我在Excel 2010中有一个sub,它在运行时标记了应用程序定义或对象定义的错误。子应该填充一张表格,其中包含从Access 2010中提取的数据。这最初标记了Row_Rehab = Row_Rehab + 1
错误发生在第3行(第一个If Worksheets...
Row_Rehab = Row_Rehab + 1
If Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, 1) = Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, 1) And Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, 2) = Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, 2) Then
Row_Rehab = Row_Rehab + 1
If Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, 1) = "" And Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, 2) = "" And Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, Rehab_GWP_Col) = "" Then
ProjLine.Copy Destination:=Worksheets("Rehab").Range(Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, 1), Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, numCol))
Exit Do
End If
Exit Do
End If
Sub Populate_Rehab()
Dim Row_Export As Long
Dim Row_Rehab As Long
Dim Funding As String
Dim PROJ As String
Dim WorkType As String
Dim Dom As Integer
Dim Rehab_PROJ_Col As Integer
Dim Export_PROJ_Col As Integer
Dim Rehab_WorkType_Col As Integer
Dim PROJ_Row As Integer
Dim flag As Boolean
Dim Export_SF_Col As Integer
Dim Export_Column As Integer
Dim RawExport_Col(255) As Integer
Dim numRecords As Long
Dim numCol As Integer
Dim line As Range
Dim PROJLine As Range
Dim WPLine As Range
Dim numSF As Integer
Dim SF As Integer
Dim col As Integer
Dim startCol, startCol2 As Integer
Dim SFflag As Boolean
Dim SF_Row As Integer
Dim SF_type As String
Dim i, j As Integer 'used in for loop
Dim SFInfo As Range
Dim numP As Integer
Dim strSearch As String
Dim aCell As Range
Dim startColExp As Integer
Dim colPriority As Integer
Dim colEngComment As Integer
Dim colSubmissionCRO As Integer
Dim colActualSubmissionCRO As Integer
Dim colEmpty As Integer
Dim colEmptyS As String
Dim colEmptyE As String
Dim statusP As Integer
Dim wks As Integer
RawExport_Col(0) = 0
RawExport_Col(1) = 0
RawExport_Col(2) = 0
RawExport_Col(3) = 0
RawExport_Col(4) = 5
RawExport_Col(5) = 1
RawExport_Col(6) = 2
RawExport_Col(7) = 3
RawExport_Col(8) = 4
RawExport_Col(9) = 6
RawExport_Col(10) = 7
RawExport_Col(11) = 7
RawExport_Col(12) = 8
RawExport_Col(13) = 10
RawExport_Col(14) = 11
RawExport_Col(15) = 12
RawExport_Col(16) = 13
RawExport_Col(17) = 13
RawExport_Col(18) = 17
RawExport_Col(19) = 17
RawExport_Col(20) = 18
RawExport_Col(21) = 19
RawExport_Col(22) = 20
RawExport_Col(23) = 21
RawExport_Col(24) = 22
RawExport_Col(25) = 23
RawExport_Col(26) = 26
RawExport_Col(27) = 27
RawExport_Col(28) = 28
RawExport_Col(29) = 29
RawExport_Col(30) = 30
RawExport_Col(31) = 31
RawExport_Col(32) = 32
RawExport_Col(33) = 33
RawExport_Col(34) = 0
RawExport_Col(35) = 31
RawExport_Col(36) = 34
RawExport_Col(37) = 35
RawExport_Col(38) = 36
RawExport_Col(39) = 37
RawExport_Col(40) = 38
RawExport_Col(41) = 39
RawExport_Col(42) = 40
RawExport_Col(43) = 14
RawExport_Col(44) = 0
RawExport_Col(45) = 0
RawExport_Col(46) = 0
RawExport_Col(47) = 0
RawExport_Col(48) = 0
RawExport_Col(49) = 0
RawExport_Col(50) = 0
RawExport_Col(51) = 0
RawExport_Col(52) = 0
RawExport_Col(53) = 0
RawExport_Col(54) = 0
RawExport_Col(55) = 0
RawExport_Col(56) = 0
colPriority = 9
colEngComment = 15
colSubmissionCRO = 24
colActualSubmissionCRO = 25
