具有类型擦除的std :: pair的分段构造

时间:2015-07-05 12:08:40

标签: c++ copy type-erasure std-pair

我正在尝试使用std::unordered_map来存储带有Resource密钥的std::string个对象。 Resource实现类型擦除,以便构造函数Resource(objectOfAnyType)创建一个Resource对象,该对象包装传递给构造函数的对象的类型。


std::unordered_map<std::string, MyStruct> umap;
umap.emplace(std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple("tag"), std::forward_as_tuple(constructorArgs));


#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <memory>

//Resource class providing a handle to generic game resources. Implements type erasure to support indefinite numbers of resource types.
class Resource
    //Allows mixed storage in STL containers.
    class ResourceConcept
        virtual ~ResourceConcept() {  }

    //Templated model of ResourceConcept. Allows type erasure and storing of any type.
    template <class ResourceType>
    class ResourceModel : public ResourceConcept
        ResourceType modelledResource;
        ResourceModel(const ResourceType &_resource) : modelledResource(_resource) {  }
        virtual ~ResourceModel() {  }

    //Unique pointer to the resource itself. Points to an object of type ResourceConcept allowing any specific instantiation of the templated ResourceModel to be stored.
    std::unique_ptr<ResourceConcept> resource;

    //Uncommenting the two lines below causes an error, because std::pair is trying to copy Resource using operator=.
    //Resource(const Resource* _other) = delete;
    //Resource& operator= (const Resource&) = delete;

    //Constructor which initialises a resource with whichever ResourceModel is required.
    template <class ResourceType>
    Resource(const ResourceType& _resource) : resource(new ResourceModel<ResourceType>(_resource)) { std::cout << "Resource constructed with type " << typeid(_resource).name() << std::endl; }

//Example structure which we want to store/model as a Resource.
struct MyStruct
    std::string* path;
    MyStruct(std::string _path) : path(new std::string(_path)) { std::cout << "MyStruct constructor called..." << std::endl; }
    ~MyStruct() { std::cout << "MyStruct destructor called!" << std::endl; delete path; } //In a real example, this would deallocate memory, making shallow-copying the object a bad idea.
    MyStruct(const MyStruct* _other) = delete;
    MyStruct& operator= (const MyStruct&) = delete;

int main()
    std::unordered_map<std::string, Resource> umap;
    std::string constructorArgs = "Constructor argument.";

    //Store a MyStruct in the map using Resource(MyStruct) constructor...
    umap.emplace(std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple("tag1"), std::forward_as_tuple(constructorArgs)); //Calls Resource(std::string), which isn't what I want.
    umap.emplace(std::make_pair("tag2", Resource(MyStruct(constructorArgs)))); //Calls a Resource(MyStruct), results in the MyStruct destructor being called twice! Example output below.

    std::cout << "tag1: " << typeid(umap.at("tag1")).name() << "\ttag2: " << typeid(umap.at("tag2")).name() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "End test." << std::endl;

    Example output:

    Resource constructed with type Ss
    MyStruct constructor called...
    Resource constructed with type 8MyStruct
    MyStruct destructor called!      <--- I need to prevent this call to the destructor.
    tag1: 8Resource tag2: 8Resource
    End test.
    MyStruct destructor called!
    Segmentation fault

    return 0;


在使用类型擦除时是否可以构造就地/分段对?它是std :: move可以帮助的东西吗?一种解决方案可能是使用std::shared_ptr,但如果我不必要地复制Resource,我宁愿直接对其进行排序。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

如果您不想要复制资源,则应禁止在您的资源上使用。您尝试过但错误地说:您删除的副本构造函数(在MyStruct和Resource上)采用const指针,但它应该是const references,如

MyStruct(const MyStruct& _other) = delete;
Resource(const Resource& _other) = delete;

一旦你使用它,你就不再冒险使用segfault,因为MyStruct不能再被复制了,但你会得到一堆编译器错误,因为其余的代码想要复制。如您所述,输入移动构造函数,右值引用和std :: move:我建议您在网上或SO上阅读它,直到您完全理解它为止。


MyStruct MyStruct&& rh) :
  rh.path = nullptr;

template <class ResourceType>
Resource(ResourceType&& _resource) :
  resource(new ResourceModel<ResourceType>(std::forward<ResourceType>(_resource)))
  std::cout << "Resource constructed with type " << typeid(resource).name() << std::endl;

Resource(Resource&& rh) :


umap.emplace("tag2", Resource(MyStruct(constructorArgs)))