文件位于.art中,以所需窗口的宽度和高度开始,每个后续行都是需要绘制的ROW,COLUMN,CHARACTER和COUNT。所以基本上应该开始特定角色的位置,然后应该绘制多少次。 我正在努力的是如何将数据导入可用的东西,以便我可以绘制所请求的图像。我最初的想法是将数据导入为4-D阵列,但后来我在那里画了一个空白。
50 x 25
2, 15, *, 9
2, 48, *, 9
3, 6, *, 15
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
string shapeCupid[]=
{" ",
" .. ",
" $. ,o$$$o. ",
" $. $$$$$$$o. .. ",
" .$. $' $$$$$$ ,o'' ",
" .$' $ '$$$$$,o'.,' .oo ' ",
" .$' $. $$$$' ,, .o'. ",
" .$' '$o. 'O$ .. ooo''',oo ' ",
" .$' .o$' '$$'' ,,o' ",
" .%$,,,,,ooO' ' ,,o'' ",
" .$o. ,o' $o ..oo' ",
" ''O'''''''''',' $'$. .o' "};
string shapeFly = "Fly";
string shapeHeart = "Heart";
string shapeImpossible = "Impossible";
string shapeSeuss = "Seuss";
string shapeWorry = "Worry";
int UserInput;
cout << "What do you want to draw?\n";
cout << "1. Cupid\n2. Fly\n3. Heart\n4. Impossible\n5. Seuss\n6. Worry\nNumber: ";
cin >> UserInput;
if (UserInput == 1){
cout << shapeCupid;}
else if (UserInput == 2){
cout << shapeFly;}
else if (UserInput == 3){
cout << shapeHeart;}
else if (UserInput == 4){
cout << shapeImpossible;}
else if (UserInput == 5){
cout << shapeSeuss;}
else if (UserInput == 6){
cout << shapeWorry;}
else if (UserInput != 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6)
cout << "Please select proper value.\n";
return 0;
答案 0 :(得分:1)
这是一个快速而肮脏的版本,可能有所帮助。我没有添加大量的错误检查,但它适用于我使用的2个示例。如果您计划将数据嵌入为字符串文字,那么您希望确保转义任何特殊字符,如反斜杠和双引号。 Boop示例包含两者。
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
using StringVec = std::vector<std::string>;
StringVec shapeCupid =
" ",
" .. ",
" $. ,o$$$o. ",
" $. $$$$$$$o. .. ",
" .$. $' $$$$$$ ,o'' ",
" .$' $ '$$$$$,o'.,' .oo ' ",
" .$' $. $$$$' ,, .o'. ",
" .$' '$o. 'O$ .. ooo''',oo ' ",
" .$' .o$' '$$'' ,,o' ",
" .%$,,,,,ooO' ' ,,o'' ",
" .$o. ,o' $o ..oo' ",
" ''O'''''''''',' $'$. .o' "
//Borrowed from http://www.chris.com/ascii/index.php?art=cartoons/betty%20boop
StringVec boop =
" _(,__ __), ",
" (_,d888888888b,d888888888b",
" d888888888888/888888888888b_)",
" (_8888888P'\"\"'`Y8Y`'\"\"'\"Y88888b",
" Y8888P.-' ` '-.Y8888b_)",
" ,_Y88P (_(_( )_)_) d88Y_,",
" Y88b, (o ) (o ) d8888P",
" `Y888 '-' '-' `88Y`",
" ,d/O\\ c /O\\b,",
" \\_/'.,______w______,.'\\_/",
" .-` `-.",
" / , d88b d88b_ \\",
" / / 88888bd88888`\\ \\",
" / / \\ Y88888888Y \\ \\",
" \\ \\ \\ 88888888 / /",
" `\\ `. \\d8888888b, /\\\\/",
" `.//.d8888888888b; |",
" |/d888888888888b/",
" d8888888888888888b",
" ,_d88p\"\"q88888p\"\"q888b,",
" `\"\"'`\\ \"`| /`'\"\"`",
" `. |===/",
" > | |",
" / | |",
" | | |",
" | Y /",
" \\ / /",
" jgs | /| /",
" / / / |",
" /=/ |=/"
void Write(const std::string& filename, StringVec& data)
std::ofstream out(filename);
out << data[0].size() << " x " << data.size() << "\n";
for(size_t row = 0; row < data.size(); ++row)
const std::string& line = data[row];
size_t col_start = 0;
size_t col_end = 0;
char col_char = line[0];
for(size_t col = 0; col < line.size(); ++col)
//If we hit a new character write the previous run to the file
if(col_char != line[col])
//but only if it wasn't a run of spaces.
if(col_char != ' ')
out << row << ", " << col_start << ", " << col_char << ", " << col_end - col_start + 1 << "\n";
col_char = line[col];
col_start = col;
col_end = col;
col_end = col;
//write the last run
if(col_char != ' ')
out << row << ", " << col_start << ", " << col_char << ", " << col_end - col_start + 1 << "\n";
StringVec Read(const std::string& filename)
StringVec data;
std::ifstream in(filename);
char dummy;
size_t width;
size_t height;
if(in >> width >> dummy >> height)
data.resize(height, std::string(width, ' '));
size_t row;
size_t col;
char ch;
size_t len;
while(in >> row >> dummy >> col >> dummy >> ch >> dummy >> len)
for(size_t i = col; i < col + len; ++i)
data[row][i] = ch;
return data;
void Print(const StringVec& data)
for(const std::string& s : data)
std::cout << s << "\n";
std::cout << "\n";
int main()
Write("cupid.art", shapeCupid);
Write("boop.art", boop);
return 0;