 m
  • 整除   

您的help/2谓词通过将第二个参数与测试值一起播种并递减它来强制执行第二个约束,查找 m 来划分 n


is_prime(2).         % 2 is prime by definition.
is_prime(N) :-       % otherwise, N is prime if,
  N > 2 ,            % - N is greater than 2, and
  0 =\= N mod 2      % - and N is odd (no real need to check even numbers, eh?
  not_divisible(3,N) % - and N is not divisible any other odd number in the range 3 -- (N-1) 

not_divisible(N,N) .  % if we've counted up to N, we're good.
not_divisible(M,N) :- % otherwise...
  M < N ,             % - if M is less than N, and
  0 =:= N mod M       % - and N is not divisible by M, then
  M1 is M-1 ,         % - decrement M, and
  not_divisible(M1,N) % - recurse down on the newly decremented M
  .                   %