Export_SF_Col = 34
Rehab_PROJ_Col = 7
Export_PROJ_Col = 10
Rehab_WorkType_Col = 22
'search the first added extra column
strSearch = "SOPri"
Set aCell = Worksheets("Raw Export").Rows(1).Find(What:=strSearch, LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
If Not aCell Is Nothing Then
numP = aCell.Column
End If
'Get the funding types/total number of funding types
With Worksheets("Template")
numSF = .Range(.Cells(12, 1), .Cells(12, 1).End(xlToRight)).Count - 2
End With
'Count number of records from dataset
With Worksheets("Raw Export")
numRecords = .Range(.Cells(2, 3), .Cells(2, 3).End(xlDown)).Count
End With
'define expansion column
startColExp = numP + 17
RawExport_Col(startColExp) = numSF + 41
RawExport_Col(startColExp + 1) = numSF + 42
RawExport_Col(startColExp + 2) = numSF + 43
RawExport_Col(startColExp + 3) = numSF + 44
RawExport_Col(startColExp + 4) = numSF + 45
RawExport_Col(startColExp + 5) = numSF + 46
RawExport_Col(startColExp + 6) = numSF + 47
RawExport_Col(startColExp + 7) = numSF + 48
'add allocation fomula if its expansion
If Worksheets("Parameters").Cells(18, 14) = "Expansion" Then
With Worksheets(2)
For j = 0 To 7
.Cells(globalAllocation, 41 + numSF + j).FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[-" + CStr(globalAllocation - 3) + "]C:R[-1]C)"
.Cells(globalAllocation + 2, 41 + numSF + j).FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[3]C:R[65523]C)"
.Cells(globalAllocation + 3, 41 + numSF + j).FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-3]C-R[-1]C"
.Range(.Cells(globalAllocation, 41 + numSF), .Cells(globalAllocation + 3, 41 + numSF + 7)).NumberFormat = "$#,##0"
Worksheets("Template").Range("BD2:BK2").Copy Destination:=.Range(.Cells(2, 41 + numSF), .Cells(2, 41 + numSF + 7))
.Range(.Cells(2, 41 + numSF), .Cells(2, 41 + numSF + 7)).ColumnWidth = 13.71
.Range(.Cells(2, 41 + numSF), .Cells(2, 41 + numSF + 7)).NumberFormat = "$#,##0"
End With
For wks = 3 To (Worksheets.Count) - 2
With Worksheets(wks)
For j = 0 To 7
.Cells(5, 41 + numSF + j).FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[3]C:R[65531]C)"
.Cells(6, 41 + numSF + j).FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-3]C-R[-1]C"
Worksheets("Template").Range("BD2:BK2").Copy Destination:=.Range(.Cells(2, 41 + numSF), .Cells(2, 41 + numSF + 7))
.Range(.Cells(2, 41 + numSF), .Cells(2, 41 + numSF + 7)).ColumnWidth = 13.71
.Range(.Cells(5, 41 + numSF), .Cells(6, 41 + numSF + 7)).NumberFormat = "$#,##0"
End With
End If
'This will count the number of columns to include as per the header
With Worksheets("Template")
numCol = .Range(.Cells(2, 1), .Cells(2, RawExport_Col(36)).End(xlToRight)).Count
'Set the PROJ and WP template line
Set PROJLine = .Range(.Cells(6, 1), .Cells(6, numCol))
Set WPLine = .Range(.Cells(8, 1), .Cells(8, numCol))
End With
'----------------------------------START POPULATE THE SHEETS
Row_Export = 1
Row_Export = Row_Export + 1
SFflag = False 'set flag false since new PROJ
'Set status bar
statusP = CInt((Row_Export - 1) / (numRecords + 1) * 100)
If statusP = 10 Or statusP = 30 Or statusP = 60 Or statusP = 90 Then
Application.Wait (Now() + 0.00001)
End If
Application.StatusBar = "Please wait while performing task 7 (" + CStr(statusP) + "%) of 7 ..."
If Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, 3) = "" Then 'Funding Area
Exit Do
ElseIf Not (Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, 1) = "" Or Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, 2) = "") Then
With Worksheets("Rehab")
Row_Rehab = .Range(.Cells(2, RawExport_Col(32)), .Cells(2, RawExport_Col(32)).End(xlDown)).Count + 2
End With
Row_Rehab = Row_Rehab + 1
If Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, 1) = Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, 1) And Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, 2) = Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, 2) Then
Row_Rehab = Row_Rehab + 1
If Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, 1) = "" And Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, 2) = "" And Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, Rehab_PROJ_Col) = "" Then
PROJLine.Copy Destination:=Worksheets("Rehab").Range(Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, 1), Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, numCol))
Exit Do
End If
Exit Do
End If
PROJ = Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, Export_PROJ_Col)
'-----------------------------PROJ LINE
For Export_Column = 4 To 10
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, RawExport_Col(Export_Column)) = Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, Export_Column)
For Export_Column = 13 To 16
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, RawExport_Col(Export_Column)) = Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, Export_Column)
If Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, 18) = "" Then
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, RawExport_Col(18)) = Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, 19)
ElseIf Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, 19) = "" Then
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, RawExport_Col(18)) = Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, 18)
End If
For Export_Column = 20 To 33
If Export_Column = 25 Then
If Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, Export_Column) = True Then
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, RawExport_Col(Export_Column)) = "YES"
End If
ElseIf Export_Column = 27 Or Export_Column = 29 Then
If Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, Export_Column) = True Then
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, RawExport_Col(Export_Column)).Font.Name = "Wingdings"
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, RawExport_Col(Export_Column)) = Chr(252)
End If
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, RawExport_Col(Export_Column)) = Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, Export_Column)
End If
For Export_Column = 36 To 42
If Not Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, Export_Column) = 0 Then
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, RawExport_Col(Export_Column)) = Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, Export_Column)
End If
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, 14) = Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, 43)
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, 16) = Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, numP + 10)
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, colEngComment) = Worksheets("raw export").Cells(Row_Export, numP + 3)
Worksheets("rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, colSubmissionCRO) = Worksheets("raw export").Cells(Row_Export, numP + 4)
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, colPriority) = Worksheets("raw export").Cells(Row_Export, numP + 11)
If Worksheets("raw export").Cells(Row_Export, numP + 5) = False Then
Worksheets("rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, colActualSubmissionCRO) = ""
Worksheets("rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, colActualSubmissionCRO) = Chr(252)
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, colActualSubmissionCRO).Font.Name = "Wingdings"
End If
'----------Expansion only
If Worksheets("Parameters").Cells(18, 14) = "Expansion" Then
For Export_Column = startColExp To (startColExp + 7)
If Not Worksheets("raw export").Cells(Row_Export, Export_Column) = 0 Then
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, RawExport_Col(Export_Column)) = Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, Export_Column)
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, RawExport_Col(Export_Column)).NumberFormat = "$#,##0"
End If
End If
PROJ_Row = Row_Rehab
Worksheets("Rehab").Rows(Row_Rehab).RowHeight = 12.75
Row_Rehab = Row_Rehab + 1
Row_Rehab = Row_Rehab - 1
'-------------------SUBWB LINES
If Not Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, Export_PROJ_Col) = PROJ Then
Row_Export = Row_Export - 1
Exit Do
Row_Rehab = Row_Rehab + 1
WPLine.Copy Destination:=Worksheets("Rehab").Range(Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, 1), Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, numCol))
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, RawExport_Col(11)) = Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, 11)
If Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, 12) = True Then
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, RawExport_Col(12)) = "DOM"
End If
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, RawExport_Col(15)) = Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, 15)
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, RawExport_Col(17)) = Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, 17)
If Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, 18) = "" Then
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, RawExport_Col(18)) = Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, 19)
ElseIf Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, 19) = "" Then
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, RawExport_Col(18)) = Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, 18)
End If
For Export_Column = 20 To 24
