
时间:2015-07-07 11:48:04

标签: magento url-rewriting

I want to redirect my baseurl to a custom url(i.e a CMS page basically)
 base url : index.php
 custom url: home

I followed following steps:

    1. Navigate to Catalog > Url Rewrite Management
    2. Click the “Add Urlrewrite” button
    3. Select “Custom” from the “Create Urlrewrite” drop-down menu
    4. The “Urlrewrite Information” form would be completed thusly:

  ID Path: index.php
    Request Path:index.php
    Target Path: home
    Redirect: Permanent(301)

然后刷新了cashe。但重定向不起作用。 "的index.php"仍然显示相同的页面     我在哪里做错了?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


答案 1 :(得分:0)


在管理面板中创建URL重定向:营销-> URL重写

请求路径:index.php 目标路径:../
