
时间:2010-06-27 08:31:07

标签: sql android sqlite


SELECT ((ACOS(SIN(12.345 * PI() / 180) * SIN(lat * PI() / 180) +
         COS(12.345 * PI() / 180) * COS(lat * PI() / 180) * COS((67.89 - lon) * 
         PI() / 180)) * 180 / PI()) * 60 * 1.1515 * 1.609344) AS distance, poi.* 
FROM poi
WHERE lang='eng' 
HAVING distance<='30'




3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:31)

这是Java中用于在Android设备上构建基于位置的查询的实现。 这个想法来自KennyTM(参见已接受的回应),并暗示在你的表中添加了4列来存储经度和经度的正弦和余弦值。


public static void injectLocationValues(ContentValues values, double latitude, double longitude) {
    values.put(LocationColumns.LATITUDE, latitude);
    values.put(LocationColumns.LONGITUDE, longitude);
    values.put(LocationColumns.COSLAT, Math.cos(MathUtil.deg2rad(latitude)));
    values.put(LocationColumns.SINLAT, Math.sin(MathUtil.deg2rad(latitude)));
    values.put(LocationColumns.COSLNG, Math.cos(MathUtil.deg2rad(longitude)));
    values.put(LocationColumns.SINLNG, Math.sin(MathUtil.deg2rad(longitude)));

public static double deg2rad(double deg) {
    return (deg * Math.PI / 180.0);


 * Build query based on distance using spherical law of cosinus
 * d = acos(sin(lat1).sin(lat2)+cos(lat1).cos(lat2).cos(long2−long1)).R
 * where R=6371 and latitudes and longitudes expressed in radians
 * In Sqlite we do not have access to acos() sin() and lat() functions.
 * Knowing that cos(A-B) = cos(A).cos(B) + sin(A).sin(B)
 * We can determine a distance stub as:
 * d = sin(lat1).sin(lat2)+cos(lat1).cos(lat2).(cos(long2).cos(long1)+sin(long2).sin(long1))
 * First comparison point being fixed, sin(lat1) cos(lat1) sin(long1) and cos(long1)
 * can be replaced by constants.
 * Location aware table must therefore have the following columns to build the equation:
 * sinlat => sin(radians(lat))
 * coslat => cos(radians(lat))
 * coslng => cos(radians(lng))
 * sinlng => sin(radians(lng))
 * Function will return a real between -1 and 1 which can be used to order the query.
 * Distance in km is after expressed from R.acos(result) 
 * @param latitude, latitude of search
 * @param longitude, longitude of search
 * @return selection query to compute the distance
public static String buildDistanceQuery(double latitude, double longitude) {
    final double coslat = Math.cos(MathUtil.deg2rad(latitude));
    final double sinlat = Math.sin(MathUtil.deg2rad(latitude));
    final double coslng = Math.cos(MathUtil.deg2rad(longitude));
    final double sinlng = Math.sin(MathUtil.deg2rad(longitude));
    return "(" + coslat + "*" + LocationColumns.COSLAT
            + "*(" + LocationColumns.COSLNG + "*" + coslng
            + "+" + LocationColumns.SINLNG + "*" + sinlng
            + ")+" + sinlat + "*" + LocationColumns.SINLAT 
            + ")";


public static double convertPartialDistanceToKm(double result) {
    return Math.acos(result) * 6371;


答案 1 :(得分:15)

您可以创建4个新列,即latlon的sin和cos。由于可以在运行查询之前在程序中计算cos(a+b) = cos a cos b - sin a sin b以及像SIN(12.345 * PI() / 180)这样的sin和cos的其他外观,因此大“距离”表达式会缩减为P * SIN_LAT + Q * COS_LAT + ...形式的某种形式。由SQLite3处理。

BTW,另见Sqlite on Android: How to create a sqlite dist db function - to be used in the app for distance calculation using lat, long

答案 2 :(得分:11)

在使用sqlite3 for ios时遇到同样的问题,在使用公式稍微玩一下这是一种方法,不使用sql端的函数(伪代码):

  1. 为您存储在数据库中的每个项目预先计算这些值(并存储它们):

    cos_lat = cos(lat * PI / 180)
    sin_lat = sin(lat * PI / 180)
    cos_lng = cos(lng * PI / 180)
    sin_lng = sin(lng * PI / 180)
  2. 在搜索时预先计算这些值(对于给定位置cur_lat,cur_lng)

    CUR_cos_lat = cos(cur_lat * PI / 180)
    CUR_sin_lat = sin(cur_lat * PI / 180)
    CUR_cos_lng = cos(cur_lng * PI / 180)
    CUR_sin_lng = sin(cur_lng * PI / 180)
    cos_allowed_distance = cos(2.0 / 6371) # This is 2km
  3. 您的SQL查询将如下所示(用您刚刚计算的值替换CUR_ *)

    SELECT * FROM position WHERE CUR_sin_lat * sin_lat + CUR_cos_lat * cos_lat *(cos_lng * CUR_cos_lng + sin_lng * CUR_sin_lng)&gt; cos_allowed_distance;