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, RawExport_Col(Export_Column)) = Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, Export_Column)
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, RawExport_Col(35)) = Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, 35)
WorkType = Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, Rehab_WorkType_Col)
Set line = Worksheets("Rehab").Range(Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, 1), Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, numCol))
If Not (InStr(UCase(WorkType), "STR") > 0) And Not (InStr(UCase(WorkType), "SAF") > 0) Then
line.Interior.ColorIndex = 36 'yellow
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, colPriority) = Worksheets("raw export").Cells(Row_Export, numP + 2)
ElseIf InStr(UCase(WorkType), "STR") > 0 Then
line.Interior.ColorIndex = 34 'blue
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, colPriority) = Worksheets("raw export").Cells(Row_Export, numP + 1)
ElseIf InStr(UCase(WorkType), "SAF") > 0 Then
line.Interior.ColorIndex = 38 'pink
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, colPriority) = Worksheets("raw export").Cells(Row_Export, numP)
End If
'Check if special funding applies to this WP
'Check each special funding type
For SF = 1 To numSF 'for each special funding type - will not execute if none
startCol = Worksheets("Template").Cells(11, SF + 2)
If Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, numP + 6) = Worksheets("Template").Cells(12, SF + 2) Then
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(PROJ_Row, RawExport_Col(42) + SF) = "YES"
If Not Worksheets("raw export").Cells(Row_Export, numP + 6) = "" Then
If Worksheets("Raw export").Cells(Row_Export, numP + 6) = "In House" Or Worksheets("raw export").Cells(Row_Export, numP + 10) = "" Then
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, RawExport_Col(42) + SF).Font.Name = "Wingdings"
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, RawExport_Col(42) + SF) = Chr(252)
Worksheets("rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, RawExport_Col(42) + SF) = Worksheets("raw export").Cells(Row_Export, numP + 10)
End If
End If
End If
'Delivery Method
If Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, numP + 9) = Worksheets("Template").Cells(12, SF + 2) Then
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(PROJ_Row, RawExport_Col(42) + SF) = "YES"
If Not Worksheets("raw export").Cells(Row_Export, numP + 9) = "" Then
Worksheets("rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, RawExport_Col(42) + SF) = Worksheets("raw export").Cells(Row_Export, numP + 8)
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, RawExport_Col(42) + SF).WrapText = False
End If
End If
If Worksheets("raw export").Cells(Row_Export, Export_SF_Col) <> "MNDM Design Build" _
And Worksheets("raw export").Cells(Row_Export, Export_SF_Col) <> "MTO Design Build" _
And Worksheets("raw export").Cells(Row_Export, Export_SF_Col) <> "In House" Then
If Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, Export_SF_Col) = Worksheets("Template").Cells(12, SF + 2) Then
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(PROJ_Row, RawExport_Col(42) + SF) = "YES"
If Not Worksheets("raw export").Cells(Row_Export, 34) = "" Then
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, RawExport_Col(42) + SF).Font.Name = "Wingdings"
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, RawExport_Col(42) + SF) = Chr(252)
End If
End If
End If
If Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(PROJ_Row, RawExport_Col(42) + SF) = "YES" Then
Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(PROJ_Row, RawExport_Col(42) + SF).Interior.ColorIndex = Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(2, RawExport_Col(42) + SF).Interior.ColorIndex
SFflag = True
End If
Next SF
Worksheets("Rehab").Rows(Row_Rehab).RowHeight = 12.75
Row_Export = Row_Export + 1
End If
'------------------------End SUBWP Line
'------------------------Special Funding Tabs
'Add to special funding tab iF special funding applied
If SFflag Then
For SF = 1 To numSF 'check if special funding type applies
If Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(PROJ_Row, RawExport_Col(42) + SF) = "YES" Then
'find place for that project in the tab
SF_type = Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(2, RawExport_Col(42) + SF)
With Worksheets(SF_type)
SF_Row = .Range(.Cells(2, RawExport_Col(32)), .Cells(2, RawExport_Col(32)).End(xlDown)).Count + 2
End With
Do 'Find the header
SF_Row = SF_Row + 1
If Worksheets(SF_type).Cells(SF_Row, 1) = Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, 1) And Worksheets(SF_type).Cells(SF_Row, 2) = Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, 2) Then
'Found header, now find next available spot
SF_Row = SF_Row + 1
'Check if next line is free by checking if PROJ null
If (Worksheets(SF_type).Cells(SF_Row, 7) = "") Then
'Found free row, add project above it
'Add new lines
For i = 0 To (Row_Rehab - PROJ_Row)
Next i
'Select added new lines
With Worksheets(SF_type)
Set SFInfo = .Range(.Cells(SF_Row, 1), .Cells(SF_Row + (Row_Rehab - PROJ_Row), numCol))
End With
'Copy rehab project to the range
With Worksheets("Rehab")
.Range(.Cells(PROJ_Row, 1), .Cells(Row_Rehab, numCol)).Copy Destination:=SFInfo
End With
'Copy costs into range
startCol = Worksheets("Template").Cells(11, SF + 2)
startCol2 = Worksheets("Template").Cells(9, SF + 2)
For col = 0 To 6
Worksheets(SF_type).Cells(SF_Row, RawExport_Col(36) + col) = Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, startCol + col)
Next col
'Copy costs for extra years if its expansion
If Worksheets("Parameters").Cells(18, 14) = "Expansion" Then
For col = 0 To 7
Worksheets(SF_type).Cells(SF_Row, 41 + numSF + col) = Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, startCol2 + col)
Next col
End If
Set SFInfo = Nothing
Exit Do
End If
Exit Do
End If
End If
Next SF
End If
'------------------------End Special Funding Tabs
End If
Application.StatusBar = "Formatting..."
