
时间:2015-07-07 23:13:53

标签: f#


let tryFindLastIndex f (arr: 'a []) =
    let rec loop n (arr: 'a []) =
        match n with
        | -1 -> None
        | n ->
            if f arr.[n] then Some n
            else loop (n-1) arr
    loop (arr.Length - 1) arr

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


let tryFindLastIndex f ls =
    match ls |> (List.rev >> List.tryFindIndex f) with
    | None -> None
    | Some n -> Some (ls.Length - n - 1)


let tryFindLastIndex f ls =
    match (ls |> List.fold (fun (i,r) l -> if f l then (i+1,i::r) else (i+1,r)) (0,[]) |> snd) with
    | [] -> None
    | x -> Some (x.Head)

答案 1 :(得分:3)

F#中的{p> list是一个链接列表,您不能轻易地在最后一个方向上进行迭代。因此,您必须从头开始迭代并保持跟踪与谓词匹配的最后一个元素的当前索引和索引。


let tryFindLastIndex f source =
    let rec loop index lastFoundIndex source =
        let newIndex = index+1
        match source with
        | [] -> lastFoundIndex
        | head :: tail ->
            if f head then loop newIndex (Some index) tail
            else loop newIndex lastFoundIndex tail
    loop 0 None source