我正在尝试使用Open MP并行化我的C ++代码但是我遇到了Segmentation故障,串行版本运行正常。我使用了gdb调试器,我知道在擦除STL列表中的一个元素时发生了错误。
Contact newcontact;
bool isPresentIntheList;
list<Contact>::iterator it;
#pragma omp parallel for private(newcontact, isPresentIntheList, it)
for(long int i=0; i<overlapVector.size(); i++)
isPresentIntheList = false;
it = (*particlesPointerVector)[overlapVector[i].boxID2]->ActualContactList.begin();//iterator for Actual Contact List of the particle with ID = overlapVector[i].boxID2
if((*particlesPointerVector)[overlapVector[i].boxID2]->ActualContactList.size() != 0) //if ACL size doesn't have a size = 0
for(long int j=0; it!=(*particlesPointerVector)[overlapVector[i].boxID2]->ActualContactList.end(); j++)
if(it->particlei->ID == overlapVector[i].boxID1)
isPresentIntheList = true;
if(IsContact(*it, timestep))//checking if the overlapping pair is in contact or not
it++;//do nothing that means overlapping pair is in contact
else//remove that pair from ACL if it is not in contact
newcontact.particlei = (*it).particlei;
newcontact.particlej = (*it).particlej;
/*ERROR occurring here*/
it = (*particlesPointerVector)[overlapVector[i].boxID2]->ActualContactList.erase(it);//no it++ required as it automatically points to the next container after erasing
else if(!isPresentIntheList)