For wks = 2 To (Worksheets.Count - 2)
With Worksheets(wks)
.Columns("A:C").ColumnWidth = 7.57 'Year
.Columns("D:D").ColumnWidth = 9.86 'Contract
.Columns("F:F").ColumnWidth = 4 'Area
.Columns("G:G").ColumnWidth = 14.57 'PROJ
.Columns("H:H").ColumnWidth = 3.43 'DOM
.Columns("I:I").ColumnWidth = 6 'Priority
.Columns("J:J").ColumnWidth = 9.57 'Contingency Year
.Columns("L:L").ColumnWidth = 6 'Hwy
.Columns("M:M").ColumnWidth = 31.71 'Location
.Columns("N:O").ColumnWidth = 16.14 'Comment
.Columns("V:V").ColumnWidth = 23 'Project Type
.Columns("R:U").ColumnWidth = 6.43 'LHRS
.Columns("X:AB").ColumnWidth = 10.29 'Date
.Columns("Y:Y").ColumnWidth = 2.57 'Actual
.Columns("AA:AA").ColumnWidth = 2.57 'Actual
.Columns("AC:AC").ColumnWidth = 2.57 'Actual
.Columns("AE:AG").ColumnWidth = 12.5
.Columns("AH:AN").ColumnWidth = 13.71 'Cost
End With
'Finalize - Rearrange the column, format color
'last column before defined print area end
If Worksheets("Parameters").Cells(18, 14) = "Expansion" Then
colEmptyE = Cells(1, 40 + numSF).Address(1, 0)
colEmptyE = Left(colEmptyE, InStr(colEmptyE, "$") - 1)
For wks = 2 To (Worksheets.Count) - 2
With Worksheets(wks)
.PageSetup.PrintArea = "A:" & colEmptyE & ""
End With
Next wks
End If
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Worksheets(2).Name = Worksheets("Parameters").Cells(18, 14).Value
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Do While Row_Export <= Sheets("Raw Export").Rows.Count
答案 1 :(得分:0)
试试这个。如果行&#39; Debug.Print Row_Export&#39;是零或负是代码不对。
Row_Rehab = Row_Rehab + 1
Debug.Print Row_Rehab
Debug.Print Row_Export
If Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, 1) = Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, 1) And Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, 2) = Worksheets("Raw Export").Cells(Row_Export, 2) Then
Row_Rehab = Row_Rehab + 1
If Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, 1) = "" And Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, 2) = "" And Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, Rehab_GWP_Col) = "" Then
ProjLine.Copy Destination:=Worksheets("Rehab").Range(Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, 1), Worksheets("Rehab").Cells(Row_Rehab, numCol))
Exit Do
End If
Exit Do
End If
答案 2 :(得分:0)
Set ShtRehab = Worksheets("Rehab")
Set ShtExport = Worksheets("Raw Export")
matchFound = False
For Each RowRehab In ShtRehab.UsedRange.Rows
' Find the keys that match those in your export sheet
If RowRehab.Cells(1, 1) = ShtExport.Cells(Row_Export, 1) _
And RowRehab.Cells(1, 2) = ShtExport.Cells(Row_Export, 2) Then
matchFound = True
' Now copy to the first key-less line after it
If RowRehab.Cells(1, 1) = "" _
And RowRehab.Cells(1, 2) = "" _
And RowRehab.Cells(1, Rehab_GWP_Col) = "" Then
ProjLine.Copy Destination:=RowRehab
Exit For
End If
End If