public void onPlayerInteractBlockSummonElemental(PlayerInteractEvent event) {
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
if (player.getFoodLevel() > 10){
if (player.getItemInHand().getType() == Material.BLAZE_POWDER){
List<Block> targets = player.getLineOfSight((Set)null, 100);
final Creature blaze1 = (Creature) player.getWorld().spawnCreature(player.getLocation(), EntityType.BLAZE);
final Creature blaze2 = (Creature) player.getWorld().spawnCreature(player.getLocation(), EntityType.BLAZE);
for (Block target : targets){
player.playEffect(target.getLocation(), Effect.SMOKE,5);
List<Entity> victims = (List<Entity>) target.getWorld().getNearbyEntities(target.getLocation(), 2, 2, 2);
for (Entity victim2 : victims){
final LivingEntity victim = (LivingEntity) victim2;
if (victim != blaze1){
if (victim != blaze2){
if (victim != player){
int count = 0;
while (count < 6) {
Bukkit.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskLater(MagictgCraft.that, new Runnable(){
public void run(){
if (blaze1.getTarget() == player){
if (blaze2.getTarget() == player){
count = count + 1;
int manaused = player.getFoodLevel();
manaused = manaused - 10;
答案 0 :(得分:1)
设置为瞄准最近的人类实体,因此产生玩家旁边的火焰不可避免地会导致他们很快瞄准玩家并被杀死(使用你的代码时) )。当他们瞄准玩家时,不是杀死火焰,而是不断重新设置他们的目标以便他们只攻击指定的实体。
public class BlazeTask extends BukkitRunnable {
int ticks = 0; //Tick counter to keep track of how long this task has been running
private Blaze[] blazes; //The blazes
private LivingEntity target; //The target
public BlazeTask(Location location, LivingEntity target, int amount) { //The location where the blazes will be spawned, the target and the amount of blazes you want to spawn
blazes = new Blaze[amount]; //Initialize the blaze array
for (int i = 0; i < blazes.length; i++) { //Spawn as many blazes as we specified at the location
//Also, shift the spawn location by up to a block (random) so that the blazes aren't clumped
blazes[i] = (Blaze) location.getWorld().spawnEntity(location.clone().add(Math.random() - Math.random(), Math.random() - Math.random(), Math.random() - Math.random()), EntityType.BLAZE);
this.target = target; //Set the target variable
public void run() {
if (++ticks > 20 * 10) { //If this task runs every tick, 200 ticks will equal approximately 10 seconds
cancelTask(); //Cancel the task if this task has been running for 10 seconds or more
if (!isValid(target)) { //If the target has died or is null, the blazes have completed their goal
cancelTask(); //Cancel the task (kill the blazes too)
int invalidAmount = 0; //Amount of blazes that are either null or dead
for (Blaze blaze : blazes) {
if (isValid(blaze)) { //If the blaze is still there
Entity currentTarget = blaze.getTarget(); //Get the target
if (currentTarget == null || !currentTarget.equals(target)) { //If the blaze doesn't have a target or the target is not the one we want
blaze.setTarget(target); //Re-set the target
} else { //If the blaze is dead or gone, increment the counter
//If for some reason, all the blazes were killed within the 10 seconds, cancel this task
if (invalidAmount == blazes.length) {
//This method is used above
private void cancelTask() { //Cancel the task by killing all blazes and also cancelling the task itself
for (Blaze blaze : blazes) {
if (isValid(blaze)) {
//This method is also used in the above run() method
private boolean isValid(Entity entity) { //Returns true if an entity is not dead and not null
return entity != null && !entity.isDead();
public void onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent event) {
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
if (player.getFoodLevel() < 11) { //This is the reverse of player.getFoodLevel() > 10
return; //If the food level is 10, 9, 8 etc., don't do anything
if (player.getItemInHand().getType() != Material.BLAZE_POWDER) {
return; //If the player is NOT holding blaze powder, don't do anything
List<Block> sight = player.getLineOfSight((Set) null, 100); //Get the blocks in sight
//Get closest entity code
for (Block block : sight) {
player.playEffect(block.getLocation(), Effect.SMOKE, 1); //Play the smoke effect
List<Entity> entities = (List<Entity>) block.getWorld().getNearbyEntities(block.getLocation(), 2, 2, 2); //Get entities near block
if (entities.isEmpty()) { //If there are no nearby entities, continue to the next block in sight
for (Entity entity : entities) {
if (!(entity instanceof LivingEntity)) { //If the nearby entity is not a LivingEntity, continue onto the next nearby entity
LivingEntity victim = (LivingEntity) entity; //The closest living entity
if (victim.equals(player)) { //If the entity is the player itself, continue onto the next nearby entity
BlazeTask task = new BlazeTask(player.getLocation().clone().add(0, 4, 0), victim, 2); //Initialize the task, the 2 at the end is the number of blazes
task.runTaskTimer(this, 0, 1); //Run the task with a 0 tick delay and a period of 1 tick (run every tick)
player.setFoodLevel(player.getFoodLevel() - 10); //Lower food level
return; //Return so that the loop is exited and we don't keep checking blocks/entities