VBA - 为工作代码中的特定错误抛出异常,IsNumeric问题?

时间:2015-07-02 19:42:51

标签: excel vba excel-vba exception-handling


我的代码强制任何TL值的长度为“TL-”之后的6个数字的长度,并且在“CT-”之后CT值与长度4相同。如果太短,则在“TL-”之后添加0;如果它太长,则在“TL - ”之后立即删除0。

TL- 0012    ->  TL-000012
TL-0008981  ->  TL-008981
TL - 008    ->  TL-000008


主要问题: 如果存在更多数字,它将获取所有这些数字。



Start:                        Output:
TL-000487  #3 5/7" Cutter     TL-487357
TL-000037(N123t3-01)          TL-37123301
TL-000094        CTAT15123    TL-9415123
TL-000187 TL-00017 TL-000678  TL-000187
TL-000205 TL-000189           TL-000205
TL-000996:.096 REAMER         TL-996096
TL-002313-(MF-4965)           TL-23134965


Start:                        Output:
TL-000487  #3 5/7" Cutter     TL-000487
TL-000037(N123t3-01)          TL-000037
TL-000094        CTAT15123    TL-000094
TL-000187 TL-00017 TL-000678  TL-000187
TL-000205 TL-000189           TL-000205
TL-000996:.096 REAMER         TL-000996
TL-002313-(MF-4965)           TL-002313



'force length of TL/CT to be 6/4 numbers long, eliminate spaces
Dim str As String, ret As String, tmp As String, j As Integer, k As Integer
For k = 2 To StartSht.Range("C2").End(xlDown).Row
    ret = ""
    str = StartSht.Range("C" & k).Value

    'for TL numbers
    If InStr(str, "TL") > 0 Then
    'if more than one TL value, delete everything after the first TL number
    If InStr(3, str, "TL") > 0 Then str = Mid(str, 1, InStr(3, str, "TL") - 2)
        For j = 1 To Len(str)
            tmp = Mid(str, j, 1)
            If IsNumeric(tmp) Then ret = ret + tmp
        Next j
        'force to 6 numbers if too short; add 0s immediately after "TL-"
        For j = Len(ret) + 1 To 6
            ret = "0" & ret
        Next j
        'force to 6 numbers if too long; eliminate 0s immediately after "TL-"
        If Len(ret) > 6 Then
            Debug.Print Len(ret)
            For j = Len(ret) To 7 Step -1
            If Mid(ret, 1, 1) = "0" Then
                ret = Right(ret, j - 1)
            End If
            Next j
        End If
        'eliminate superfluous spaces around "TL-"
        ret = "TL-" & ret
        StartSht.Range("C" & k).Value = ret

    'for CT numbers
    ElseIf InStr(str, "CT") > 0 Then
        For j = 1 To Len(str)
            tmp = Mid(str, j, 1)
            If IsNumeric(tmp) Then ret = ret + tmp
        Next j
        'force to 4 numbers if too short; add 0s immediately after "CT-"
        For j = Len(ret) + 1 To 4
            ret = "0" & ret
        Next j
        'force to 4 numbers if too long; eliminate 0s immediately after "CT-"
        If Len(ret) > 4 Then
            Debug.Print Len(ret)
            For j = Len(ret) To 5 Step -1
            If Mid(ret, 1, 1) = "0" Then
                ret = Right(ret, j - 1)
            End If
            Next j
        End If
        'eliminate superfluous spaces around "CT-"
        ret = "CT-" & ret
        StartSht.Range("C" & k).Value = ret
    End If
Next k

修改 CT问题


Start:           Output:
CT-0087 (TC-7988)    CT-0087
CT-0067-02           CT-0067
CT-0076-REV01        CT-0076
CT-0098-1 A          CT-0098


Start:           Desired Output:
CT-0087 (TC-7988)    CT-0087
CT-0067-02           CT-0067-02
CT-0076-REV01        CT-0076-01
CT-0098-1 A          CT-0098-1

所以应该总是有一个“ - ”和最多2个数字来抓取,但我只希望它能抓住它,如果短线紧随其后(CT-0087(TC-7988)不应该是CT- 0087-79)并且我不知道如何针对该特定问题抛出异常。想法?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

如果TL - ######总是你可以使用的前9个字符。


Dim iIndex As Integer

'If there is a space between TL and - "TL -" let's get rid of it.
iIndex = InStr(str, " ")
If iIndex = 3 Then
    str = Replace(str, " ", "", 1, 1)
End If

If Left(str, 2) = "TL" Then
   TL = Left(str, 9)
   TL = padZeros(TL, 6)
   StartSht.Range("C" & k).Value = TL
ElseIf Left(str, 2) = "CT" Then
   CT = Left(str, 7)
   CT = padZeros(CT, 4)
   StartSht.Range("C" & k).Value = CT
   MessageBox.Show ("We got a string we didn't expect.")
End If


Function padZeros(szinput As String, lenght As Integer) As String
    Dim temp As String

    temp = Trim(Right(szinput, 6))
    temp = Replace(temp, "-", "")
    temp = Replace(temp, " ", "")
    szinput = Left(szinput, 3)

    Do While lenght > Len(temp)
        temp = "0" & temp
    padZeros = szinput & temp
End Function

答案 1 :(得分:1)


