The format I would like it in is:
[keyname] => [value]
If the key contains another dictionary, the function could call itself and print it out in place? The effect I’m going for here is:
When it’s a single value:
[keyname] => [ single value ]
When it’s a nested dictionary
[keyname] =>
[keyname] => [Value]
[keyname] => [value]
这是测试用例,我在这里调用$ scope.loadMajorObject
$scope.loadMajorObjects = function () {
var appId = $scope.currentAppId;
var type = $scope.majorObject.type;
if (_.isEmpty(appId))
var cacheKey = { key: cacheKeys.objectTypeList($scope.asCacheOptions({ ObjectType: type })) };
return dataFactory.get("/MajorObject/All?applicationId=" + appId + "&type=" + type, { cache: cacheKey })
.then(function (result) {
$scope.majorObjects = result.data.data;
$scope.majorObjectsList = $scope.majorObjects.slice(0, $scope.itemsPerPage);
$scope.totalItems = $scope.majorObjects.length;
$scope.isLoad = true;
当我调用此函数时它是抛出和异常,因为对象不支持属性或方法' slice',如何纠正这个?