Angular 1.4.2 $ injector:modulerr模块错误

时间:2015-07-08 17:16:33

标签: javascript angularjs visual-studio-cordova

我尝试了所有解决方案(Stackoverflow等),但没有一个对我有用。 所有脚本都加载了,我使用vs 2015,我正在尝试整理一个菜单。 移动角度版本1.2 Angular 1.4.2 我调用我的函数(从pageteste.js开始) 谢谢大家

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                    <p><a href="1999-00.jpg"><img border="1" height="169" src="images/1999-00.jpg" style="margin-bottom:10px" width="225" /></a><br />
                    3rd Highest Capacity utilization in Soya Industry in year 1999-2000</p>

                    <p><a href="2001-02.jpg"><img border="1" height="169" src="images/2001-02.jpg" style="margin-bottom:10px" width="225" /></a><br />
                    2nd Highest Capacity utilization in Soya Industry in year 2001-2002</p>

                    <p><a href="2002-03.jpg"><img border="1" height="169" src="images/2002-03.jpg" style="margin-bottom:10px" width="225" /></a><br />
                    3rd Highest Capacity utilization in Soya Industry in year 2002-2003</p>

                    <p><a href="2003-04.jpg"><img border="1" height="169" src="images/2003-04.jpg" style="margin-bottom:10px" width="225" /></a><br />
                    3rd Highest Capacity utilization in Soya Industry in year 2003-2004</p>

                    <p><a href="2004-05.jpg"><img border="1" height="169" src="images/2004-05.jpg" style="margin-bottom:10px" width="225" /></a><br />
                    3rd Highest Capacity utilization in Soya Industry in year 2004-2005</p>
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                    <p class="style3"><strong>Welcome to the DJ Parivaar!</strong><br />
                    <strong>Welcome to the Soy Shed!</strong></p>

                    <p>We are Central India&#39;s trusted Soybean processing Industry engaged in processing Soybean to extract valuable Soy Oil and Soymeal along with other valuable by-products like Lecithin, Acid Oil and Soy Deo Distillate.</p>

                    <p>With the experience of more than a decade in the processing of Soybean, we at Divya Jyoti master the art of growth fixation. In the year 1995, we started with a set-up of 300 TPD Solvent Extraction Plant with a vision to establish long term business relations with esteemed companies by supplying them crude Soy oil &amp; Soy meal. Today Divya Jyoti has a 700 TPD Solvent extraction plant and a 100 TPD state of the art Refinery. Our growth rate is a combined team effort and is result of technically sound infrastructure, ultra-modern machinery, hi-tech laboratory, skilled manpower, hygienic storage space &amp; above all the dedication and experience to meet the deadlines with the assurance of quality.</p>

                    <p>Reliability, flexibility, competitive pricing and prompt services have been pillars of company&rsquo;s reputation and success. This is also reflected in the high level of customer satisfaction, which is driving&nbsp;force behind the company&rsquo;s growth.</p>
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2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


function start() {

  var app = angular.module('AngularUIBucketApp', [


答案 1 :(得分:0)

解决方案:我需要在Nuget上安装Angular.js&#34;右键 - &gt; Manege NugGet包&#34;