
时间:2015-07-08 17:51:04

标签: java json serialization jackson


old forum post by Programmer Bruce导致我使用ContextDeserializer,当StringConvertible是另一个类中的属性时,它正在工作。

但是当我想直接反序列化StringConvertible时,我无法找到获取具体类型的方法,因为beanProperty参数是null。根据杰克逊JSON用户组的this question/answer,显然可以预料到这一点: The only case where property should be null is when serializing a "root value", meaning the object instance passed directly to ObjectMapper's (or ObjectWriter's) writeValue() method -- in this case there simply isn't a referring property. But otherwise it should always be passed.


@JsonDeserialize(using = StringConvertibleDeserializer.class)
public final class SomeStringConvertible implements StringConvertible {

    private final String value;

    public SomeStringConvertible(final String value) {

        this.value = value;

    public String stringValue() {

        return value;

public final class SomeWrapper {

    public SomeStringConvertible stringConvertible;

    public SomeWrapper() {


public class StringConvertibleDeserializer extends StdDeserializer<StringConvertible> implements ContextualDeserializer {

    private final Class<? extends StringConvertible>    targetClass;

    StringConvertibleDeserializer() {


        this.targetClass = null;

    StringConvertibleDeserializer(final Class<? extends StringConvertible> targetClass) {


        this.targetClass = targetClass;

    public JsonDeserializer<?> createContextual(final DeserializationContext deserializationContext, @Nullable final BeanProperty beanProperty)
                                                                                                                                                throws JsonMappingException {

        final StringConvertibleDeserializer contextualDeserializer;

        // ====  Determine target type  =====
        final Class<? extends StringConvertible> targetClass;
        JavaType type = beanProperty.getType(); // -> beanProperty is null when the StringConvertible type is a root value
        targetClass = (Class<? extends StringConvertible>) type.getRawClass();

        // ====  Create contextual deserializer  =====
        contextualDeserializer = new StringConvertibleDeserializer(targetClass);

        // ====  Return  =====
        return contextualDeserializer;

    public StringConvertible deserialize(JsonParser jsonParser, DeserializationContext context) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {

        final StringConvertible value;

        // ====  Create instance using the target type  =====
        if (targetClass.equals(SomeStringConvertible.class))
            value = new SomeStringConvertible(jsonParser.getText());
        else {
            throw new RuntimeException();

        // ====  Return  =====
        return value;


public final class JacksonModule extends SimpleModule {

    public JacksonModule() {


        addDeserializer(StringConvertible.class, new StringConvertibleDeserializer());

public final class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        mapper.registerModule(new JacksonModule());

        final String wrappedValueJSON = "{\"stringConvertible\":\"hello world\"}";
        final String rootValueJSON = "\"hello world\"";

        try {
            mapper.readValue(wrappedValueJSON, SomeWrapper.class);  // This works fine
            mapper.readValue(rootValueJSON, SomeStringConvertible.class);   // This causes a NPE in createContextual(...) because beanProperty is null

        } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:13)

在研究StaxMan提出的解决方案时,我偶然发现了jackson-databind DeserializationContext,它解决了完全相同的问题。作为回应,维护者在版本2.5.0中向This turned out relatively easy to implement, so now there is: class DeserializationContext { public JavaType getContextualType() { ... } } which will give expected type during call to createContextual(), including case of deserializers that are directly added via annotation. 添加了一种方法:


因此,为了使我的工作成功,我只需要更改 // ==== Determine target type ===== final Class<? extends StringConvertible> targetClass; JavaType type = beanProperty.getType(); // -> beanProperty is null when the StringConvertible type is a root value targetClass = (Class<? extends StringConvertible>) type.getRawClass(); 方法中的一些代码。我改变了这个:

// ====  Determine target type  =====
final Class<? extends StringConvertible> targetClass;
    // ====  Get the contextual type info  =====
    final JavaType type; 
    if (beanProperty != null) 
        type = beanProperty.getType();  // -> beanProperty is null when the StringConvertible type is a root value

    else {
        type = deserializationContext.getContextualType();

    // ====  Get raw Class from type info  =====
    targetClass = (Class<? extends StringConvertible>) type.getRawClass();


 def calculate
      first_player_code  = Code.find(params[:first_player_id])
      second_player_code = Code.find(params[:second_player_id])
      File.open("first_player_code.rb", "w"){|file| file << first_player_code}
      File.open("second_player_code.rb", "w"){|file| file << second_player_code}
      system("ruby calculate.rb")

答案 1 :(得分:0)



这可以通过更改注册反序列化器的方式来实现。您可以实现SimpleModule,而不是使用Deserializers,并使用给定的类型信息处理反序列化程序的构造。 这样,将有多个反序列化器实例,配置有用于注册的类型信息。这也是预期的类型。