final HttpSessionCsrfTokenRepository tokenRepository = new HttpSessionCsrfTokenRepository();
Invalid CSRF token found
答案 0 :(得分:2)
这对我有用: -
dbPath = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\WaitAnalysisDB.accdb"
tblName = "Wait_Data_Table"
strcon = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source='" & dbPath & "';"
conn.Open strcon
过滤器: -
Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection, rs As New ADODB.Recordset, dbPath As String, tblName As String
Dim rngColHeads As Range, rngTblRcds As Range, colHead As String, rcdDetail As String
Dim ch As Integer, cl As Integer, notNull As Boolean, strcon As String, lr As Integer
Dim currentdate As String
Dim strdbcheck As String
'Code Checks if There Are Records for the Date in the DB
'If there is, then it skips the SQL code
currentdate = Date
dbPath = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\WaitAnalysisDB.accdb"
tblName = "Wait_Data_Table"
strcon = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source='" & dbPath & "';"
conn.Open strcon
strdbcheck = "SELECT * FROM " & tblName
rs.Open strdbcheck, conn
rs.Filter = "Date= #" & currentdate & "#"
If Not rs.EOF Then
Set rs = Nothing
Set conn = Nothing
GoTo SkipExport
Set rs = Nothing
Set conn = Nothing
GoTo Export
End If
'Set Up Connections
dbPath = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\WaitAnalysisDB.accdb"
tblName = "Wait_Data_Table"
'Create Date Column
Worksheets("Wait Analysis DATA").Select
lr = Cells(Rows.Count, "K").End(xlUp).Row
currentdate = Date: Range("O1").Value = "Date": Range(Range("O2"), Range("O" & lr)).Value = currentdate
Set rngColHeads = ActiveSheet.Range(Range("a1"), Range("a1").End(xlToRight))
Set rngTblRcds = ActiveSheet.Range(Range("K2:k" & lr).Offset(0, -10), Range("K2:k" & lr).Offset(0, 4))
'SQL connection String
strcon = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source='" & dbPath & "';"
'Create String for Columns for SQL
colHead = "(["
For ch = 1 To rngColHeads.Count
colHead = colHead & rngColHeads.Columns(ch).Value
Select Case ch
Case Is = rngColHeads.Count
colHead = colHead & "])"
Case Else
colHead = colHead & "],["
End Select
Next ch
On Error GoTo EndUpdate
conn.Open strcon
Dim tempcl As Integer
For cl = 1 To rngTblRcds.Rows.Count
If Range("a2").Offset(cl - 1, 0) = "" Then
tempcl = cl - Range("a2").Offset(cl, 0).End(xlUp).Rows.Count
notNull = False
rcdDetail = "('"
For ch = 1 To rngColHeads.Count
Select Case rngTblRcds.Rows(tempcl).Columns(ch).Value
Case Is = Empty
Select Case ch
Case Is = rngColHeads.Count
rcdDetail = Left(rcdDetail, Len(rcdDetail) - 1) & "NULL)"
Case Else
rcdDetail = Left(rcdDetail, Len(rcdDetail) - 1) & "NULL,'"
End Select
Case Else
notNull = True
Select Case ch
Case "11":
rcdDetail = rcdDetail & rngTblRcds.Rows(cl).Columns(ch).Value & "','"
Case Is = rngColHeads.Count
rcdDetail = rcdDetail & rngTblRcds.Rows(tempcl).Columns(ch).Value & "')"
Case Else
rcdDetail = rcdDetail & rngTblRcds.Rows(tempcl).Columns(ch).Value & "','"
End Select
End Select
Next ch
tempcl = 0
GoTo skipads
End If
notNull = False
rcdDetail = "('"
For ch = 1 To rngColHeads.Count
Select Case rngTblRcds.Rows(cl).Columns(ch).Value
Case Is = Empty
Select Case ch
Case Is = rngColHeads.Count
rcdDetail = Left(rcdDetail, Len(rcdDetail) - 1) & "NULL)"
Case Else
rcdDetail = Left(rcdDetail, Len(rcdDetail) - 1) & "NULL,'"
End Select
Case Else
notNull = True
Select Case ch
Case Is = rngColHeads.Count
rcdDetail = rcdDetail & rngTblRcds.Rows(cl).Columns(ch).Value & "')"
Case Else
rcdDetail = rcdDetail & rngTblRcds.Rows(cl).Columns(ch).Value & "','"
End Select
End Select
Next ch
Select Case notNull
Case Is = True
rs.Open "INSERT INTO " & tblName & colHead & " VALUES " & rcdDetail, conn
Case Is = False
'do not insert record
End Select
Next cl
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
On Error Resume Next
MsgBox "There was an error. This will exit the macro.", vbCritical, "Error!"
On Error Resume Next
End If
Set rs = Nothing
Set conn = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
您是否覆盖了WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter #configure方法?
答案 1 :(得分:0)