
时间:2015-07-05 02:23:35

标签: php mysql binary bitwise-operators


问题:如果服务器没有运行MySQL 5.6.3+,如何将存储在数据库表(createQueryParam())中的IPv6二进制文件转换为字符串?

对于IPv6以及未运行MySQL 5.6.3+的系统,我想返回MySQL功能,还是可以进行按位操作?否则,我必须在varbinary(16)之后再使用PHP的inet_ntop()函数进行另一次调用,而我真的不愿意这样做。






class IP
    protected $ip=NULL;
    protected $ip_version=NULL;

     * setIP
     * Sets the data member $ip.
     * @param   $ip
     * @access  protected
    protected function setIP($ip)
        # Check if the passed value is empty.
            # Clean it up.
            # Explicitly set it to NULL.
        # Set the data member.
    } #==== End -- setIP

     * setIPVersion
     * Sets the data member $ip_version.
     * @param   $ip_version
     * @access  protected
    protected function setIPVersion($ip_version)
        # Set the Validator instance to a variable.

        # Check if the passed value is NULL.
            # Clean it up.
            # Check if the passed value is an integer.
                # Explicitly make it an integer.
                throw new Exception('The passed IP version was not a number!', E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR);
            # Explicitly set it to NULL.
        # Set the data member.
    } #==== End -- setIPVersion

     * getIP
     * Returns the data member $ip.
     * @access  public
    public function getIP()
        return $this->ip;
    } #==== End -- getIP

     * getIPVersion
     * Returns the data member $ip_version.
     * @access  public
    public function getIPVersion()
        return $this->ip_version;
    } #==== End -- getIPVersion

     * createQueryParam
     * Determines what MySQL function should be used based on MySQL version.
     * @param   $ip                     The visitor's IP address or ip field in database table.
     * @access  public
     * @return  string
    public function createQueryParam($ip, $select_query=FALSE)
        # Set the Database instance to a variable.
        # Get the database client version.

        # If the client version is 5.6.3+ use INET6_ATON.
            # If this is not for a select query.
                return " INET6_ATON('".$ip."')";
            # This is for a select query.
            return ' INET6_NTOA(`'.$ip.'`)';
        # Else we assume PHP has IPv6 support and use PHP's inet_pton() to convert the IP to a binary.
            # If this is not for a select query.
                # If IPv4 then use MySQL function.
                    return " INET_ATON('".$ip."')";
                    # Supports IPv4 & IPv6 (if PHP has IPv6 supprot enabled).
                    return inet_pton($ip);
            # NOTE: How to handle select queries for IPv6 if MySQL version is less then 5.6.3?
            # Can a MySQL bitwise operation be used here?
            # IPv4 Only.
            //return ' INET_NTOA(`'.$ip.'`)';
            # For IPv6 I could use PHP's inet_ntop() but we can't return it here.
    } #=== End -- createQueryParam

     * findIP
     * Returns the IP of the visitor.
     * Throws an error if the IP address is not valid.
     * @param   bool $for_sql_query     Convert IP addresss to binary for database.
     * @access  public
     * @return  string
    public function findIP($for_sql_query=FALSE)
        # Get the visitor's IP addreess.
        #   Use $_SERVER over getenv() since it's more server compatible.
        #   If $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] is empty, use getenv().
        $ip=$ip=(!empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
        # Check if the IP Address is valid.
        #   Throws an error if the IP is not valid.
            # If we need to create the IP to a binary.
                # Convert the visitor's IP to a binary.
            # Set the IP address to the data member.
        # Return the data member.
        return $this->getIP();
    } #==== End -- findIP

     * ipValid
     * Will determine if a given IP address is valid or not.
     * Will set the version of the IP address to the $ip_version data member.
     * Throws an error if the IP is not valid.
     * @access  public
     * @param   $ip                     The IP address to validate.
     * @return  boolean
    public function ipValid($ip)
        # Detect if it is a valid IPv4 Address
        if(filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4))
            # This is an IPv4 address.
        # Detect if it is a valid IPv6 Address
        elseif(filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6))
            # This is an IPv6 address.
            return TRUE;
            throw new Exception('The IP address was not valid!', E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR);
        return FALSE;
    } #==== End -- ipValid
} #=== End IP class.


# Create a new IP object.
$ip_obj=new IP();
# This is for an SQL query.
# On systems not running MySQL 5.6.3+ it uses PHP's inet_pton().
#    $ip =  ͺ2W�R
$sql='INSERT INTO `ip_log` (`ip`) VALUES ('.$ip.')';
# $sql = INSERT INTO `ip_log` (`ip`) VALUES ( ͺ2W�R);

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