
时间:2015-07-02 09:25:35

标签: sql sql-server excel



我希望按生产者,电影和国家分组,以及#34; Film Right Type"正如列中所见,以及"可用性"作为右类型列的值。


Select product_detail.pd_product_code as 'ProductCode',
product_analysis.pa_m_9 as 'Producer',
product_detail.pd_abbv_description as 'Film',
product_detail.pd_commodity_code as 'Country',
variant_analysis.vaa_c_10 as 'Film Right Type',
case when isnull(variant_analysis.vaa_l_1,0) = 0 then  'Non-Exclusive' 
    case when dateadd(day,datediff(DAY,0,isnull(orders.LastDate,getdate())),0) > dateadd(day,datediff(DAY,0,getdate()),0) 
    Then 'Available On '+convert(varchar(10),Orders.LastDate, 103)
    Else 'Available' 
end as 'Availability'

From product_detail
join variant_detail on variant_detail.vad_pd_id = product_detail.pd_id
left join variant_analysis on variant_analysis.vaa_vad_id = variant_Detail.vad_id
left join product_analysis on product_analysis.pa_pd_id = product_detail.pd_id
join (select count(variant_detail.vad_id) as CountVariants, variant_Detail.vad_pd_id from variant_Detail group by variant_detail.vad_pd_id) as Variants on Variants.vad_pd_id = product_detail.pd_id
Outer Apply
    (select top 1
    customer_detail.cd_statement_name as Customer,
    order_header_analysis.oha_d_2 as LastDate, 
    system_order_type.sot_description as OrderType, 
    order_header.oh_order_number as OrderNo
    from order_header
    join customer_detail on customer_detail.cd_id = order_header.oh_cd_id
    join order_line_item on order_line_item.oli_oh_id = order_header.oh_id
    join system_order_type on system_order_type.sot_id = order_header.oh_sot_id
    left join order_header_analysis on order_header_analysis.oha_oh_id = order_header.oh_id
    where order_header_analysis.oha_d_2 >= getdate()
    and order_header.oh_sot_id in (1, 2, 3)
    and order_line_item.oli_vad_id = variant_detail.vad_id
    ORder By order_header_analysis.oha_d_2 desc) as Orders 
where isnull(variant_analysis.vaa_l_2,0) = 0

这是我目前获得的数据: current data

这就是我想要最终结果的方式。 enter image description here

修改: 在使用枢轴后,我几乎得到了我想要的东西。 我的下面的查询给出了我所需要的内容:

Select * 

Select product_detail.pd_product_code as 'ProductCode',
product_analysis.pa_m_9 as 'Producer',
product_detail.pd_abbv_description as 'Film',
product_detail.pd_commodity_code as 'Country',
variant_analysis.vaa_c_10 as 'FilmRightType',
case when isnull(variant_analysis.vaa_l_1,0) = 0 then  'Non-Exclusive' 
    case when dateadd(day,datediff(DAY,0,isnull(orders.LastDate,getdate())),0) > dateadd(day,datediff(DAY,0,getdate()),0) 
    Then 'Available On '+convert(varchar(10),Orders.LastDate, 103)
    Else 'Available' 
end as 'Availability'

From product_detail
join variant_detail on variant_detail.vad_pd_id = product_detail.pd_id
left join variant_analysis on variant_analysis.vaa_vad_id = variant_Detail.vad_id
left join product_analysis on product_analysis.pa_pd_id = product_detail.pd_id
join (select count(variant_detail.vad_id) as CountVariants, variant_Detail.vad_pd_id from variant_Detail group by variant_detail.vad_pd_id) as Variants on Variants.vad_pd_id = product_detail.pd_id
Outer Apply
    (select top 1
    customer_detail.cd_statement_name as Customer,
    order_header_analysis.oha_d_2 as LastDate, 
    system_order_type.sot_description as OrderType, 
    order_header.oh_order_number as OrderNo
    from order_header
    join customer_detail on customer_detail.cd_id = order_header.oh_cd_id
    join order_line_item on order_line_item.oli_oh_id = order_header.oh_id
    join system_order_type on system_order_type.sot_id = order_header.oh_sot_id
    left join order_header_analysis on order_header_analysis.oha_oh_id = order_header.oh_id
    where order_header_analysis.oha_d_2 >= getdate()
    and order_header.oh_sot_id in (1, 2, 3)
    and order_line_item.oli_vad_id = variant_detail.vad_id
    ORder By order_header_analysis.oha_d_2 desc) as Orders 
where isnull(variant_analysis.vaa_l_2,0) = 0
) as FilmVals

  for FilmRightType in (
    [Theatrical], [DVD], [Blu ray], [Free TV], [Pay TV], [Video on Demand Catch Up], [Subscription Video on Demand], [Advertising Video on Demand], [TV On Demand Download to Own], [TV On Demand Download to Rent]
) piv;

我想从数据库中将RightTypes列表设置为动态。 我使用XML Path创建了另一个查询,它以正确的格式返回数据:

(Select left(RightType.RightTypesList,len(RightType.RightTypesList)-1) From (Select
    '['+variant_analysis.vaa_c_10+']'+', '
    from variant_analysis
    where variant_analysis.vaa_c_10  is not null
    order by 1
    For XML Path ('')) as RightTypesList) as RightType)


Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 44
Incorrect syntax near '('.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 52
Incorrect syntax near ')'.

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

尝试在SQL中使用PIVOT运算符 Here就是一个例子