  1. 我会将Instr函数的结果存储在变量
  2. 当你找到第一个" TL"您可以将这些字符作为答案的一部分。但这意味着您需要担心文本和数字之间的空格和连字符。我会寻找第一个" TL"然后从那个位置查看连续的字符,寻找第一个数字。这是您的电话号码的开头。应该删除该角色之前的任何内容。
  3. 要使用前导零来格式化数字,可以使用Format$函数。要删除前导零,可以使用CLng将字符串转换为长整数。
  4. 当您寻找" CT"时,您的代码中可能需要类似的代码。所以我建议创建一个返回数字的函数。
  5. 这是功能:

    Public Function ExtractNumberWithLeadingZeroes(ByRef theWholeText As String, ByRef idText As String, ByRef numCharsRequired As Integer) As String
    ' Finds the first entry of idText in theWholeText
    ' Returns the first number found after idText formatted
    ' with leading zeroes
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim thisChar As String
    Dim returnValue As String
    Dim tmpText As String
    Dim firstPosn As Integer
    Dim secondPosn As Integer
        returnValue = ""
        firstPosn = InStr(1, theWholeText, idText)
        If firstPosn > 0 Then
            ' remove any text before first idText, also remove the first idText
            tmpText = Mid(theWholeText, firstPosn + Len(idText))
            'if more than one idText value, delete everything after (and including) the second idText
            secondPosn = InStr(1, tmpText, idText)
            If secondPosn > 0 Then
                tmpText = Mid(tmpText, 1, secondPosn)
            End If
            ' Find first number
            For j = 1 To Len(tmpText)
                If IsNumeric(Mid(tmpText, j, 1)) Then
                    tmpText = Mid(tmpText, j)
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next j
            ' Find where the numbers end
            returnValue = tmpText
            For j = 1 To Len(returnValue)
                thisChar = Mid(returnValue, j, 1)
                If Not IsNumeric(thisChar) Then
                    returnValue = Mid(returnValue, 1, j - 1)
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next j
            'force to numCharsRequired numbers if too short; add 0s immediately after idText
            'force to numCharsRequired numbers if too long; eliminate 0s immediately after idText
            ' The CLng gets rid of leading zeroes and the Format$ adds any required up to numCharsRequired chars
            returnValue = Format$(CLng(returnValue), String(numCharsRequired, "0"))
        End If
        ExtractNumberWithLeadingZeroes = returnValue
    End Function


    ret = ExtractNumberWithLeadingZeroes(str, "TL", 6)

    你会得到类似" 000487"。


    'force length of TL/CT to be 6/4 numbers long, eliminate spaces
    Dim str As String, ret As String, k As Integer
    For k = 2 To StartSht.Range("C2").End(xlDown).Row
        ret = ""
        str = StartSht.Range("C" & k).Value
        ret = ExtractNumberWithLeadingZeroes(str, "TL", 6)
        If ret <> "" Then
            StartSht.Range("C" & k).Value = "TL-" & ret
            'for CT numbers
            ret = ExtractNumberWithLeadingZeroes(str, "CT", 4)
            If ret <> "" Then
                StartSht.Range("C" & k).Value = "CT-" & ret
            End If
        End If
    Next k


    Public Function ExtractNumberWithLeadingZeroes(ByRef theWholeText As String, ByRef idText As String, ByRef numCharsRequired As Integer) As String
    ' Finds the first entry of idText in theWholeText
    ' Returns the first number found after idText formatted
    ' with leading zeroes
    Dim returnValue As String
    Dim extraValue As String
    Dim tmpText As String
    Dim firstPosn As Integer
    Dim secondPosn As Integer
    Dim ctNumberPosn As Integer
        returnValue = ""
        firstPosn = InStr(1, theWholeText, idText)
        If firstPosn > 0 Then
            ' remove any text before first idText, also remove the first idText
            tmpText = Mid(theWholeText, firstPosn + Len(idText))
            'if more than one idText value, delete everything after (and including) the second idText
            secondPosn = InStr(1, tmpText, idText)
            If secondPosn > 0 Then
                tmpText = Mid(tmpText, 1, secondPosn)
            End If
            returnValue = ExtractTheFirstNumericValues(tmpText, 1)
            If idText = "CT" Then
                ctNumberPosn = InStr(1, tmpText, returnValue)
                ' Is the next char a dash? If so, must include more numbers
                If Mid(tmpText, ctNumberPosn + Len(returnValue), 1) = "-" Then
                    ' There are some more numbers, after the dash, to extract
                    extraValue = ExtractTheFirstNumericValues(tmpText, ctNumberPosn + Len(returnValue))
                End If
            End If
            'force to numCharsRequired numbers if too short; add 0s immediately after idText
            'force to numCharsRequired numbers if too long; eliminate 0s immediately after idText
            ' The CLng gets rid of leading zeroes and the Format$ adds any required up to numCharsRequired chars
            If returnValue <> "" Then
                returnValue = Format$(CLng(returnValue), String(numCharsRequired, "0"))
                If extraValue <> "" Then
                    returnValue = returnValue & "-" & extraValue
                End If
            End If
        End If
        ExtractNumberWithLeadingZeroes = returnValue
    End Function
    Private Function ExtractTheFirstNumericValues(ByRef theText As String, ByRef theStartingPosition As Integer) As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim tmpText As String
    Dim thisChar As String
        ' Find first number
        For i = theStartingPosition To Len(theText)
            If IsNumeric(Mid(theText, i, 1)) Then
                tmpText = Mid(theText, i)
                Exit For
            End If
        Next i
        ' Find where the numbers end
        For j = 1 To Len(tmpText)
            thisChar = Mid(tmpText, j, 1)
            If Not IsNumeric(thisChar) Then
                tmpText = Mid(tmpText, 1, j - 1)
                Exit For
            End If
        Next j
        ExtractTheFirstNumericValues = tmpText
    End Function