我有一个库函数,它将数据绘制成包含多个子图的pyplot图。 我刚刚为所有子图添加了网格线,但它们覆盖了实际数据,但我希望它们在后台。 我已经尝试改变执行plotting和ax.plot()ax.grid()命令但没有影响的顺序。 有没有办法强制网格进入背景?
相关的红利问题:我也使用axhline来指定x = 0线,但它总是呈现网格颜色,即使它被指定为另一个......
def plot_the_things(fig=None):
# in case no figure is provided, make a new one,
# otherwise add to the existing one
plot_fig=fig if fig else plt.figure()
#[...some calculations of data ...]
plot_ax1 = plot_fig.add_subplot(3,3,1)
plot_ax1.axhline(y=0, ls='-', color='0.5')
# [...setting labels, adapt axes limits in case the new data needs wider ones..]
plot_ax1.grid(b=True, which='major', axis='both', c='0.75', ls='-', linewidth=1)
# this is repeated in similar fashion for the other axes -- there are 9 of
# them, each plotting something different in a different axes